26 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Canada, I moved this post from Gesso up.

    Hello! This is an old thread but I found it as I do research on this Nov 8 eclipse hitting Canadas Pluto/Saturn opposition (with t. Saturn making tsquare)

    So close to the mars rx (so close to moon rule rod our 4th and 5th) and I’m unsure how to interpret this huge energy
    Being 1/7 axis I don’t totally understand it. There is definitely a lot of upheavals happening

    The charter trial begins soon, as well as a drive for Canada to be the pilot project for cbdcs and digital id, but not sure how that fits with what I’m seeing here
    Any other ideas from you smart folks? Lol I have a basic understanding of mundane but feeling like something big is looming for us here


  2. Hi Marjorie,
    Just read couple of articles suggesting Gove could be caretaker PM by Christmas as a Unifying candidate. What do you see for Michael Gove in the future?

    Does it look like Prime Minister Gove?

    Thank you

  3. Marjorie, Adrian Ross Duncan writes, after careful analysis of Russia’s past wars from various historical charts, he thinks Ukraine will join the EU in 2028 following a rolling Russian revolution in 2025 – 2027. I was wondering if you had any thoughts about Ukraine eventually joining NATO?

  4. The charity Mermaids are in the news. As well as challenging the charity status of LGBAlliance, it appears to be offering medical advice to children without parental consent and there is also a trustee with abhorrent interests. I can only imagine what else will be revealed.

    So many questions for an organization with both celebrity and political endorsement, as well as lottery funding.

    • I second a request re Mermaids. Assume youve heard the news about Jacob Breslow resigning from Mermaids and on forced sabbatical from the LSE?
      Would also like to look at M.A.Ps, P.I.E mark two.

  5. The DailyMail and Page Siz reported Tom Brady and his wife hired divorce lawyers and are officially splitting with a source saying there is no going back.
    Can you do an analysis on this? It’s interesting both of their charts denote their areas of focus in life will be on their personal finances this year and next, as he amassed $250M last year alone in deals and football! What could possibly have them financially worried.

  6. Hi Marjorie,
    aside from the political drama in our minds lately, could you do a post on Dwayne Johnson? He has another movie coming out and has been mega successful over the last year with his other movies.
    I am curious about his transits over the coming years. Any interesting things coming up?

  7. Hi Marjorie,
    Viola Davis did an interview with Oprah on Netflix. She discusses her poverty stricken childhood, etc. She has a fascinating story but I couldn’t find any posts about her here. May be worth a look if you have a chance. Thank you.

  8. Chechen leader recommends using nukes on the Ukrainian army to help “control the newly annexed lands”. Ramzan Kadyrov, leader of the Chechen republic, stated, “There is no need to make every decision with the Western American community in mind.”


    Pls tell me is isn’t gonna happen. Prevailing winds would carry the cloud northward over eastern Europe, over the pole, thence over Canada and Western US. Just as happened with Chernoble.

    Lots of sabre rattling…and supposedly Putin stated, “Well the West set precedent during WW2…”


    • I seriously doubt this would happen. Ramzan Kadyrov is an idiot and he’s been known to make outrageous comments like this in the past given that he kisses up to Putin.

      I read that even though Ukraine isn’t a NATO member, if nuclear weapons were used, then it would still trigger Article 5 because other surrounding nations would be affected (those surrounding nations are NATO members).

      • “Putin orders nuclear military train to Ukraine front line”


        Behind a paywall, of course. I found another, similar article on CNN but now it’s disappeared.

  9. Hi Marjorie,

    I actually had another question. The other night, African-American R&B singer, songwriter, and flutist Lizzo was given the opportunity to play a historic 200 year old crystal flute from The Library of Congress that had been gifted to President James Madison in 1813 at a concert she was holding in Washington, D.C.

    She played the flute for only a minute or two before handing it back to the caretakers. Lizzo then gave a shout out to the audience and did a dance before leaving the stage.

    The audience seemed pleased. However, conservatives like Justin Shapiro and other public personalities immediately took to social media condemning Lizzo for playing the flute and accused her and “the liberal left” of disrespecting “White” American culture, U.S. History, and cultural heritage.

    In other words, it turned into a bizarre controversy.

    I was wondering if you had an astrological perspective to add to this ridiculous fiasco.

    I found that Lizzo’s birth time is listed as 2:30 pm and she was born “Melissa Viviane Jefferson” on April 27, 1988 in Detroit, Michigan.

  10. I’ve really enjoyed your charts on the Royal Family – thank you! Is it possible to look at Queen Margrethe of Denmark sudden decision to strip titles from 4 of her grandchildren? She seems to be aiming for a slimmed down monarchy, rather like Charles.

    And on a sadder note: it seems possible that the body of 12 year old Keith Bennett has been found at last. He was abducted and murdered by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley – one of 6 children they tortured and killed. I grew up less than an hour from Saddleworth Moors, and the Moors Murders haunted my childhood.

    If it is Keith, I hope with all my heart that this brings his surviving brother Alan some peace. I don’t know if a chart will show any kind of closure on this horror?

  11. The upcoming election in Brazil, which presents a stark choice between proto-facist Bolsonaro and the left wing Lula DaSilva deserves some of your astro-analysis Marjorie.

  12. Marjorie,

    As someone else asked, I too am curious about the sham referendum votes that were held in Ukraine’s Donbas region.

    Putin made a big announcement today recognizing 4 disputed regions as now being officially integrated into the Russian Federation. Putin was very gitty about this as well.

    Also, I don’t know if this is of any real significance, but according to The Telegraph, it’s been reported that Putin is now encouraging peace talks with Kyiv. Frankly, that seems unlikely to me – I honestly can’t imagine Putin, of all people, encouraging peace talks with anybody (especially since he was the perpetrator of this war).

    Anyway, I’m asking about the referendums because Putin did make this announcement on a Friday while Mercury is still in retrograde. Signing documents, making agreements, etc. are usually discouraged during times like these (just like when Moon is in Void). So, I’m wondering if this could all backfire.

    One more thing, I’ve noticed many astrologers are using the August 1991 charts for Ukraine and the Russian Federation. However, wouldn’t it make more accurate to use the December 26, 1991 charts for these nations instead?

    I know August 1991 was when Ukraine and the Russian Federation declared their independence from the Soviet Union, but it wasn’t ratified until December 26, 1991 when the Soviet Union officially ceased to exist and the international community officially recognized all 15 former Soviet Republics as sovereign states.

    Thank you in advance, Marjorie.

  13. Simply to say, thank-you for all your recent work putting out a series of charts on The Queen, Royals, Tory party, Liz Truss etc.

    I’ve appreciated having somewhere to discuss all these.

  14. Within a short period of time, nuclear power plants slated for imminent closure in; Diablo canyon California, Pickering Ontario and 3 in Germany have been renewed or extended. France and Japan have also recently committed to building new plants entirely.

    Might this be the start of a nuclear renaissance? Or just all hands to the pumps for the moment?

  15. I have amended the time of the Queen’s death and thus Charles’ Accession to 3.10pm and replace don the September 11th post. It doesn’t make a huge difference to the 2.37pm time. Though it puts Mars closer to the Descendant which could be argumentative. And brings opinionated Pluto into the communicative 3rd.

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