18 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Latest voices from Kremlin are that purges have started. Apparently, right now it’s FBS “foreign service”, who do, in fact, operate in ex-Soviet countries, to take the hit, but these things creep up.

    Another observation: March is a terrible month for Russian/Soviet rulers. Lots of deaths, as well as Moscow Peace in Winter War (March 13th, 1940) and Lithuanian Independence Restoration (March 11th, 1990).

  2. Just re-read your France post from late last year given the upcoming election. The current situation sheds new light on your comments.

    On a totally separate, non political note, I just looked briefly at a chart for the sinking of Shackleton’s ship on 21 nov 1915 and the date they have just found it (5 March), I see Jupiter was at 18 Pisces when it went down and there we have it again almost at the same Pisces degree with the sun now. As well as the north node now close to (or on) the Taurus moon from the 1915 date. I don’t know the date when it set sail. Always intrigued by the astrology of mysteries or things lost and when they are rediscovered or solved.

  3. As we approach the Piscean Jupiter/Neptune conjunction and with the news today of Russia’s admission that they have used thermobaric weapons in the Ukrainian invasion (The Guardian), as well as fears over the possible use of chemical weapons it’s concerning to see that the conjunction will be opposing Ukraine’s natal Mars in Virgo (1991). I wondered if you could look at the conjunction and how it affects the nations involved, Marjorie. Thank you.

    • Just wanted to add that I’m aware that the J/N conjunction is connected with the refugee crisis as it was when J opposed N in Virgo, 6 or so years ago with the Syrian conflict.

  4. I am suggesting the following as they are NOT Ukraine/Russia related!

    In the last week grime artist Dizzee Rascal was found guilty of assaulting an ex-partner and allegedly assaulted a press photographer shortly after the verdict.

    Also, is it worth having an update on former House of Commons speaker John Bercow in light of the standards panel ruling he is a bully and a serial liar!

    Many thanks

    • I realise NOT Russia sounds appealing but I really cannot be doing with music business and celeb trash – Racal, Ye, Kardashies etc.
      On Bercow – why do these things only come down after a decade?? or so. When its all over anyway.

      Life is very depressing and irritating at the moment. Though we can hardly complain admittedly.

  5. As noted elsewhere, today is International Women’s Day. I was wondering if you ever do the charts of historical figures, such as the suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst, or Millicent Fawcett, for example? Or Susan B.Anthony in the US. I am curious how the energies they were born with led to the kind of courage and determination they showed. TIA

  6. Greetings! Have you done a profile of Tucker Carlson, FOX News host? Or did I miss that? I have seen his birthdate reported as May 16, 1969 10:07a PT, San Francisco, CA
    Curious about the next few years ahead and his popularity.

  7. Dear Marjorie,

    Could you take a look at Andrew Marr, born on 31 July 1959 at 07:25 in Glasgow, Scotland?

    His new show, on LBC, starts today, Monday, 7 March 2022, at 18:00, in London, UK, so maybe you can see something from the show’s chart as well.

    Two days ago, it was the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s birth, whose death is still mystery. He was born on 5 March 1922 at 06:30 in Bologna, Italy.

    Thank you so much for everything you do.

  8. Could you have a look at the chart for the US comedian Pete Davidson please? As current boyfriend of Kim Kardashian he is coming in for some serious abuse from her ex Kanye West.

  9. Hi Marjorie,

    In honor of Women’s History (I like to say HerStory) Month, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing a segment on the late (but still great) self-taught Ukrainian visual folk artist Maria Prymachenko.

    Maria Prymachenko is considered a national treasure and a symbol of Ukraine’s rich cultural heritage.

    Prymachenko was known for her vibrant and colorful abstract paintings that often depicted peaceful scenes of nature, animals, children, and rural Ukrainian culture. Some of her paintings also depicted subliminally subversive themes too – for example, one of her works is titled “May that Nuclear War Be Cursed” which was painted in 1978. In addition to painting, Prymachenko was also known for her embroidery.

    Tragically, a few days ago, Russian forces struck the Ivankiv Historical and Local History Museum which housed many of Prymachenko’s paintings and Ukrainian folk arts of other artists. The museum reportedly caught on fire and burned to the ground. 25 of Prymachenko’s paintings were supposedly destroyed in the fire.

    However, some reports say that locals were able to rush into the burning museum and saved 10 of Prymachenko’s paintings. I don’t know if the 10 that were saved were part of the 25 that were originally reported as destroyed.

    Anyway, since following the very distressing situation taking place in Ukraine, I’ve been trying to promote and highlight Ukrainian cultural figures to show support as well as to emphasize the fact that Ukraine has her own identity.

    I’m an art lover and I’ve been exploring many of Maria Prymachenko’s works lately. They are very whimsical and captivating.

    I wasn’t able to find a birth time for Maria Prymachenko. However, I do know she was born on January 12, 1909 in Bolotnya, Ukraine.

    Any thoughts or insights you could share with regards to Maria Prymachenko would be sincerely appreciated. And as always, thank you so much for your daily posts – I do enjoy reading them.

    Chris Romero

  10. Still on the Australian theme, what was the astrology of Shane Warne that allowed him to become one of the best bowlers in cricket history, live life to the full, die young and receive a state funeral.

    • Yes, I would be interested in the astrology for Shane Warne (and his relationship with Liz Hurley. They remained good friends afterwards; was it a case of opposites attract). And Neighbours…does the astrology indicate whether the ending of the series in the Summer is terminal, or just ‘resting’ till a new investor pops up? There was the Neighbours racism row about ‘direct, indirect and casual racism’ experienced by non-white actors that blew up last year. Then this year Channel 5 (UK) announce that they are pulling the plug on funding Neighbours for other ventures hence its current predicament.

  11. If it’s not too flippant for the times we live in. I note Australian soap “Neighbours” is being rested (ending?). A quick look on wikipedia shows it first aired on 18 March 1985 at 6pm (Melbourne time where it is set).

    What intrigues me is this is only a month after Eastenders 19 Feb 1985 (7pm London) which has lasted equally well.
    Obviously similarities and yet a month is a long time ass Neighbours had a volatile start, changing networks in the first year then taking the UK by storm and proving more popular here than Australia.

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