18 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi, I know I’m sporadic here these days, given I seem to be at that moment where Capricorn Moons (especially women) get really busy professionally well in their 40’s or over.

    But since I’m now down with a regular seasonal flu and haven’t got energy for much but scroll Twitter, I noticed Stephanie Grisham, a former Trump Press Secretary I used to call “Bad Janet” (fans of show “The Good Place” will get this) for her robotic appearances on various talkshows has a “tell-it-all” book coming these days. Now, I have skipped most of Trump literature since he was voted out, but this one seems to be particularly juicy, and I would love some further insight on Stephanie, and her relationship to DJT. I do have her birthdate as July 23rd, 1976, and knowing people born close to that date, she should be heavily Leo.

  2. Hi Marjorie,

    Would you be willing to share your thoughts regarding the Facebook whistleblower, Frances Haugen, whose interview on the US program “60 Minutes” aired last night, followed by the subsequent outage of Facebook and its related websites and applications less than 24 hours later?

    Thank you

  3. Hi Marjorie,
    Any thoughts on US Presenter, TV anchor Katie Couric. Excerpts from her book reveal a rather ruthless character at odds with her friendly image. Curious to knOw what her chart reveals.
    Thank you

  4. Hi Marjorie,

    You usually use 10th May 1912 as the UK Conservative Party natal chart. On a Google trawl earlier today, I notice one astrologer considers The Tamworth Manifesto as the birth of modern conservativism (18th December 1834, London 00:00 used; this could be because there is no specific time). Is there any merit in referring to the Tamworth chart as an alternative?

    • I’ve also seen 12th April 1868 as the date for the formation of the Conservative Party. Is there a reason for the preferred use of the 1912 date?

      • I need to rephrase the last question… Is there a reason for the preferred use of the 1912 date given that it is effectively a name change? (Incidentally, at this time I haven’t found any other reference to the April 1868 date so I am unsure of it’s significance).

  5. Hello Marjorie
    Wondering if you could take a look at democratic Senators Kyrsten Sinema, of Arizona since Jan, 2019 (July 12, 1976 Tucson, AZ) and Joe Manchin, of West Virginia since 2010 (August 24, 1947 Farmington, WV. Both Democratic senators have mounted an impressive spectacle and picking a fight with the progressive wing of the party on infrastructure bill but also other bills such as voting rights even if that means derailing President Biden’s campaign agenda.

  6. Any astrological thoughts on the case of the French serial killer (Le Grêlé), an ex-officer, who confessed this week in a suicide note. Not just the individual himself but any astrological reasons why the case should now be solved after 35 years.


    Also noting that, while the case is very different, this all unfurled the same week that Sarah Everard’s killer raised concerns about Birtish police officers.

  7. Hi Marjorie, could you have a look at the chart of former kid’s tv presenter Paul Ballard who has just been jailed for rape on top of a recent jail sentence for killing 2 people in a car crash while high on cocaine. He was such a lovely young man it is hard to comprehend the monster he turned into. Wikipedia gives his date of birth as 9 March 1982.

  8. Hi Majorie,
    Could you possibly do an update on Prince Andrew and the Queen? The trending story of the Telegraph is that she will pay millions to fund her son’s lawsuit against Virginia, because he can’t afford it. Twitter is not pleased. Thanks!

    • Blavatsky is an interesting case, a really clever conwoman. I used to read her a lot when a twenty year old, along with Castanada , Krishnamurti and Kahil Gibran, all frauds to one degree or another.
      Talking of which I wonder if you would have a look at Roger Hallam 4 May 1966, the Xtinction Rebellion leader?
      As an environmentalist it horrifies me what he is doing to the cause with his unconscionable cruelty.

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