21 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie,

    I remember a comment once which compared the GB 1707 and UK 1801 charts and noted that the former had the Sun conjunct the MC (rule from the top down by an elite) while the latter had Sun conjunct IC (power ultimately being driven from below – although the progress of democracy in the UK was slow, it at least took place over the centuries). Is there any wider truth to this pattern? Would be interested to know which other countries had their Sun conjunct the MC or IC.


  2. Was reading your original posting for covid. Fascinating. I’d wanted to ask if there’s a specific date tied to its “eruption”. Most sources claim 12/31/2019. Is it possible to associate that date with when covid will “disappear” according to Emperor Trump? He’s pushing hard to cure covid (the magic vaccine) so he can win the hearts, votes, and checkbook balances of all registered American voters.

    Will it happen before 11/3/2020? 😉

  3. Any thoughts on Yoshihide Suga born 6 December 1948 in Ogachi, Japan the front-runner for
    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s job (who is stepping down for health reasons)?
    Thank you if you do Marjorie.

  4. Hi Marjorie,

    Any thoughts on what’s in store for Japan? Shinzo Abe’s chronic medical condition has seen him step down. You mentioned in an August 2018 post on him that he had a major setback coming in 2019 and then more troubled times ahead personally and politically. That has certainly played out.

    Yoshihide Suga (DOB 6 December 1948), Japan’s chief cabinet secretary and a long-time lieutenant of Abe, seems to have the backing of the ruling party.

  5. Hi Marjorie,
    Any thoughts on the upcoming New Moon in Virgo on September 17 at Noon UTC?
    From my limited knowledge looks like a nice 1.
    Thank you if you comment.

  6. *** Revised post ***


    Just curious; did you have any astrological insights regarding the so-called “Melania Tapes” that former fashion executive Stephanie Winston Wolkoff claims to exist?

    Stephanie Winston Wolkoff was a public-relations manager for Vogue Magazine from 1996 to 2010 and she has close ties to various celebrities, socialites, and big wigs in the fashion and entertainment industries. She and Melania Trump first met in 2003 and were apparently close friends for many years and Wolkoff even served as a senior advisor to Melania until 2018.

    Wolkoff just had a book published titled “Melania and Me” that was released yesterday (Sept. 1, 2020) and she claims she has tapes of recorded conversations to back up everything written in her book.

    Apparently, Wolkoff claims Melania Trump used a private e-mail address and there are some discrepancies concerning millions of dollars that were supposed to go to Trump’s Presidential Inaugural Committee.

    I believe it was The Washington Post that broke this story….and it’s been further discussed on The Rachel Maddow Show and Newsweek.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

  7. 3 synodic cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto start in 2020, and will have tremendous generational influence. What will be some of the qualities of the newbies born this year that are the harbingers of the new era? Thx!

  8. More headlines – perhaps ominous – about Little Rocket Man’s sister becoming more powerful, ahead of Kim jung un. Some offshore articles suggest that she was “off’d” like other family members who are now feeding the worms. She is known for being a more cruel terror than her brother.

    Also suggestions of NKorean ICBM launches after the US election…or soon before…to remind the winner that Rocket Man still is alive (albeit more round and plump than ever).

    It would be a change of news channel from the US situation.

  9. Hello Marjorie

    Can you please look at ERG Chairman Mark Francois who hero Winston Churchill.

    As always – Thanks

    • one would need an astro assessment based on the country and your natal chart for best integration of both “personalities” (person and country). I’ve had this done for Germany and France charts. oddly, I don;t seem to fit in well within the US, and historically I’ve always been happiest working in foreign lands.

  10. There was a winky face after the bit about fleeing for a reason. Is there any time period in which the US chart appears to reach some form of stability—and to me that would include liberalism and democracy taking primacy. 2022? 23? 24? Never?

  11. As long as covid numbers are terrible in the US, the rest of the “safer” world can and will keep the doors closed to US citizens. No telling what happens if Drompf wins the election.

    Open to comments.

  12. Is there any time period in which the US chart appears to reach some form of stability—and to me that would include liberalism and democracy taking primacy. 2022? 23? 24? Never? We need to make plans to stay or flee. ; )

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