12 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie,
    Oscar winning Actress, Charlize Theron is 45 today, born August 7 1975 at 8.23a.m., in Benoni, South Africa.
    Would you have any thoughts on her future? She’s been extraordinarily successful and unusual for a
    Southern Hemisphere Actress/Star.
    Thank you if you comment re her.

  2. Greenland is in Trump’s binoculars again. Denmark was once again approached to sell the country to Trump (via the US government). Does he want to rebuild Camp Century…then lease it to Putin? Wouldn’t that be odd…

    • Hi Marjorie,

      I’m surprised to see that no-one has set out a birth chart for Daniel Andrews, beleaguered Premier of Victoria, Aus. He was born 6 weeks premature, at 3 lbs, in Williamstown, Victoria on 6th July 1972.

      He went straight from university, where he tried and failed to get an honours degree (although after 5years he did get a normal Bachelor’s degree) to working for an MP and then into politics.

      His disastrous failure to properly police quarantined travellers from oversees, and nursing home carer failures have unleashed covid on an Australian population that was relieved we had missed most of the virus.



  3. Marjorie: BREAKING NEWS: New York’s attorney general has just filed a massive lawsuit to dissolve the National Rifle Association, citing outrageous fraudulent behavior on the part of Wayne LaPierre and colleagues. The AG is seeking millions in restitution from the organization. This is huge!!! Can you comment on the future of the NRA and LaPierre in light of this action?

  4. Hi Marjorie
    Hacks and data breaches happen on an almost daily basis in cryptocurrencies : cryptowallet firm Ledger revealed a major security breach of its market database a few days ago. Yet Bitcoin and other crytocurrencies have become an alternative to centralised banking…

    Bitcoin being the most well-known digital payment system, are there prospects for widespread use in the future or, since most Central Banks are working on digital currencies which will give countries the ability to design independent payments systems, will it be less popular ?
    As Bitcoin was released during a Saturn/Uranus opposition, I guess the Saturn/Uranus square of 2021-2022 will be make or break time!
    Thank you if you can have a look.

  5. Hi Marjorie,

    Could you please look into the chart of PD James, crime author? She was born on 3rd Angust and spent her life until her 60s as a full time hospital administrator, until her books became successful (which gives me hope!). She brought up her children as a widow.



  6. Well, it was bound to happen, sooner or later: Illinois community leaders want to abolish history lessons in schools. HB 4954


    What to do with all those books? Burn them? Poor Montag. Meanwhile, does the human race, at least in Illinois, simply live within its own bubble of knowledge? Will there be historical clerics reviewing all new material? Do kids sit around campfires reciting politically-correct fairy tales?

    Food for thought.

  7. I wonder if you ha e ever. Looked in the chart of Alessandro Zanardi (Born 23. Oktober 1966 In Bologna, Italy). He used to be a formula one driver. After a huge accident 2001, he kept positive despite amputated legs and was successful in handbikes and paralympics competitions. This year he was again involved in a huge accident while competing. Since he is in hospital in a severe state. I wonder what kind of constellations he had on both days he had those massive Life changing accidents

  8. John Hume passed away last night.
    Born 18 January 1937 in Derry, there would be no peace process without his resilience, tenacity
    which took its toll.
    Any comments Marjorie?

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