16 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Dissident republicans are being blamed for killing 29-year-old Lyra McKee (31/3/90) during rioting after police searches in Derry’s Creggan area on Thursday night. This is a tragic loss. She recently signed a two-book deal with Faber, who called her a “rising star of investigative journalism”. Her last tweet, sent from the scene of the unrest was “Derry tonight. Absolute madness”.

  2. Someone mentioned “Who shot J.R.?” in another posting, and that reminded me of Joan Collins, whose flat in Belgravia went down in flames a few days ago. Well, not all of it, I think, but a part. Joan, of course, starred in Dynasty, not in Dallas, but somehow all those 80’s soap belong to the same family of series to me. It’d be a nice write-up to see what her planets are up to now. Her chart is C-rated.

  3. That is appalling, scary and very upsetting. Eugh, poor Paris – Notre Dame is the heart of the city and it looks as if it has gone altogether.

    • At the time Notre Dame was burning, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusaleum was on fire. Al-Aqsa is the third holiest site in Islam.

      • It was first reported that the Notre Dame fire started at two different places. It is now reported that the Al-Aqsa fire began in the guard room of the Marwani prayer room (Solomon’s Stables) at the Temple Mount and then was reported that it was set by children in the courtyard. Again, two places.

        A coincidence, but strange.

    • it is horrendous no doubt, and casting an astrology chart on my part isn’t giving clear answers on how or why this may have happened …still cannot believe this happened.

      Horrible that, this destruction may have been caused by renovation works, meant to restore, and ironic that the president did appear on TV on the time he said he would, but for a completely different disaster.

  4. “So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!”

  5. *what are these numbers? I meant 3317 Paris asteroid is at 0 Libra, and 148 Gallia (Gaul, France) is 2 degree of Taurus, for the today.

  6. Marjorie, you already know but I was also going to ask about what in the skies happened that Notre Dame Cathedral is on fire and the spire gone, roof collapsed, and the stained glass windows are already melted , that is hundreds of years of human history up in flames just like that…hard not to be very upset about this.

    What is this auguring for France? For what it’s worth the asteroid for France is 148 Gallia (Gaul) at ‘13 Taurus’ and Paris 3317 at 29 degree of Virgo almost opposing that troublesome Mercury in Pisces we have had this year.

  7. Cathedral of Notre Dame on fire. What happened? Brexit now this.

    Trump providing firefighting suggestions via Twitter. He hasn’t yet tweeted about raking leaves away from the building.

  8. “Lori Loughlin pleads not guilty” Admissions scandal. I suppose with money and prestige all things are possible…”Lori Loughlin pleads not guilty in her first response to the college admissions scam”

    (CNN)Actress Lori Loughlin and her husband Mossimo Giannulli have pleaded not guilty to two conspiracy charges in the college admissions scandal, according to federal court filings entered Monday.

    They also waived their right to appear in court for an arraignment on a money laundering charge, according to the signed documents. Loughlin’s not guilty plea to charges of conspiracy to commit fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering is her first substantive response in the case. Prosecutors say she and Giannulli paid $500,000 to a fake charity to get their two daughters accepted into the University of Southern California, falsely designating them as crew recruits.”


    Will justice catch up to this one?

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