Pete Buttigieg – a fiery and inspiring kick off



Just a quickie on Pete Buttigieg, who has become an unexpected rising star since launching an exploratory low-key start to a Presidential bid in January and yesterday made it official.  He declared himself in at around 2pm in South Bend, Indiana, yesterday. This puts the Aries Sun exactly trine Jupiter in a nearly exact trine to a Leo Moon  – so an inspirational, confident, attention-seeking Fire Grand Trine. The Sun is also in a heavy-duty square to Saturn Pluto – but he has that anyway in his chart, so it won’t bother him as much.  If the time is about right Uranus is hovering around the midheaven or in the 10th for a reformist, mould-breaking run.

He does have tr Uranus square his Jupiter in Scorpio over the election which will be good news, though he has other less helpful influences also running. See earlier post March 19 2019.

A gruelling campaign will take the edge off his enthusiasm but he’s one to watch now and for the future.

8 thoughts on “Pete Buttigieg – a fiery and inspiring kick off

  1. Thank you Margorie for your brilliant insight as always:) I see a lot of glue between US Silby chart and his natal: his Scorpio moon squares US moon (I have a strong feeling its in Scorpio, he was in the closet for a long time which may not have been in the case if he had a Sag moon), his Sun/Moon/Nodes aspecting US Pluto/Mercury opposition, his Mercury/Saturn&Mars trine combines with US Mars into a beautiful grand air trine. Lastly his Mars exactly squares US sun, and a double whammy between US Mars trining his Saturn & US Saturn conjunct his Mars, and to top it off US MC trines his Venus! One thing for sure he has a lot of potential to be a great politician:)

  2. Could you take a brief look, if you find the time and have the will, at his husband, Chasten (Glezman) Buttigieg? Internet tells me he was born on 23 June 1989 in Traverse City, Michigan. Thank you!

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