Princess Anne transformed from a talented equestrian with a belligerent approach to the media into an industrious, under-stated Royal with a punishing workload of annual appointments. She travels frequently abroad for Save the Children fund which earned her a Nobel nomination. Her distaste with the fairytale princess role saw her dispense with the early glamourised photographs to adopt a more functional, less eye-catching appearance. And despite her obvious admiration and affection for the Queen, she kept her children out of the Royal carnival by insisting they did not have titles.
Although she was always thought of as her father’s favourite she became the Queen’s rock after the Buckingham Palace break in and more recently through the Queen’s decline and spent the last 24 hours hours with her. She stalwartly accompanied her mother’s coffin from Balmoral to Edinburgh and thence to London, all in the public gaze, which took resilience and all of her stiff upper lip training, though even she looked teary eyed.
Born 15 August 1950 at 11.50am, she has an authoritative, authoritarian and emotionally battened down and private chart. Her Leo Sun conjunct Pluto in her 10th suits her for a public role in which she can exert considerable influence. Her dutiful Virgo Moon is conjunct Saturn and Mercury, which would have tied her into her mother with a strong sense of obligation. She also has a healing and immensely self-protective Water Grand Trine of a 1st house Mars in Scorpio trine Uranus in the far-travelled 9th trine Jupiter in her 5th house of children and sport.
Her Mars trine Uranus would give her a liking for speed and high-risk situations and a short fuse. Her Pluto will make her a control-freak and not always easy in relationships.
She has had a lively romantic life not all of which ended up in the media, with two marriages and has a close relationship with her two children. Her daughter Zara and her husband now live close by on the Gatcombe Estate as did Peter Philips – both children have a Pluto in hard aspect to their Moon.
Princess Anne is much further down the line of succession than she should be since the 2013 law change which put women on an equal footing to male Royals was not made retrospective.
If Charles has any sense he’ll lean on her and reorganise the Counsellors of State who can represent the monarch on official duties to include her. At present they include the Duke of York and Sussex (who have to go promptly) and – for reasons beyond understanding – Princess Beatrice.
Both the Queen’s Taurus Sun and Charles’ Taurus Moon fall in Princess Anne’s 7th house bringing a strong sense of partnership. Though in both cases they oppose Anne’s Mars – so there would be robust discussions at times. What helped her relationship with her mother was an affectionate Venus and enthusiastically-supportive Jupiter in their relationship chart. With Charles she’ll appreciate space but there’ll be a sense of mutual support and duty as well.
Anne is undoubtedly in one of the worst times of her life having lost her father in April 2021 and now her mother. Tr Uranus was trine her Moon in the aftermath of her father’s death and is trine her Uranus Mercury as her mother dies. More punishingly her Solar Arc Sun is conjunct her Mars at the moment for a major shock and that is intensifying over the next few months. The October Solar Eclipse will conjunct her Mars with a strong hint that she needs to slow down in the months thereafter and not keep running around constantly. She’s likely to be argumentative as well.
Her Solar Arc Uranus is also conjunct her Mercury and Saturn for a considerable jolt, again echoing down the next few months. Plus a disruptive and upending tr Uranus square her Pluto picking up from mid October along with a separating tr Saturn opposition her Sun, extending into early 2023. So the immediate future will test even her fortitude. By 2024 tr Pluto will square her Mars as it is poised to move into her 4th house of family and roots so her challenges will not be receding for a while.
Her SA Moon in Scorpio is on the Queen’s natal Saturn right now which was always going to be a challenge; it was activated by the total lunar eclipse at 25 Scorpio only a few months ago. We don’t know what was going on with Queen’s health, but Boris Johnson said of his final meeting with the Queen that she was “clearly not well” at the time.
I had to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen and all her heirs. Princess Anne was the one I respected the most!
Why the ugly side of the Queen’s legacy matters.
Teia, thank you for the link. However, this article fails to understand that the Queen, and her predecessors since the 17th century, has no power of her own. Parliament has the ‘power’, that’s the British constitution as far as there is one. The execution of Charles 1st and the Republic that followed are the point where this changed.
Furthermore, it’s vital to consider the roles of the Dutch East India Company (1602-1795), the East India Company (1600-1874) and others, such as the French Compagnie des Indes. These incredibly wealthy, powerful entities had private military power too, and bought influence over the state and governments of the day through the enormous wealth available to them.
They were responsible to their shareholders, in a way we understand today, but we don’t have global corporations with their own military presence, thank goodness. So much of what happened with colonization is inextricably linked with these ‘companies’ – across the far East, India and Southern Africa for the Dutch, and significantly with India for the East India company, and the Compagnie des Indes (also North Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia, Polynesia…). Some people still speak French and eat croissants in Pondicherry/Puducherry in India for example.
Corporate power, wealth and greed underpins the wider history of our world for centuries. Sadly, that is still the case today all around the world.
2019’s book by William Dalrymple on the East India Company is an enlightening read.
Is it possible that we could have a Queen Beatrice on the throne at some future date, Marjorie?
At the start of every reign the revenues of the Crown Estate have since the reign of George III been handed to the Treasury. In exchange the King is paid the Sovereign Grant which is considerably less than the revenues of the Crown Estate. The Royal Family and it’s pomp and circumstance being in a lot of tourism revenues. The Queen was hugely regarded and adored by many many people from around and her family are loved. They (or the majority of them) serve this country and promote various charities and good causes. Would you honestly prefer a President like a Johnson, Blair, Corbyn?
Thanks Charlotte. I agree the thought of an official President is far from appealing. The Royal Family do generate a huge amount of tourist revenue. Not only that, the ‘soft power’ role cannot be underestimated in terms of what that means for successive governments, the security services, diplomacy, and so on. There’s always so much hidden beneath the distracting surface of pomp, celebrity, and ceremony.
It’s interesting to look at some astrology for Cromwell’s time. The English Republic has a chart for March 27th, 1649 (Book of World Horoscopes). It has an oppressive Pluto and Saturn conjunct the Nodes in Gemini, opposing Uranus and Neptune conjunct in sometimes religious or even fanatical Sagittarius. Venus is 20 Taurus, a sensitive sign and degree this year. Perhaps that Venus also suggests the way Cromwell behaved in a ‘royal’ way, as if he were some kind of republican ‘king’.
When Britain’s modern arrangement of a democracy with a limited monarchy came into being (February 23, 1689) Uranus was 19 Taurus – so it’s back there again now. Pluto was 23 Cancer, and Neptune 10 Pisces.
King Charles has spoken of a ‘slimmed down’ monarchy in the past. I think if he’s able to modernise things, he will. I’d imagine Princess Anne would support him in this, since she’s already ‘slimmed down’ her own life, and refused titles for her children.
@Charlottec, It was fascinating to hear King Charles rescind his claim to Crown Estates revenues. History in action!
You imply that the Royal Family have made some sort of financial contribution by not receiving Crown Estate revenues in their entirety.
In reality, the reason why they are handed over to the Treasury is because King George 111, when greatly indebted accepted an annual grant from the government in place of paying the judiciary, civil service, military, etc.
It wasn’t until 2011 that for the first time since George 111 a monarch benefitted from Crown Estate revenues. They still belong to the state despite the ritual handing over on succession.
Prince Charles negotiated swapping the 1990’s £7,9 million Civil List for an annual sovereign grant of 15%, (now 25%) of Crown Estate revenues. By 2018 the grant had risen to £82 million per year. Today it is much higher due to receiving 25% of the sale of coastal wind farm licences and inflation proofing.
It is amazing and painful to watch how the media and news journalists are competing for coverage. Britain is suffering mass hysteria! Turning the Queen’s death into a circus.
I completely agree that it’s truly bizarre but, on the subject of Princess Anne she is the only one of them that have truly ever worked for others less fortunate and is surely the only one who is not a worthless privileged twit.
The media is truly bizarre at the moment and is showing clearly how the rich elite operate, turning the people into Pavlovs dogs. I find it amazing that it feels like 1622 not an enlightened 2022.
You can tell that it’s the last full year of Pluto in Capricorn and they, the elite think we are all ants under their feet.
@ Lyn, don’t worry , the deluge of complaints, criticisms and arguments has already started. They will be an interesting illustration of transition from Pluto in Capricorn to Aquarius.
King Charles Achilles heel is money. Marjorie commented on his natal chart placement. His own mother bewailed his personal extravagance, but no one has yet suggested that he’s used shady characters’ wheelbarrow loads of cash for anything other than his charities.
You overstate your case. Just because he’s rich and privileged doesn’t negate his ongoing valuable work on behalf of underprivileged young people who others had ignored, conservation and ecological matters.
Interestingly Princess Anne too works hard and long for others. The apple and all that. The younger generation? We’ll find out. So far, not so good.
Yet underneath all this flimflummery are serious financial issues. It looks as if some deal may have been made regarding royal palaces, artworks etc perhaps in return for the 25% of Crown Estate income negotiated by Prince Charles with George Osborne. Despite its name, Crown Estate income belongs to the State not the Crown.
Not paying inheritance tax on secret Wills is reprehensible and in my view, unjustified. All this will be disputed and argued over, with presumably more anomalies coming to light.
Why do we have a monarchy? Who knows? No one would design such a system now. It seems to fulfill a need. Perhaps we need a continuous soap opera to anchor us. Maybe it’s just because we like it. It’s a mystery. Long live the King!
Ps the astrology of all this is fantastic. Checking back historically, extrapolating to the future! As a non-astrologer but long term follower, thank you. Your comments are enlightening, thought provoking, sometimes infuriating but always a must read.
Thank you too Marjorie for your marvellous posts. Their spread and depth is breath taking. Beautifully written too. Aren’t we lucky! An oasis of sanity in an increasingly weird and turbulent world.
Try telling that to the tens if not hundreds of thousands who have directly benefitted from the Princes Trust set up by Prince Charles, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, now run by Prince Edward. The media is truly having a bizarre moment continuing to actively promote celebrity culture with little regard for fact checking or offering a balanced perspective. And yes, we are all becoming much more aware of how the rich AND political elites operate, including those who have a vested interest in attacking the institutions of democratic countries. In 1621, King James I of England, and King James VI of Scotland reigned over completely separate and independent Kingdoms each with Parliamentary rule. So yes I’d say a lot, including The Enlightenment, has happened since then.
Thanks Marjorie. Princess Anne is such an admirable character. I thought of her response when an armed would-be kidnapper told her to get out of her car in the Mall, on 20 March, 1974 – she told him, “not bloody likely”…. Several men were shot by the kidnapper, but she held her nerve, aged 23. Perhaps the Moon, Mercury, Saturn line-up had something to do with her cool head in a very frightening and unstable situation?
what a wonderful, dutiful daughter. I have 5 siblings all girls, I was the only one that stepped up when my mom was diagnosed with dementia, husband (not my father abandoned her). She would have become a ward of the state aka put in a nursing home. Hardest job I’ve ever done and so proud of Anne for having a beautiful relationship with her mom.
Mother and daughter relationships are not easy but I so admire her.
As a side note I read and not sure how much is true (frick and frack) the couple formerly known as the Duke and Duchess of success have not been given titles by their grandfather Charles III, didn’t they say he was racist and threw them out without money. Megs had money from acting and Harry from his mother’s estate. They also declined a title for Archie. So now they want it? Nuff said, netflix, spotify, archewell and Oprah did not give them enough exposure in the real world to make millions. Those titles mean something now, I guess.
After King Charles and Prince William, the three Cambridges (now Waleses) will still be in line to the Throne before Prince Harry, even if they are not 21.
The requirement to be 21 only applies to Counsellors of State, not to succeeding as monarch.
In any case, I’m not sure what the fuss about Counsellors of State is. Counsellors of State can be assigned powers for only specific events or limited circumstances. So, for instance, Queen Elizabeth II authorised Princes Charles (as then) and William to open Parliament in 2022. That power was specific to that event and ceased when it was carried out.
Being Counsellor of State is not a general power of attorney for the monarch. If the monarch is totally incapacitated or under-age, a Regency would be appointed by Parliament and would not be automatic anyway.
Apologies. This was meant to be a response to Zita’s post below.
@Unmystic Mom. Thanks. I didn’t realise that Counsellors of State didn’t give ongoing powers. Actually, I don’t know anything about it. My comment was mainly a bit of levity to relieve some of the shock and sadness of the last few days.
“If Charles has any sense he’ll lean on her and reorganise the Counsellors of State who can represent the monarch on official duties to include her. At present they include the Duke of York and Sussex (who have to go promptly) and – for reasons beyond understanding – Princess Beatrice.”
The Counsellors of State are not appointed by the King/Queen, but the next four adults in line to the Throne are automatically Counsellors of State, in addition to the monarch’s spouse.
Thus, Princes William, Harry, Andrew and Princess Beatrice.
If Prince Harry ceases to be domiciled in the United Kingdom, his place would be taken by the next seniormost in the line of succession, Princess Eugenie, then Prince Edward and then Anne.
Parliament would have to pass a law to change the rule on Counsellors of State, as it would if Prince Harry were to be deprived of his Dukedom, which is why no action will likely actually take place.
But I agree with your main points on Princess Anne. She is the Queen’s child that I admire the most. Quiet, no-drama and goes about her work without any fuss. Even Zara Tindall nee Phillips, her daughter, seems to have a similar streak.
Thank you Marjorie. There was a lovely picture the other day of the wedding one of Mark Philips’ daughters, with Princess Anne and Zara happily in the thick of it. For all her somewhat austere personality, she seems to have managed her family life well. Actually, she seems to manage everything well, even her weight. Same size as when she married!
Hope she’s not too scarred by what is to come. Having been through years of a still ongoing pluto, saturn, uranus, mars phase, I tremble for everyone else who has to too.
Let’s hope King Charles elevates her to an important role in his new regime. He needs her.
This Counsellor of State thing is bizarre. Dukes of York, Sussex and now Princess Beatrice? Very odd. Perhaps there’s been a deal with Prince Andrew. I read somewhere that as long as Prince Harry is domiciled in the UK he can retain his role as Counsellor, hence the renewal of the Frogmore lease.
The idea that any of them will take over should anything happen to King Charles or the Duke of Cambridge is mind boggling. Quickest way to end the monarchy, I’d have thought.
Apparently as long as nothing happens before George, Charlotte and Louis attain the age of 21, it will be ok. Perhaps the astrology shows that it’s worth a punt?!
The obsession with the royal family in the UK is unbelievable. We have created illusions and fantasies in our own minds about these people who are no different than the common person, they just have a privileged role in society. Tax payers work hard to fund their extravagant lifestyles and defend them to death. Why give your money to a family that dictates how the rest of us should live? The collective consciousness needs a major awakening.
As a taxpayer not sure I begrudge them £1.29 a year. Or that we have a politically independent judiciary. Or that the Armed Forces swear allegiance to a politically neutral head of state. Or that all these mechanisms of state, all these checks and balances to power, have been honed by very hard won experience over hundreds of years. Just as well they have no power at all to tell anyone how to live.
Princess Anne has a reputation of being a strong person but she looked bereft after her mother died. You would have a very hard heart not to feel for her seeing the sadness etched on her face last Friday. Like her Mum she has been one of the most reliable performers for the House of Windsor down the years and given the choice many people would have selected her as the most suitable successor to the throne. I hope she does not overcompensate for the Queen’s death by taking on too much work.