The shifting sands of Royal favour have thrust Sophie Wessex and Prince Edward into the foreground after the death of Prince Philip and Megxit. But the reasons behind their elevation may tell against them when the Queen hands over. Sophie has become the Queen’s trusted support and Edward was evidently (oddly) Philip’s favourite. Whether they will stay as popular when the next generation steps up is questionable. Charles is notoriously prickly and the younger two Royals, Andrew and Edward, undoubtedly received more of their parents’ attention which will have stoked up more than a hint of sibling animosity.
Edward’s relationship chart to his father was affectionate, supportive and exceptionally close; with his mother much the same though to a lesser extent. Sophie’s bond with the Queen is supportive, enthusiastic and emotionally close.
On the other hand Edward’s relationship with his elder brother Charles is edgy, explosive, power-struggling for the upper hand, and will come under immense pressure with considerable upheavals in 2024/25 and on. Edward’s relationship with Prince William is part friendly and part aggravated with bad feelings underling the polite smiles – and will sag from this year onwards for several years. Sophie gets on even less well with William, which may not be obvious on the surface, but there is an undertow of hostility – which again may become more obvious in 2024/25.
Edward and Sophie’s marriage, of all the Royals seemed the oddest match and yet it has been the only one to survive. They were married on a Uranus square Saturn and their relationship chart is very Saturnine – with a composite Sun Saturn and Venus Saturn conjunction and Saturn square the composite Moon. Saturn puts work first, emphasises duty and gives longevity if cutting down on warmth. The composite Venus is also opposition Uranus Pluto so it will be emotionally changeable.
But there are reasonable crossovers with her Aquarius Moon chiming with his Aquarius Moon and her Venus in Capricorn trine his Venus in Taurus. Though it will be argumentative since both their Mars oppose the other’s Sun and Moon respectively.
Their two children see them as very different personalities. Lady Louise (8 Nov 2003 23.32hrs, Surrey) , was born on a Full Moon of a 4th house Scorpio Sun opposition a 10th house Taurus Moon. James, Viscount Severn (17 Dec 2007 16.20 hrs Surrey), who is a powerhouse of confidence and probably arrogance and a risk-taker, has his Sagittarius Sun square his Moon. He’ll be one to watch. Lady Louise has Uranus and Mars in her 7th as well as a Full Moon and two Yods in her chart so won’t settle easily or quickly into a settled marriage; and will need to carve out her own unique path in life.
“James, Viscount Severn (17 Dec 2007 16.20 hrs Surrey), who is a powerhouse of confidence and probably arrogance and a risk-taker, has his Sagittarius Sun square his Moon”
Strange. In an interview about the D of E awards last year, when asked about home schooling in a time of Covid, Prince Edward described his son as shy and introvert – hence loving being at home, versus his daughter who hated it as she was missing her friends.
Have added his chart. Pluto conjunct his Sun and square his Moon maybe keeping him under the parental thumb for now – but wait till he grows up.
I think all the Queen and the late Duke asked for of their children was loyal support, so I am not surprised that Sophie and Edward are well regarded by the Queen.