Pamela Anderson, the Baywatch bombshell with a terrifying childhood and a rackety adult life of sex tapes, scandals, multiple husbands – boobs, blokes, animals and activism – is back centre spotlight with a memoir and Netflix documentary. She traces her path from Canadian rags to Malibu riches via the Playboy mansion. She was sexually assaulted by a female babysitter, raped by a family friend, gang-raped by her boyfriend and his friends — all before graduating high school. Her parents, in their teens when she was born, were “the local Bonnie and Clyde”. Her wild father who once forcibly held her mother’s face to the cooker and drowned a sack of kittens in the river in front of her is forgiven for everything. This is no woe-is-me, Sussex-style misery memoir. She wrote it herself, “no ghostwriters, no collaborators or book doctors”.
She has been married six times, early on to the violent drummer Tommy Lee who sounds not unlike her father, delighted in Hugh Hefner and latterly dallied with Julian Assange.
She was born 1 July 1967 4.08 am Ladysmith, BC, Canada, and has a 1st house Cancer Sun below a Gemini Ascendant with a fiery Aries Moon. Her Sun is square a downbeat, forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries and her Moon is in a fiery opposition to Mars, which is mercifully in her performing 5th house giving her an outlet for her high energy and aggravation. Her upbeat Jupiter in Leo in her communicative 3rd house will give her an ever-optimistic outlook.
Her childhood home with a constantly churning and changeable Uranus Pluto in Virgo in her 4th would be unnerving but her Venus also there hints at love amongst the chaos. Her Venus square Neptune will give her a forgiving streak if not good judgement about men.
She seems refreshingly untouched by regret or blame – which makes a change.
She’s been dazzling in her recent appearances too, embracing aging with style and grace.
She seems quite indomitable.
“Her Sun is in a downbeat, forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries” some word missing here ?…square perhaps?…
I think so too.
I watched the documentary last night, and even if I’ve followed Pamela closer than most due to her well documented Finnish roots, was surprised on articulate she is (I’d say: Mercury sextile Uranus).
Other thing I noticed, she definitely has tons and tons of Finnish “sisu”, ability to endure and overcome physical and psychological hardship. And therefore, it’s interesting that Pamela’s direct paternal line, that of her “bad boy” father Barry, comes from Saarijärvi, which was immortalized in National imaginary by poet J.L. Runeberg in his poet about a local farmer enduring Jobian ordeals, but finally prevailing in the early 19th century. This hits home, because I discovered, some years ago, that my paternal line also leads to Saarijärvi (we are around the neck of the wood, but still what would have been a day’s journey in the 18th century).