Greece – out of the bail-out but not out of trouble * updated

       Greece has entered “a new chapter” Jean-Claude Juncker cheerily said as banners in Brussels were raised for the ending of the country’s 8 year bail-out programme. In Greece there is less jubilation with a fifth of the working-age population out of work, youth unemployment running at 43.6% – the worst in the EU; … Read more

Italy moves to the hot seat – EU cash disaster in 2019

       The economic panic button has moved off Turkey onto Italy with Claudio Borghi, the chairman of Italy’s budget committee, sounding doom over the European Central Bank’s intention to cease to be the lender-of-last resort by the end of this year.  He said, “The whole situation is unsustainable without an ECB guarantee, and the … Read more

Nigel Farage – you win some, you lose some

     Nigel Farage, a key figurehead in the BREXIT campaign and long-time-eurosceptic, appears to be a person of interest in the Mueller Russia investigation for his and Brexit chief donor Aaron Banks’ meetings with Russians. He describes the notion as part of a “vast conspiracy theory” and “hysterical rubbish”. Farage visited Julian Assange in … Read more

Theresa May – two off the gangplank, will she follow?

       Theresa May gave a robust speech today in Westminster as David Davis, her Brexit negotiator (in name anyway), and Boris Johnson, her hapless Foreign Secretary, (he might have been pushed) exit stage left. The media are shrieking headlines about shattering blows to a beleaguered PM and an imminent no-confidence vote. But there’s nothing … Read more