Northern Ireland – no quick n’ easy solutions



Northern Ireland has double trouble with the Brexit headache looming large and no functioning cabinet. It’s more than 600 days since the power-sharing government collapsed into stalemate and Theresa May has not stepped into to take charge through direct rule, because her hare-brained reliance on the DUP in Westminster would give rise of concerns about bias in their favour. Civil servants are overseeing a budget of more than £10 billion and problems are piling up because of a backlog of decisions which civil servants have no authority to take.

The Northern Ireland, 7 December 1922 3.28pm Belfast chart, certainly shows a panicky, uncertain and blocked phase picking up two years ago for both Brexit and the political impasse. Solar Arc Saturn made a discouraging opposition to the Moon, and there was a jolting Solar Arc Uranus opposition the NI Sun at that point. Then an undermining tr Neptune started to square the NI Sagittarius Sun and Mercury running on till late 2019; with a dead-halt Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the NI Saturn exactly now; plus a financially worrisome Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Venus, exact in early 2019. 2019 as well sees tr Pluto opposition the NI Cancer Moon for high angst and emotional responses from the no doubt fed-up population till late 2020.

There won’t be much joy until 2020 when tr Uranus opposes the Jupiter for a sigh of relief; and expansive tr Jupiter moves through the NI 8th house of business finances for a year. And even then tr Pluto is moving closer to conjunct the midheaven (start time being accurate) in 2023/2024 which suggests a critical point in the Northern Ireland’s destiny with massive changes to status, reputation and direction in the years following.

The relationship charts between UK 1927 and UK 1801 with Northern Ireland both indicate considerable pressures at the moment and through 2019; but more major and ominous challenges (for Unionists) into the 2020s from 2022 onwards for two or three years.

Politicians everywhere are beyond a dead loss.

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