UK 2008 to 2016 – desperate for change at any price *update

      The financial crash started with the sub-prime mortgage crisis building through 2007, exacerbated by major banks risky lending practices over-leveraging bad debt, which resulted in the Lehman Brothers collapse on 15 September 2008. Pluto moved into Capricorn for the first time in January 2008 setting the scene for what followed, zig zagging back into … Read more

Labour in a fix – Starmer on best form * updated

       The Labour leadership, Corbyn and McDonnell, are in a double-bind pulled between their longstanding dislike of the EU and their membership which favours a People’s Vote by nine to one with 90% wanting to remain according to David Lammy MP. Corbyn’s relationship chart with the EU has a bitterly hostile composite Mars opposition … Read more

Chuka Umanna – facing out the Labour left * update

    Cartoon: Andy Davey: @Cartoon4sale Labour MP Chuka Umunna has accused leader Jeremy Corbyn of driving centre-left MPs like himself out of the party and he urged him to “call off the dogs” – hardline factions who are intent on changing selection procedures to run out moderate MPs. He said instead the party should be fighting … Read more