Theresa May – dancing to a mystery tune ** Add on

       Theresa May’s inner workings mystify most people. Rock-solid, not a lady for turning, yet she seems to lack a coherent vision that drives her actions, leaving the impression, in Matthew Parris’ memorable phrase, of ‘an enigma without a secret’. Her strongest Harmonic is the 16th – putting the 16H Sun square Uranus Saturn; and … Read more

Carole Cadwalldr & Baroness Trumpington – two of a kind

       Two feisty Mars Jupiter Libran women are in the news today. First is Carole Cadwalldr, the Observer/Guardian journalist, who has won the Foreign Press Association media award for her reporting on the links between Cambridge Analytica, the UK’s pro-Brexit campaigners and Donald Trump presidential election team. This on top of several previous awards, … Read more

George Soros – anti-Semitic conspiracy theories gone mainstream * Add on

       George Soros has become the favourite bogeyman among white nationalists and neo-Nazis with claims that describe him as a dangerous “puppetmaster” behind a variety of alleged global plots, including the migrant caravan. Even Trump, when asked, added his tuppence-worth of vague support to the latter notion. He’s become anchored at the centre of … Read more