Nicola Sturgeon – doesn’t have her problems to seek



Nicola Sturgeon isn’t having a good summer with troubling economic figures for Scotland showing it lagging behind the UK as a whole and making independence a less attractive prospect even with the Brexit guddle. Now she’s getting slated by her political rivals about what she knew and when of the sexual assault allegations against Alex Salmond, former First Minister and close colleague.

And naturally enough fringe supporters have turned the allegations into a gigantic conspiracy theory, a smear campaign by the unionist state against a victimised Salmond. She’s caught between a rock and a hard place, trying to look fair-minded and distancing herself from the investigation.

Her term chart, 12 May 2016 9.35am Edinburgh, while seeming to be robustly grounded with an Earth Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Pluto trine Venus Mercury (and Sun), is formed into a Kite by an over-hopeful Jupiter opposition Neptune, making idealistic and unrealistic Neptune the driving planet. That opposition also forms an uncertain, wobbly square to Saturn. Tr Neptune will continue to oppose the Jupiter and square Saturn till early 2019 – so it’ll be swampy ahead for a few months. The January 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse will also conjunct the Term Pluto (square Uranus) as tr Pluto starts to square the Uranus for a general upset which will run on till late 2019.

Her own chart, 19 July 1970 3.16 pm Irvine, has been jangled this year already by tr Uranus square her Mars, and twice again into early 2019. Plus a dreary slog tr Pluto trine her Saturn in 2018/2019. The July 2018 Solar Eclipse in Cancer was conjunct her Cancer Sun, so crises were always likely in the aftermath. And that won’t let up much given the eclipses in 2019. Neptune will be dissolving and undercutting her plans through this year, next and into 2020; with aggravation from Uranus in December and January 2019 and after May 2019 into 2020.

Her relationship chart with Salmond while friendly with a composite Sun Venus, has a sharper-edge than appeared in public with a teeth-gritted composite Mars square Saturn; and was always destined to be constantly changing. It looks to be separating further in 2019 with tr Saturn squaring the composite Sun Venus.

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