Grace Jones – persistent lateness to boost an entrance

The larger and louder than life Grace Jones, Jamaican supermodel, singer and actress has produced her memoirs, in which she devotes a chapter to her resolute lateness for all appointments and even concerts. Born 19 May 1948 she’s a Sun Taurus square Mars in Virgo – so feisty, stubborn, determined. She’s got an adventurous Jupiter … Read more

Kamel Daoud – talented, brave and making a difference

Kamel Daoud is an Algerian journalist and novelist whose first novel The Meursault Investigations won the Prix Goncourt amongst others. He’s had a fatwa issued against him for his writings on Islam (see Saudi Arabia below). Born 17 June 1970 in Algeria, he’s a Sun Gemini square Pluto, trine Jupiter in Libra; with Pluto in … Read more


ECLIPSES 2024    The first of this year’s eclipses comes on March 25 with a Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra/Aries. Pluto will trine/sextile the Full Moon to provide a degree of get-it-together energy. Though Neptune widely conjunct the Sun opposition Moon may cast an air of dither and drift into proceedings. Jupiter Uranus conjunct … Read more