Stephen Paddock & Pa – apples don’t fall far

      The father of Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, was psychopathic with suicidal tendencies according to the FBI, who put him on their Most Wanted list after he escaped from a federal prison. He was an armed bank robber, gambler and fraudster. Benjamin Hoskins Paddock was born 1 November 1926 in Wisconsin, one day after Jimmy … Read more

Spain – Neptune & Uranus pulling it back into civil war

      Spain is practically on civil-war footing over the Catalonia independence referendum, which the Madrid government has declared illegal and sent in baton-wielding national police firing rubber bullets to enforce their will. Hundreds are reported to be injured in Barcelona. Officials involved in planning the vote have been charged with sedition and hundreds … Read more

Roy Moore – deranged theocrat selected by GOP voters *updated

    Reactions from disbelief to outrage greeted Roy Moore’s win at the Republican primary for Jess Sessions’ Senate seat in Alabama. Described as ‘a deranged theocrat’, he is virulently anti-gay, fanatically anti-Muslim, was a leading voice in the anti-Obama birther movement; and has waged a long battle to blend church and state – ‘returning … Read more

Anthony Weiner – couldn’t take a telling

      The mystifying self-destruction of Anthony Weiner, ex-congressman and husband of Hillary Clinton’s closest aide Huma Abedin, reaches closure as he is slapped with nearly two years in the federal penitentiary for sexting a minor. He’d already lost his career in a previous sexting scandal in 2013, when Huma was pregnant; before that … Read more