James Comey – Truth, Lies and Leadership

         James Comey, former head of the FBI whom Trump sensationally fired last year is on a revenge mission with a new book ‘A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership.’ Even before its April 17th publication, it’s top of the Amazon bestseller list. The book promises “never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations … Read more

Stephen Miller – a corrosively contemptuous Pluto in Scorpio

        Stephen Miller, one of Trump’s closest advisers, a vociferous opponent of immigration, with a passion for American exceptionalism and racial superiority as well as a penchant for outrageous provocation was born 23 August 1985 4.53pm Santa Monica, California. He was a trenchant conservative even in college, railing against multi-culturalism and Spanish-language announcements and … Read more

Michael Savage – venting his spleen from a lousy childhood

     An even wilder conservative talk show host than Ingraham, Michael Savage has been heavily criticised because of his virulent comments against homosexuality, Islam, feminism, sex education, and immigration. He’s barred from UK for “seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred.” He thinks liberalism and progressivism are destroying the US, … Read more

Jordan Peterson – meeting political correctness head on

     Controversial views on gender and identity politics have shot an obscure Canadian clinical psychologist and academic to fame. Jordan Peterson, known as ‘the cowboy philosopher’,  has waded into the linguistic morass around the transgender debate and been challenging the orthodoxies of political correctness and the culture of victimhood he believes is sweeping across … Read more