Democratic melee – present frontrunners may not last

None of the leading Democratic candidates look exactly on sparkling form astrologically speaking for the 2020 election  Below is a pull together of previous posts. Stacey Abrams, former Congresswoman in Georgia and first African-American to deliver a response to the State of the Union address earlier this year is being talked of as a possible … Read more

Israel elections – Netanyahu’s anti-Palestinian push backfires

Israeli elections rarely throw up an outright winner with weeks if not months of protracted coalition negotiations usually following; and this one looks like even more of a deadlock – between the two main contenders Netanyahu and Gantz. This is the second election in five months and leaves Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, in … Read more

Catherine the Great – a Pluto in Capricorn enlightenment

A new regal blockbuster and probably bonkbuster series will hit the screens late October with Helen Mirren starring as Catherine The Great, Empress of Russia in a period drama full of “politics, passion and power”. The Sky blurb says the four-part drama “delves into the politically tumultuous and sexually charged court of the most powerful … Read more

Canada elections – same dilemmas as elsewhere

The starting pistol has been fired for Canada’s election on 21st October with all the indications that the country is mired in the same swamp as others – with lacklustre enthusiasm for the candidates on offer and a polarized electorate divided on climate change, immigration, attitudes towards public institutions, worries about trade wars as well … Read more