Ireland – a political football

There’s a savage irony about Ireland becoming the stumbling block to the ‘never-ever-shall-be-slaves’ Brexit lobby, given the 800-year history of first England, then the UK meddling, at times brutally, in Irish affairs. Joe Biden has now added a clarion call to the other dissenting voices indicating that the Good Friday Agreement can’t become a casualty … Read more

Bollywood – in the wrong kind of spotlight

Dark tales of corruption and worse in Bollywood, the Indian film industry, are stalking the media. Which hardly makes it different from Hollywood where since the earliest days crime, cover-up and financial ‘manipulation’ have been the watchword. Even today drug-taking is almost de rigueur.  Though Bollywood does appear to have stronger links to organised crime, … Read more

Charles & Karen Spencer – try, try, try again

Charles Spencer, Princess Diana’s brother, has been talking about his upbringing and his third marriage. He says his unhappy, traumatic childhood with his mother leaving when he was two and being sent to boarding school at 8, sent him into two failed marriages until he went into therapy to sort himself out. He has four … Read more

Lily Allen & David Barbour – stuck on you

Singer, songwriter Lily Allen has married actor David Harbour, best known for Stranger Things in Las Vegas, in a wedding officiated by an Elvis impersonator. Both have had complicated lives with Lily Allen on her second marriage with two children from a previous one, blighted for several years by an unstable stalker, with pregnancy mishaps … Read more

Sushant Rajput – a frenzied diversion

The suicide of a Bollywood actor, Sushant Singh Rajput, in June has dominated headlines for months, sparking off a curiously Indian media storm, with sensationalist coverage, unverified conspiracy theories and allegations given air time on nationwide newscasts. The coronavirus outbreak, the second-largest in the world, has been pushed to one side.   He apparently had … Read more

Another Boris U-turn – running roughshod across trust ++ legal fracas

Breaking a promise made less than a year ago, Boris has chucked a hand grenade into the Brexit impasse saying he will tear up the Northern Ireland section of the Withdrawal Agreement to avoid returning to a hard border. Commentators say that cases of democratic governments seeking to unilaterally overwrite ratified international agreements are rare; … Read more

Alistair Campbell – surviving depression in the family

Alastair Campbell, the controversial aide and campaign director for Tony Blair, much-criticised for the Iraq ‘dirty dossier, has since exiting No 10 made a career out of mental health activism. He talks widely in the media about his own depression, breakdown, alcoholism, suicidal impulses, self-harm and has a new book out: “Living Better: How I … Read more

Money men making profits out of misfortune

Despite sharp condemnation from Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, the hedge fund scavengers continue to short sell, betting against stocks they reckon will fall. Bailey said what they are doing: “might not be frankly in the interest of the economy, the interest of the people.”    Financier Crispin Odey claimed returns of … Read more