America’s confessional tour-de force Oprah Winfrey, having retired in 2011 from her top-ranking (for 24 years) talk show, has recently jumped back into the arena. She’s partnered with Apple TV for The Oprah Conversation which launched in 2020 as tr Uranus squared her Aquarius Sun Venus. To date she’s interviewed Barack Obama, Stevie Wonder, Matthew McConaughey, Dolly Parton, Mariah Carey and others. On March 7th she adds a Meghan Markle and Prince Harry special as another notch on her belt.
Although tr Saturn is moving through her lower-profile, less hard-working First Quadrant for some years ahead, she’s clearly incapable of taking it easy. Though not everything she touches will turn out successfully. Luckily March 7th looks good news en passant with tr Jupiter trine her Libra Midheaven. Though she’ll have a few sinking moments through this year and next.
Meghan is a reasonable mix with her since Oprah’s Sun Venus fall in M’s 7th for friendly co-operation and Oprah’s Moon is in M’s attention-grabbing 5th. More pointedly Oprah’s do-or-die determined Pluto is in M’s 2nd house of finances, so M will reckon Oprah could boost her income. Though it won’t all be plain sailing with Oprah’s Mars conjunct M’s rebellious Uranus; and Oprah’s Uranus square M’s Pluto so there will be hot spots and disruptions. The proof will be in the pudding as this year wears on with the Oprah/Meghan relationship chart catching the full brunt of the tr Uranus square tr Saturn tugging at and dampening their joint enthusiasm plus a few Neptunian disappointments as well.
Harry is a different kind of mix with Oprah since his Taurus Moon (= childhood family) sit uncomfortably with her Mars in Scorpio square Pluto, making him feel threatened at an underlying level. Though his regal Jupiter in Capricorn is conjunct Oprah’s Ascendant so from her viewpoint he will be a catch that boosts her persona.
See previous post 12 February 2021
You would think that Harry, at least, knew how privileged he was. He was a damned good soldier, but time he grew up regarding his mother. He needs serious counselling – M has him in her sights – however, I do think it is totally fascinating that a rich, super indulged royal is being operated in full sight by a woman with her own program, who is as detached from him as she is from the rest of her family. Though very few entering the Holywood mentality escape unscathed….it is hideously sad, she is going to sit there saying nothing – whose advice was that? its the worst soap that ever ran – the royal family are like everyone else, fall outs, disasters etc but such low class dramatics tell all….the look on their faces and the silence after the interview in the car say it all. Much ado about…nothing. What do they talk about at home????? S he gets an interim payment of half a million from the Daily Mail…..giving it to the needy and disadvantaged?…….it is the end of civilisation, and unfortunately its not a set up.
First teaser trailers coming out from the interview with Harry saying “My biggest concern was history repeating itself” referring to what happened between Diana and the press. What a shame he didn’t worry about “history repeating itself” before he rushed into marriage with a woman who is like his mother.
I have a feeling this interview is going to be a car crash for Harry. Meghan knows how to hold her silence, sidestep questions and reveal nothing about her inner world. But Harry doesn’t have that subtlety, and I suspect Oprah will ask the questions that open up his defences. He wants to talk about this stuff that’s hurt him over a lifetime, and with the latest rejection from the Royal Family, I think he’s cocked and loaded.
I think the whole situation is a car crash waiting to happen. He’s fixated on his mother and her grievances and can’t see beyond it/them. And Meghan ‘silenced’? – did she think she’d walk into the Royal Family and be handed a megaphone? There is something very weird going on – and at their choice being unspooled in a very public arena.
“In a rare one-on-one interview in which he discussed the pressures of royal life and his move away from London, Harry told “The Late Late Show” host James Corden that he decided he needed to “get (his) family out of here” and that he preferred the depiction of royal life seen on Netflix show “The Crown” to the one published in newspapers.
“We all know what the British press can be like, and it was destroying my mental health,” he said during the segment. “I was like, this is toxic. So I did what any husband and what any father would do.”
These are the three things that have left me wondering about this interview. Why was it scheduled to overshadow Commonwealth Week? Why is Prince Harry going to cede the entire first section to Meghan Markle? And how were they compensated for their appearance? Would be interested to learn if there are any astrological clues to the above. Thank you, Marjorie, for the human interest.
Thank you very much Marjorie.
An extremely well respected astrologer (whose books are considered as classics by students and professional astrologers alike) has the same DoB as Oprah.
Looking at Meghan’s chart again. Her Sun/North Node midpoint sits in her Mercury midpoint in the 1st House. There is no shutting this women up, she really does think she knows it all. There midpoint Suns is also conjunction Oprah’s Scorpio Saturn, Along with a wide midpoint Mercury to Oprah’s Scorpio Saturn, in the fourth. Meghan does not do deep prowling. I get the feeling Meghan may say something sensational about her Father or accuse him of taking her money. Scorpio is alway about sex or money. Saturn can represent the oppressor or the oppressed. Meghan is going to exposed a secret either to do with her Father or Royals Household. My gut feeling is she will regret it.
And there was a very weird Channel 5 documentary in the past year or two where Thomas Markle was saying things like ‘it’s time to look after Daddy’. I presume he was referring to money. It was car-crash TV – really dysfunctional.