Northern Ireland – facing double trouble



Northern Ireland is in political crisis with Martin McGuinness resigning as deputy first minister in protest against the handling of a botched energy scheme that could cost taxpayers £490m. It’ll most likely force an early election and given the set-up of the power-sharing government it means First Minister Arlene Foster goes as well – she was responsible for the renewable energy scheme which has been open to widescale abuse.

The Northern Ireland chart 7 Dec 1922 3.28pm Belfast, was already facing a difficult time ahead with the uncertainties of Brexit and the unpleasant possibility of a hard border being re-instituted with Southern Ireland which will stay in the EU, stoking up the old problems.

Tr Pluto will continue to square Saturn, exact at the moment, and on and off through 2017 which is discouraging, bleak, tough-going. With an undermining tr Neptune square the Sagittarius Sun from mid May 2017 till the end of 2018.

Exactly at the moment as this unwanted impasse blows up the Solar Arc Uranus is exactly opposition Mercury; and Solar Arc Saturn opposes the NIreland Moon – so a shock surprise which will dampen public morale.

Tr Uranus will square the Moon at 23 Capricorn for a final time mid March to early April, which suggests a divided electorate with tensions running high and more revelations to come.

As Brexit draws closer it won’t get easier for a few years, with the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the NIreland Saturn, exact in late 2018; with a financially undermining Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Venus in 2019. And with tr Pluto opposition the Moon in 2019/2020 feelings will be running very high.

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