Normal People Daisy & Paul – a professional match


Normal People was a highly lauded coming-of-age romance TV drama series based on a book by Irish author Sally Rooney. The two lead actors Daisy Edgar Jones and Paul Mescal were singled out as having remarkable chemistry.

He was born 2 February 1996 and she 24 May 1998.

Both are fairly intense personalities. She is an ultra-determined, controlling and ambitious Sun Mars in Gemini opposition Pluto trine Neptune; with a Taurus Moon and Venus Saturn conjunct in Aries.

He is a contrary and stubborn Sun Mars in Aquarius with a Cancer Moon a Venus Saturn conjunct in Pisces.

On the face of it, there’s a fair amount of friction between them with her Uranus conjunct his Sun, her Neptune conjunct his Uranus and his Mars square her Mercury. Though her Jupiter is conjunct his Venus Saturn so she’d be positive-minded when he was gloomy.

But the relationship chart, while not remotely easy, is a different story. There’s a composite Venus, Sun, Mars, Saturn conjunction trine Pluto, sextile Uranus. Sun Venus is affectionate and Venus Mars is passionate; trine Pluto would bring a strong pull of attraction or control; sextile Uranus would bring a spark. Saturn is the oddity in the mix – good for work but quite perverse added into those affectionate planets, suggesting an edge of almost cruelty. Mars Saturn is unfair, one-sided. Wouldn’t do for a long term commitment, for sure.

Both have Saturn Venus conjunctions in their personal chart which suggests an emotional neediness which can go one of two ways – either shutting off feelings altogether or into sexual acting out. There would be a potent chemistry for the production but not necessarily healthy away from work.

3 thoughts on “Normal People Daisy & Paul – a professional match

  1. Thanks for this.
    This is interesting as one of the reasons these two make a good pair on screen as although there is an attraction there is also tension. So not vanilla. The Saturn Venus angle is interesting as Saturn tends to make real the Venus attraction. So I can see acting out workIng. Actors, or Successful actors tend to be determined or obsessive.

  2. I once had a composite quite like this with a guy I worked with. Difference being signs – there were tons of Scorpio – and that Mars/Venus were joined by Moon and Uranus, and Saturn squared all that. No denying that attraction was there and that it felt truly karmic. He was in what I’d call a shaky relationship. Good thing I knew astrology by then, and could tell that whatever there should not happen in this lifetime. I also knew the woman he eventually ended up with, and could tell they’d end up together especially before she had an idea.

    Incidently, our synastry also demostrated we were beneficial to each other at professional environment – I actually take a lot of credit for convincing him to leave a corporate job his Mercury/Uranus was not suited for and further his studies.

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