US Supreme Court – difficult decisions ahead

The USA Supreme Court is moving into testing times with a potentially disputed election result looming as well as Trump tax returns and other related lawsuits likely heading their way.

The SCOTUS  Neptune Mars square is under heavy and devastating pressure from tr Pluto square Neptune now till late October; and then tr Pluto moves to an angry, blocked, challenging opposition to the SCOTUS Mars over New Year till late January 2021. With a dread-filled, uncertain, worrisome tr Neptune conjunct the SCOTUS Saturn from early October to late January 2021. And a few jolts from tr Uranus square the SCOTUS Uranus late October to late November across the election.

The relationship chart between the Supreme Court and Trump is heavily stressed and aggravated exactly now with tr Uranus square the composite Mars till late this September, undermined through September –  and much much worse in 2021 from late April 2021 onwards as tr Uranus returns to square the composite Mars and then squares the composite Sun and is conjunct the composite Pluto. That will be toxic, hostile and seriously nasty.

John Roberts, the Chief Justice, will have his hands full ahead with an extremely busy and complicated chart. Tr Uranus is square his Uranus/Pluto midpoint now till late September which suggests a radical change and excitement; with an emotionally unsettled tr Neptune square Venus until next week. His September will have successes and some concerns. Where he gets into gear will be late November to late January 2021 with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter and then Jupiter/Uranus midpoint, which will see him making a confident push, knowing his objectives clearly.  December 21st to early February 2021 tr Uranus will square his Aquarius Sun for more excitement and change.

So it may well be that he and SCOTUS are pulled into the election.

PS The chart for SCOTUS, 24 September 1789, is when the act which established it came into force.

26 thoughts on “US Supreme Court – difficult decisions ahead

  1. On Justice Roberts: late November to late January 2021 with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter and then Jupiter/Uranus midpoint, which will see him making a confident push, knowing his objectives clearly. December 21st to early February 2021 tr Uranus will square his Aquarius Sun for more excitement and change.
    I reread your post tonight upon the news of the death of progressive Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Supreme Court is now part of the political election fight, as your interpretation indicated. Democracy in US may not survive if a Trump nominee is rammed through before the Nov 3 election. I fear that Roberts and the conservative majority may move to install Trump when forced to get involved in the legal election fight.

  2. The election will indeed come down, not to the peoples’ will, but to narrow (likely) results in the critical 4-5 swing states. Karl Rove, the dark lord operative for George Bush Jr., said that any election result could be manipulated if the margin were 2-3 points or below. With Russian intervention, it seems safe to say that vigorous attempts at manipulation will be made by Putin-Trump forces. Trump’s assault on mail-in ballots in a pandemic year seems beyond odd, as millions in the U.S. military has been voting by mail forever, and completely without controversy; this has to be a litigation strategy. Biden forces have reason to be optimistic because of the polls, but 2016 left them feeling snakebit. Would be interested in seeing what Justice Kavanaugh’s astrology is, as the most hopeful Democrats have been quietly discussing purging him from the Court because of his perjury in his hearings; even if that can’t happen, and it would be a long shot, as a Trump stalwart who has made one independent vote, his astrology might give a clue as to outcomes. Thank you for a fascinating post.

  3. Thanks Majorie, super interesting!
    Certainly it seems the ground work is being laid for massive litigation by Trump to hold on to the WH. Most curious to see what Robert’s Tr Uranus square Uranus/Pluto midpoint from now till late September which suggests “will bring radical change and excitement”. Believe it or not the Supreme Court Justices generally like each other. Progressive Ruth Bader Ginsburg (March 15, 1933, Brooklyn, NY) was great friends with conservative Antonin Scalia. Certainly Roberts doesn’t seem to enjoy the constant attacks of the courts by Trump & being dragged into highly politicized cases. He has expressed himself as such and has sternly reminded the president that there are no “Obama judges” or “Trump judges,” only independent federal judges who swear an oath to uphold the Constitution and take it seriously. In his 2019 annual report he tried to promote confidence in the judiciary and maintain the public’s trust in government. While I don’t agree with his conservative beliefs, I can’t imagine he would be pleased to see Bader Ginsburg suddenly worsen or die nor could I see him enjoying Trump push frivolous lawsuits that create an constitutional crisis around the election results.
    —Late November to late January 2021 with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter and then Jupiter/Uranus midpoint, which will see him making a confident push, knowing his objectives clearly. December 21st to early February 2021 tr Uranus will square his Aquarius Sun for more excitement and change—
    This doesn’t sound like more of the same the courts have endured from Trump.

  4. There is an interesting thread over on the skyscript site mundane forum where some of the potential outcomes of the US Presidential election were discussed. These included a straight rerun of 2016 where Trump loses the popular vote and but wins the electoral college. Another is a tie in the electoral college. I am not an expert on the US constitution but the latter situation is supposedly decided by Congress under the 12th Amendment with the House of Representatives choosing the President and the Senate picking the Vice President. However, as I understand it the vote is not as simple as the majority party picking the winner as the voting is by state delegation at least in the House of Representatives. This opens up all sorts of possibilities since the vote of the delegation from a small state like Wyoming have as much clout as California even though it’s population is smaller. If either scenario plays out Trump could the end up as President again under the US Constitution without winning a majority of the popular vote. If that happens I think his opponents are going to challenge the result even though it is constitutionally valid. This may will generate a full blown crisis which could question the very basis of the US as a constitutional Republic. At this point I think the US Supreme Court might get dragged into the argument. To me the challenges in the astrological chart look to go right to the heart of the US Constitution which as its own heavy transits coming up with Saturn by transit conjoining its natal Pluto and Saturn in Aquarius over the next 24 months and Uranus moving through Taurus to square those planets.This will be all happening just as the US Declaration of Independence chart experiences it’s Pluto Return

    • Possible, but I’m honestly thinking astrologers are still giving Trump Administration and GOP too much credit on their capacity to seriously challenge a clear popular vote result. What’s more likely in coming 2 months or so is people involved with this Admin or GOP “Doing a Kellyanne”, distance themselves on sight of their very own legal issues that they no doubt expect after trouble Bannon and NRA leaders have gotten themselves on. Because you can bet they are not the only ones who’ve funneled political campaign and charity funds to lavish lifestyles.

      I may look foolish saying this on November 3rd, but I also think the election won’t even be close. Biden has in avarage a +8 lead Nationwide. Yes, Hillary had even a larger lead, but what’s different from 2016 is that while in August 2016, up to 20 per cent of Clinton voters declared they were undecided, in 2020 only 5 per cent of Biden voters tell the same. All seems much more settled now.

      However, as said before, I think Senate will remain with Republicans until 2022 (or 2023), which would, obviously, have serious implications to SCOTUS lineup.

      • The crucial thing to remember about the US’s (and to some extent, the UK’s) electoral system is that what matters is not only the number of seats, but also the location of the votes. If the Democrats win California with 90% of the votes (hypothetically), but lose Wisconsin by 0.5% of the votes, the tally when it comes to states is still 1-1. The excess votes in California can’t be transferred to Wisconsin.

        Think of the US not as one country, but as fifty states running a parallel election, like a more advanced EU. Votes from Sweden or Finland can’t be used to elect more ALDE (or other Europarty) MEPs from France or Germany.

      • @ Solaia,

        I agree. I feel too many astrologers are focusing strictly on the challenging aspects…but overlooking the positives. As an astrology student, I am aware of the astrological challenges being presented this election. However, I choose to remain optimistic about what the positive aspects could bring.

        The bottom line is: looking at both Trump, Biden, and Harris’s charts, all three of them appear to have serious obstacles….so, I don’t see how it could be concluded that Trump (out of all three) would come out the victorious one. Really, so much can happen in 70 plus days….and Uranus playing a role, I would imagine there will be some surprises along the way.

        I somewhat agree with you on the U.S. Senate prediction. I’m thinking Democrats might make some gains this year (Arizona and Colorado are looking particularly strong for Democratic Senate candidates)..but it might not translate into an overall majority. If anything, it could be something like a 50/50…or 49/51.

  5. No, ruminations of outright conflict (bang-bang and possibly nuclear) post-2024 that have pulled in the US and other powers. I’ll have to search here for it; it’s been a couple yrs.

  6. I’m thinking much of this could signify that Ruth Bader Ginsburg might be forced to retire due to constant health concerns and age (she is being treated for cancer again), Justice Roberts might be torn over who to side with regarding certain issues, and the GOP could be trying to reshape the court by any means.

    Democrats are favored to win back the Senate this November….but just barely. Most predict an even tie.

    That could certainly cause issues if trying to confirm a new Senate Justice…because all of the GOP would vote against a Biden pick..and possibly some of the red state Democrats.

    It could be that there’s gridlock that prevents certain decisions from being made.

    And if Biden wins, even Dems having control of the House and Senate by small margins wouldn’t eliminate the extreme polarization and pushback from the GOP. They still have power in various district courts, etc. around the country.

  7. And a few jolts from tr Uranus square the SCOTUS Uranus late October to late November across the election.
    So RBG finally gives up the ghost and Trump gets to nominate his third Associate Justice to the Supreme Court.
    She should have retired back in 2013 when there was a Democrat in the White House and the Democrats controlled the Senate, but Democrats never can get on the same page or take one for the team. *sigh*
    What’s interesting is that a challenge to the ACA will be heard sometime in November so that will be interested.

  8. ‘I personally see him as a mirror that reflects back to the people the inherent problems that already exist within. Hopefully, the new path will hold not only Trump but his worst supporters accountable for their worst behaviour rather than allow this rampant misogyny and racism to keep festering below the surface.’

    Gemini can be like this – like the court jester who can taunt the sacrosanct king and say things that everyone else is afraid to say. I wholeheartedly agree with what you say, Jo. I think he’s an embodiment of America’s shadow and, as I think Marjorie has said, the kind of person who appears at the end of an era. Pluto’s opposition to the US’s Mercury seems to be bringing out into the open all kinds of collective parental projections and extreme ways of thinking – I think of Cancer/Capricorn as the parental axis. Plus, the U.S.’s Pluto return lies ahead as an opportunity for crisis, to address the wounds of the nation and hopefully from that, growth and change are possible. I wonder how the US will see itself in the aftermath of the Trump era which will inevitably come to an end?

    A country is extremely vulnerable to figures like Trump when so much faith in the established system is lost and so much disillusionment and cynicism sets in. But looking at the wider picture, he is as Hugh says breaking down structures which were fundamentally flawed anyway and thus is a catalyst for transformation.

  9. Jo: I agree. It looks like Trump might well hang onto the Oval Office—by hook or crook (most likely the latter) but create unprecedented chaos by viciously fighting myriad lawsuits, etc., with everything ending up with the Supremes. I’ve been thinking……which scenario would be worse for Trump: Losing the election or being forced from office in the middle of a second term as a result of scandals erupting all around him. Either way, I think his days are numbered.

    • I also think Trump’s mentality is ‘”if I’m going down, I’m going down in a raging inferno and people will talk about me for decades afterwards. I’ll put on the best damn show ever!” Such is that deep narcissistic black hole he has at the centre of his soul that no normal situation/person can satiate.

      I feel sorry for those who are already evolved at a level of decency and those who are oppressed who have to live through his vile crapfest dictatorship. All because poor little Donald never got enough love and nurturing as a child, everybody else has to suffer from his sociopathic megalomania. I wish someone would tweet him and say, “Hey, thanks for validating EVERYTHING your niece, Mary, accused you of. Clearly she WAS telling the truth!”

      • “I also think Trump’s mentality is ‘”if I’m going down, I’m going down in a raging inferno and people will talk about me for decades afterwards. I’ll put on the best damn show ever!” Such is that deep narcissistic black hole he has at the centre of his soul that no normal situation/person can satiate.”

        Yes, he will definitely take other down. But from my experience mostly out of pure selfpreservation, rather than willingness to be remembered as an “evil genius”. Pure NPDs – or even NPDs with some anti social traits, which I think Trump’s niece Mary diagnosed in his uncle – want to be seen as good. When confronted on toxic things they do, their typical response is to blame others. But, if they are offered an “easy way out”, they will take that, rather than plotting an ellaborate revenge. Revenging for pleasure would be more of a psychopathic approach, and for all his malign comportament, I do not think DJT is a psychopath (some of his minions probably are, though, I have two admin members in mind that will most likely meet the criteria, and yes, you can tell by there being something off with their expressions and such).

    • “Losing the election or being forced from office in the middle of a second term as a result of scandals erupting all around him.”
      Mmmmmmmmmm the reason that Trump is freaking out is because he knows that the only way he stays out of jail is to be re-elected and if he is re-elected and even if Democrats take over the Senate, it will still take 67 votes to remove Trump and Republicans have already shown us that there is nothing that Trump can do that will force them to put country over their loyalty to Trump.

    • Correct. It has the potential of being a mess, especially if there are faithless electors, meaning those who do not vote for the presidential or VP candidate for whom they had pledged to vote. In the contingent election the House chooses 1 of the top 3 presidential electoral vote-winners as the president, while the Senate chooses 1 of the top 2 VP electoral vote-winners as VP. The 20th amendment established that this done by the newly elected congress so it would be most important that Dems carry the majority especially in both the House & Senate. Each state delegation votes en bloc, with each state having a single vote. A candidate is required to receive an absolute majority of state delegation votes (26 votes) in order for that candidate to become the president-elect. (The District of Columbia, which is not a state, does not receive a vote). The House continues balloting until it elects a president. Historically, a State delegation that did not give a majority of its vote to any 1 candidate was marked as “divided,” and thus did not award its vote to any candidate. This practice, set by House rule, was responsible for turning the Jefferson–Burr election of 1801 into a multiple ballot election. The Constitution does not require a closed session for contingent elections, and future contingent elections could be held in an open session with public voting. Note that the House could modify the rules for contingent elections if it so choses.
      20th Amendment Section 3 specifies that if the House has not chosen a president-elect in time for the inauguration (noon on January 20), then the VP-elect becomes acting president until the House selects a president, that is if the VP was chosen by the Senate otherwise the Speaker of the House would become acting president until either the House selects a president or the Senate selects a VP. Senators cast votes individually & the 12th Amendment states that a “majority of the whole number” of senators (currently 51 of 100) is necessary for election.
      You can see a scenario dragging up to Jan, 20, and even beyond if the House and Senate are unable to come up with the chosen President & VP creating total mayhem. You would hope that if these scenarios occur that the abolition of the Electoral College will finally happen in favor of the direct election of the president through majority of the popular vote.

  10. Please consider this matter under the gaze of the astrology for Inauguration Day, January 20th 2021, with the 2nd Quarter Moon in Taurus, Mars conjunct Uranus and Lilith in Taurus whilst square Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.

    Under the 20th Amendment to the Constitution a President’s term ends at 12.00 on January 20th. Given Trump’s propensity to litigate and appeal until there is no forum left, I suspect we shall see litigation, ever more vexatious, until even the morning of the 20th January. Just as a person condemned to execution will keep filing for stays and make appeals until the last hour before their death.

  11. Very interesting analysis Marjorie. Lots of Mars Jupiter connections between the US Supreme Court chart you have posted and the natal charts of Biden and Harris. The US Supreme Court progressed Mars is Conjunct Bidens progressed North Node at 24 Leo on his descendant. I suspect there is lots more in there once all the charts are unpicked. If there is not a clear result in November then there maybe a big constitutional crisis. All playing into the USA Pluto return I suspect.

    • Difficult to say. The message of Saturn Pluto in Capricorn is really about the structures of government being levelled rather than just individual politicians In that respect Trump and Biden are just actors in a drama which is much more profound than who ends up in the White House for the next 4 years In particular I think Trump is more of a catalyst that triggers change that is already latent. He is important but not in the way either his detractors or supporters think he is. To a lesser extent we are seeing similar things in the UK. The media coverage is obsessed with the actions of the various politicians and are missing the underlying theme of the drama. It is the very nature of the political and governmental systems that are facing a profound challenge.

      • “In particular I think Trump is more of a catalyst that triggers change that is already latent. He is important but not in the way either his detractors or supporters think he is.”

        Actually, I wholeheartedly agree with this, Hugh. I can see how this plays out from the bigger picture and have over the years said something similar to those around. Unfortunately, they can’t see it and think he just has to go so things can go back to normal. But things were broken to a degree before Trump stepped into the picture. Sometimes, the worst has to happen in order to trigger something and I think another 4 years of Trump is probably needed to force this catalyst to explode onto a new path. I personally see him as a mirror that reflects back to the people the inherent problems that already exist within. Hopefully, the new path will hold not only Trump but his worst supporters accountable for their worst behaviour rather than allow this rampant misogyny and racism to keep festering below the surface.

        • Even if another candidate wins this election, there are no guarantees that the US flies into calm air. These alignments take years to manifest…many here feel the reactions will be like flipping a light switch. The changes triggered by the GOP will take years to unravel. I wish I was astute in astrology to point my finger and say, “Here is where things get better and we’re back to happy days.” The toughest changes to incorporate are usually at the individual level.

          • I don’t think it will be like flicking a light switch and it all happening overnight, larryc – dragging the Trump chaos back and putting it onto another track to run out of energy would be beneficial ultimately down the line, is going to anger a LOT of his supporters who have been given licence to show their ugliness towards others in this current climate. In fact, I dare say this ugly sie of politics that Trump has shown might probably be a regular fixture, especially when conspiracy beliefs has the power to fuel a lot of freakish outsiders to take a political platform. But this awful resistance is what will ultimately push the American way of doing things into a better track – but in the long run. Hopefully. Besides, from 2024 didn’t the politics look so much better? Less of the control-freaky, angry, toxic masculinity aspects that is happening right now?

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