Norbert Hofer – far-right loses Austria Presidency by a whisker

Norbert Hofer


Austria and indeed Europe have been saved from the first far-right Head of State as hard-line anti-immigration Norbert Hofer (Freedom Party) lost the Presidential election on the postal vote. Though it was a close run thing – 49.7% to 50.3%. He’s pro-Germanic, wears emblems redolent of the Nazis and slogans such as freedom, fatherland.

Born 2 March 1971 Vorau, Austria, he’s a Sun Mercury in Pisces square Neptune Jupiter in Sagittarius – so he’ll have the Piscean obsessive attachment to a vision of what he sees as the ideal.  He has a hard Moon Saturn in Taurus with Venus in traditionalist Capricorn trine Pluto; and Mars in crusading Sagittarius as well.

Tr Neptune is conjunct his Sun at the moment which is not helpful for election wins; as well as tr Pluto conjunct his Solar Arc Neptune ditto; and a discouraging slog tr Pluto trine Saturn – exact at the moment.

But he’ll not be down for long. He’ll surge ahead within a few days, be bullish through the autumn and has a fair amount of popular mileage ahead.

One thought on “Norbert Hofer – far-right loses Austria Presidency by a whisker

  1. Hmmm… Austria’s highest court threw out the results of the nation’s presidential election on Friday. The election has to be redone, in September or October.

    Austria’s progressed Sun will soon change its sign to Pisces and conjunct natal moon. What could that mean? Fascism is more Aquarian than Pisces.

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