In a semi-surprise resignation Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, has called it a day as pressures on her mounted. Independence was no closer as a dream, there are problems with health, education and other areas under SNP government oversight, and she inexplicably landed herself in a mire over the housing of a trans rapist in a woman’s prison. She says the reasons for her leaving were nothing immediate but had built up over time. She has been at the top since 2014 and in politics for three decades.
Tr Pluto has been opposing her Cancer Sun since 2021 and then opposing her Sun/Mars midpoint and aiming to oppose her Mars from late next month. Which is a punishing run of deeply frustrating, trapped energies, running on till late 2024. Tr Saturn is just over the opposition to her Leo Midheaven last month with tr Uranus aiming to square her MC from this July onwards so this was always going to be a time of career setbacks followed by a significant change of direction. And with tr Neptune opposing her Pluto from mid March this year a diminution of her power and influence.
Her first swearing in chart from 20 November 2014 has two downbeat and separating Saturnine Solar Arc aspects at the moment – of SA Saturn conjunct Venus and square Neptune; and SA Mercury conjunct Saturn. She was certainly a force to be reckoned with. But her last Term chart, 13 May 2021 9am had a lacklustre Neptune at the Midheaven with a hidden 12th house Mars inconjunct an equally hidden 8th house Saturn which hinted at setbacks and blocked progress.
The SNP 7 April 1934 chart with its formidably determined Sun Mars in Aries opposition Jupiter square Pluto is being rattled at the moment by Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the Pluto exactly now. And is also facing a sobering Saturn Return exactly now. So a key moment in its history. The revved-up push that has been obvious in recent years may well start to fade now that tr Pluto has moved away from the hard aspects to the central configuration.
What is still intriguing is the Scotland Act of Union chart, 1 May 1707, which will be undergoing quite a shake up from this May/June onwards with the Taurus Sun square Jupiter Pluto being up-ended by tr Uranus in hard aspect.
See previous post February 3 2023.
Sturgeon’s sun is on Salmond’s Uranus conjunct Pluto, at 26 degrees Cancer. That in turn is conjunct the Scotland Asc (assuming Marjorie’s chart is correct). And it is square Salmond’s Neptune which is conjunct Sturgeon’s Jupiter. Those two were bound to work well together and to part acrimoniously.
Saturn has just been at 26 and 27 Aquarius.
Whoever is to wear the crown of first minister would, I suggest, need to have something good at 26 degrees Cancer.
Does anyone know the charts of the contenders for the position? Kate Forbes’s noon chart has nothing at 26 or 27 degrees, but of course we don’t know her MC, Asc or Pars Fortunae.
Her Natal Chart Sun/Neptune midpoint in her Natal Chart is conjunct Pluto. Surely this is a classic loss of support from friends in high places? As Neptune is in her 1st house, with Pluto in the 11th house, with her Cancer Sun in the 9th house. This makes a lots of water sloshing around. Pluto in Virgo/earth sign, became bogged down or too tenacious- by standing the ground. A Cancer Sun and a Neptune 1st house would make tears come easily, for some one who has lost their natural home in Pluto’s 8th house politics and Cancers 9th Jupiter Ruling . As it gave a sense of belonging. A huge wrench for someone who was very at home with being a leader. Pluto transiting her 3rd house Capricorn, was in sextile to her Neptune – completed the mire. Water and Earth is mud and she literally became engulfed in bogged down situation.
Thanks Marjorie – as you say, a semi-surprise. Whatever anyone thinks about her, it is good to see a top politician deciding to go ‘when its time’, rather than hanging on.
“Tr Pluto has been opposing her Cancer Sun since 2021” – what intrigued me about this is the 26 Cardinal degree.
The first SNP seat at Westminster came in the 14 April 1945 election, with tr Venus Rx at 26 Aries, Sun and Mercury 23 Aries. They are conjunct the Scotland 1707 Neptune at 22 Aries.
SNP ‘natal’ Uranus is 26 Aries.
Scotland 1707 has its Nodes at 26 Aries.
The Sworn In chart you post here has its South Node at 27 Aries by Solar Arc.
It will be interesting to see if the Sun and Jupiter in Aries in April have any effect, with the Aries 29 degree Solar Eclipse on 20th April too.
fascinating the intertwining of destinies through a degree, noting also Nicola’s Jupiter is 27 Libra.
Thank you for this. I wonder if there are transits similar in the chart of New Zealand’s former PM Jacinda Ardern who also suddenly stepped down?