Nick Kyrgios, the mercurial bad-boy Australian tennis player ruffled the Wimbledon calm in an early match with outbursts in his standard hot-tempered way but seems to have bitten his lip for his last outing. Then his court appearance was announced for early August on an assault charge of a former girlfriend. The authorities were careful to say nothing is proved.
He was born 27 April 1995 in Canberra, with his mother coming from the Malay Royal Family. He is a stalwart Sun Taurus conjunct the South Node in an uncompromising square to Uranus with a – not surprisingly – over active Mars. His Mars in flamboyant, attention seeking Leo is in an argumentative square to Mercury in stubborn Taurus with a wide aspect also to Pluto – and his Mars is conjunct his Sun/Pluto midpoint. His Mars is also on the focal point of a wide-ish Yod inconjunct Saturn sextile Neptune. Learning to modulate his ‘assertiveness’ and impatience won’t be easy for him.
His Mars is due to be severely rattled from this weekend right through till mid August across the court case. Tr Uranus will square his Mars which is always a shock that dents self-esteem and often leads to over-reactions of machismo to prop up pride. And he has a downbeat tr Saturn square his Mercury from late August for a few weeks, then repeating that into early 2023 at which point tr Saturn is square his Pluto. Not his best time.
Pic: si robi.
Someone asked me at the start on Wimbledon what Nick’s chance were. I thought from his chart he looked distracted and low in confidence. But I thought he would have some luck and win money as he does have Transit Jupiter conjunct his Venus. The next 2 days he got fined! But then an easy win and Sadly Nadal has pulled out so plenty of rest for Nick before he plays the winner of Norrie and Djokovic.
The prize money for losing the final is just over £1 million. If he’d lost the semi-final, it would have been just over £500,000 so his Jupiter conjunct Venus has lucked him into half a million pounds by Rafa getting injured. If he wins he’ll get £2 million. (Obviously his talent has set up for all these situations, it is not pure out and out luck)
I really want to root for him because he’s so talented and clearly has some deep issues. But his behaviour and Trump-levels of narcissism make it very difficult. Thanks for taking a look at him.
I’m rooting for him. I think there is a change in him, he is admitting that he hasn’t tried hard enough (maybe out of fear) to move to the next level.
“I never thought I’d be in the semi-final of a Grand Slam,” he said.
I thought that ship had sailed – that I may have wasted that window in my career.”
I would love him to go all the way. Nadal is saying that he doesn’t know if he will play on Friday (injuries again) but I expect he will. I think he’s aiming for a Golden Slam. He’s got 2 already.
At age 27, his Saturn Return is also part of the landscape for him right now. He seems to have hit a wall.
Think it’s a couple of summer away for him yet. His Saturn is at 20Pisces, next year it does the early degrees of Pisces. Will be in that sign until 2026, so it might even be three years time without checking the ephemeris.
Ah, I see that now. In my mind was the infamous “27 club” that I’ve often seen astrologers link to the first Saturn Return.
“27 Club” link is to the progressed lunar return that I mentioned below. (At least I think that’s the correct term for when the moon has progressed all the way back round to its natal position).
I was quite sympathetic towards Kyrgios a few years ago when he was first on the tennis scene, young and wanting to rebel against the authorities who put expectations on him beyond picking up a racket and playing. But he’s 27 now and it’s an act that’s worn thin.
He must be coming up to his progressed lunar return, which would suggests the moon has come out of Pisces and back into Aries – perhaps a fact in why he’s become vocal again this year. It’s such a change of energy.
Given how he’s acting on tennis courts, it’s hard to think he’s innocent for his court case. It’s quite possible he is – but he makes it hard to believe. And I don’t think he will go to court and act repentant or show his best side. There seems to be a hugely self-destructive side to him. I’m sure prosecuting lawyers will deliberately try to rile him.
Will be interesting to see how things go for him when Pluto transits his Uranus next year. Think that might help him feel more empowered in a positive way.
Thank you Marjorie. I don’t know what to say about the court case but he’s doing well in the competition.
I think he is in for a very difficult time. Maybe career ending.
He’s in the final now!
@Christine E
Yes, it seems as if Rafa’s aggressive style of play is finally breaking down him down physically.
First his foot and now a ab tear, but hey he will be a first time father soon so that will be a silver lining to what could have been achieving the calendar year Grand Slam.