Nicholas Clegg has been one of the many oddities about Facebook and about as far removed from lost-in-cyberspace Zuckerburg as he could be. A bland Liberal Democrat UK politician, whose popularity plummeted when he was Deputy PM in a coalition government with David Cameron, he tapped into the FB money tree in 2018 as a senior executive and absconded to California. This year he was elevated further still to the top table, but is now returning to London, taking advantage of FB’s remote working culture, as have several other top brass.
Murmurs are that all is not content in the Zuck kingdom. ‘Insiders claim the former boy wonder is increasingly unwilling to be challenged and ever-more irate that the outside world is not buying into his vision.’ And Facebook is now in a phase where growth has deserted them for the first time in history.
Clegg has done well for himself with a £7m five-bedroom house in the USA, plus a salary of £2.8m, and shares in the company worth almost £10m after his recent promotion. But there may come a time when even shed loads of money are not worth being put in the stocks for FB’s misdeeds.
Clegg was born 7 January 1967 5.30 am, Chalfont St Giles, England, he has a Dutch mother, a half-Russian father and is fluent in Dutch, German, Spanish and French. His wife, Miriam González Durántez, a leading international trade lawyer, is Spanish. No surprise he feels European at heart.
He has a money-oriented 2nd house ambitious Capricorn Sun square an even more ambitious 10th house Mars; plus an indulgent, superficially charming, sociable Venus opposition Jupiter.
Mark Zuckerburg’s Jupiter is conjunct Clegg’s Sun Mercury – so good feelings and largesse follow. MZ’s Venus are conjunct Clegg’s Taurus North Node which also has financial resonances. Facebook’s Jupiter is also conjunct Clegg’s Pluto and its’ Taurus North Node is conjunct Clegg’s NN as well. But for all the enthusiasm-raising and bank-account-boosting crossovers it is still a questionable connection with MZ’s Mars in Scorpio opposition his Taurus Sun sitting on Clegg’s Neptune.
Their relationship chart has friendly feelings and also major differences which will erupt into the open in 2024/25 if not before.
Clegg’s relationship chart with Facebook, 4 February 2004, hints at major stress between them from early 2023 to late 2024 which could be the parting of the ways.
Clegg’s Facebook years have coincided with transiting Saturn through his lower profile 1st quadrant since 2016, which he is slowly exiting and he may well be about to embark on a new career which might even include stepping back into the political arena in a couple of years.
” Clegg’s relationship chart with Facebook, 4 February 2004, hints at major stress between them from early 2023 to late 2024 which could be the parting of the ways.”
In May 2023 the 14 Scorpio Lunar Eclipse is conjunct his S Node, while tr Pluto is conjunct his Venus, ruler of his MC. Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Leo will aspect that Venus/Pluto later in May as well. Looks quite intense, and echoes around MZ’s chart as well, plus the composite chart here with it’s Aquarius Sun and Saturn/Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio.
I think he’s coming back to look around for the next thing. He may not realise quite how much many mistrust him now though. And the whole working for FB era won’t do him many favours in public life either.
He sounds good when he speaks but is too smug and money grabbing. I could never vote for him if he comes back into
politics either
Is it just me or does MZ put you in mind of a serial killer?
The Damascene moment for me was FB being very slow to take down the live streaming of the Christchurch Muslim mass murders.
I was disappointed when I heard that Clegg had sold himself to FB where he now defends their questionable practices.
So the money and ambition is written large in his chart?
I could never vote for him if he made a return to politics with FB on his CV.
I have to confess to have been put off by him early on in the Lib Dem leadership contest when he is said to have boasted about the number of women he’d slept with (over 100) Sounds silly when I write it considering what has gone on in this government.. and perhaps says more about me than him?
And then reneging on so many promises, university fees being just one.
I think my standards are too high to be met by any politician!
Thank you Marjorie. Yesterday whilst reading that Clegg was coming back to Europe, I had an intuitive feeling he is coming back to politics. There is a Rejoin the EU Party currently being formed and they are looking for funding and more than likely experienced politicians.
He will do a favour for the rejoin’s cause if he keeps aqay