Neptune leaving a sign oversees the deaths of prominent musical and film icons. But it also ushers in new creative and political talent. As Neptune prepared to exit Taurus in the late 1880s, painters Georgia O’Keefe and Marcel Duchamp were born as was war poet Rupert Brooke, architect Le Corbusier, and actors Chico Marx and Boris Karloff. Amongst leaders were Chiang Kai-shek, David Ben Gurion, Field Marshal Montgomery and the Norwegian Quisling.
Amongst other notables was Nobel Prize–winning physicist Erwin Schrodinger, the Austrian who developed fundamental results in quantum theory. Born 12 August 1887 Vienna, no birth time, he had a Leo Sun conjunct a leadership North Node with a final degree Neptune in Taurus conjunct Pluto and inconjunct Jupiter. Plus a disciplined, hard-edged Mars Saturn conjunction in Cancer. His Neptune Pluto would mark him out as ambitious and Pluto trine Uranus as an original thinker. His Mars Saturn may also depending on houses have marked him out for a destructive attitude towards relationships.
His Venus widely conjunct Uranus and trine Pluto would make for a passionate though unpredictable and changeable emotional temperament. According to wiki he “always kept a number of relationships going at once – and made no secret of his fascination with preadolescent girls”. He fathered children with at least two students.
His 13th harmonic, the mark of a breakthrough genius, was notable with a revolutionary Uranus opposition Pluto connected to Sun and Venus as well as a Jupiterian yod. His leaving-a-legacy 17H was also well aspected.
Another late Neptune in Taurus with beyond-bizarre notions from another angle about young sexuality was Kurt Hahn, the once revered headmaster of Gordonstoun where the Royal children, Charles, Andrew and Edward were educated. He believed he could “cure” boys from reaching puberty to maintain the “freshness and charm” of childhood through cold showers and physical exertions. Former students attest that Hahn personally bathed boys and supervised them as they showered, provoking claims that his conduct was “deeply disturbing and inappropriate”. It has now emerged he was forced to retire in 1953 as his mental health disintegrated.
The effort to stave off puberty it is assumed was an attempt to deny his own adult sexuality of which he was clearly deeply ashamed.
He was born 5 June 1888 with a Gemini Sun conjunct Chiron square Mars in Virgo; with an ever-optimistic Neptune in late Taurus trine Jupiter; and an experimental Pluto Mercury trine Uranus. And a Cancer Moon.
Prince Philip, another Sun Mars Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo (so not dissimilar) was a great supporter but the regime Hahn left behind undoubtedly damaged Prince Charles who described his time there as a prison sentence.
Hahn was gone when Charles was sent there in 1962 but his ethos hung over the establishment. The Charles’/ Hahn relationship chart was horrific with a perverse, destructive, hostile composite Mars trine Pluto sextile Sun and Mars square Saturn Neptune. Andrew’s relationship with the Hahn approach had marginally more emotional resonances but was still riddled with power and domination issues with a composite Venus trine Pluto trine Mars Jupiter with Venus opposition Uranus and a composite yod of Uranus sextile Jupiter inconjunct Saturn – and look how he turned out.
Last year the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry found that sexual and physical abuse became endemic in the school Hahn founded to promote “honesty, integrity and service”. Lady Smith, its chairwoman, wrote, “a dreadfully abusive and, in some houses, extremely violent culture was allowed to take root.”
It can’t all be blamed on Neptune in its dying days in a sign but intriguing.
I don’t say they didn’t. But Charles is completely unable to cope with confrontation at all. And sometimes you have to fight your corner, whether you want to or not. I notice how you decided that I approved of something that I explicitly said I tgat I didn’t. And given that Charles had protection officers with him every step of the way, I doubt very much that they would have allowed anything untoward to happen to him. Or that he was privy to the things that happened to other boys.
I don’t approve in any way of what was done at Gordonstoun. However, I do understand what Philip was attempting to do in trying to toughen up his eldest son. And he still isn’t wrong, all these years later.
That’s harsh Linda, surely gentleness and sensitivity are equally important traits. Children should be valued for who they are and not be coerced into conforming into a particular stereotype to please their father.
Linda, those schools did immense damage to children and sexual abuse was commonplace.