Trump has moved the Israel-Hamas-Gaza situation on a smidgeon but there are no hopeful indicators moving forward of a long term solution. Netanyahu is caught in a double bind having promised to destroy Hamas but even after 47,000 Palestinians killed and Gaza effectively destroyed, the green headbands were defiantly on display as hostages were released. Trump is pressuring Netanyahu to withdraw troops but his finance minister, the far-right Bezazel Smotrich says he’ll collapse his ruling coalition by withdrawing if he does so. Trump talks of clearing out the 2.2 million remaining Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan but they and other Middle Eastern countries are alarmed about what they regard as ethnic cleansing which could destabilise the region.
The foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates met on Saturday in Cairo and declared their opposition to any plan to move Palestinians out of Gaza and the West Bank. Saudi Arabia insists on the creation of an “irreversible” path to a Palestinian state.
There are various schemes floated by the US’s Arab allies such as Egypt and the UAE to create an internationally-backed transitional body backed by the Palestinian Authority to reassert civilian control over the enclave.
Trump and Netanyahu who dislike each other will meet this week with some saying the future shape of the Middle East may hang on it.
Both Trump and Netanyahu have a bombastic Mars in Leo at the same degree which is being rattled badly by tr Uranus in April/May this year, suggesting a shock surprise resulting in an over- reaction; with a dash of tr Saturn square the composite Uranus to raise tension levels in April 2025. Their composite Neptune at 10 Libra catching the late March Solar Eclipse hints that the dither and confusion may stretch on for another few months. Netanyahu’s relationship chart with MBS of Saudi Arabia is rattled also this coming April as is Trump’s with MBS. General Abdel Al Sisi of Egypt is also in for a turbulent phase in May this year with tr Uranus opposition his Scorpio Sun and square his Pluto. So another toxic hotspot is approaching.
There are too many charts to cover in detail but the main Middle Eastern country charts all look unsettled especially in 2026/27.
Hamas is heading for a total dead halt around 2027. Hezbollah will be pushing to restore lost ground in 2025 and in combative mood, having to negotiate a tumultuous year into early 2026; with 2028 bringing fresh clashes.
The Israel chart gives every indication of being under siege mentality for a decade plus to come, indeed almost worse by the last 2030s when tr Pluto in Aquarius squares the Taurus Sun and opposes the Israel Mars in Leo.
Intractable, unwinnable, the impossible dream – from either side.
Looks like posters herein have overlooked this one. “Let’s make a deal that everybody loves!” According to Bibi and Mr Trump. Scoop out Gaza and replace it with Mr Trump’s vision of Middle East Riviera?
Don;t think that’s gonna happen. Will Mr Trump troll the shoreline with battleships in the same manner as his quest for Greenland?
Forget crypto – only cash will talk.
Bibi and The Donald will be meeting Feb. 4 to do the town and congratulate each other on their accomplishments to date. My cheat sheet also says Jupiter goes direct that day and Venus turns retrograde, in Aires no less. What could go wrong? I’m guessing that seaside real estate and crypto opportunities (Trump Tower Holy Land?) will be a dominant item on the agenda?