Anne Heche has been declared dead as a result of injuries sustained in her self-inflicted car crash becoming the fourth of five siblings to die; and still estranged from her religious mother.
The family upbringing was damaging to put it politely. Nancy Heche, 10 March 1937, Vinita, OK, married her childhood sweetheart, lived with her family in an Amish settlement, lost one child early on to illness and her husband in 1983 to AIDs, with an 18 year old son dying in a car crash soon after. Her husband was a closet homosexual, whom Anne said abused her as a child and declared that her mother knew but dismissed her story. Since her husband died, Nancy has become a Christian therapist and motivational speaker intent on “overcoming homosexuality.” Not surprisingly the gulf between mother and daughter widened when Anne became the poster child for lesbianism in her relationship with Ellen DeGeneres in the late 1990s.
A reviewer of Nancy Heche’s memoir The Truth Comes Out said “faith in her Bible-sanctioned marriage made Nancy blind, deaf and stupid”.
Nancy has an extraordinarily difficult chart with a Water Grand Trine of Sun Saturn in Pisces trine Mars in unrelenting and unforgiving Scorpio trine Pluto; with Pluto in a pushily confident opposition to Jupiter. Plus her Sun Saturn opposes Neptune. A Water Grand Trine can be healing though with Mars, Pluto and Saturn involved it is likely to be as far from sentimental as you can get – unkind, vengeful, hard-edged, unyielding. There is a tendency to live within a bubble of a self-created imaginary world and not interface well with reality.
There are three African dictators born early that month with a similar configuration – March 8, Juvénal Hayarimana, president of Rwanda (1973-94), a totalitarian dictator, nicknamed “invincible”. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Algerian President accused of running a police state, fraud and vote-tampering, corruption. And Olusẹgun Ọbasanjọ, President of Nigeria, accused of human rights abuses, interested in consolidating his personal power. The negative side of this Grand Trine is not all about peace, love and healing for sure.
With Nancy’s megaton Pluto sitting on Anne’s Midheaven she’d be a controlling and smothering mother, clearly intent on imposing her own values. Nancy’s depressed and critical Sun Saturn in Pisces opposed Anne’s Jupiter Pluto Moon in Virgo, denting her daughter’s confidence. Nancy’s Mars was conjunct Anne’s Neptune and opposition Anne’s Sun – giving rise to another battle of wills. And Nancy’s Uranus in Taurus was conjunct Anne’s Saturn for a clash of viewpoints and attitudes.
No wonder the poor kid turned out a confused mess.
Their relationship chart has an afflicted needs-space, rebellious Uranus and a tussle for the upper hand Jupiter square Pluto so was never going to be an easy connection.
With such a tragic life one should feel sympathy for Nancy Heche but she’s not a temperament that attracts compassion and at least some of the misery could have been alleviated if she had not been so brain washed and blinkered.
For details on Anne Heche see August 6 2022 below.
Anne Heche’s life was very sad and tragic. I hope that she is at peace now.
All the water Grand Trines I’ve read have been confus or mentally ill or alcoholics. Or self-isolated. They go in circles, get lost.
Maybe both suffer/have suffered similar emotional issues. It is a very sad time and and awful end to Anne’s life.
“There are three African dictators born early that month with a similar configuration.”
Oof. I’ve studied a few from the continent.
God Lord.
Here is Nancy Heche’s rectified chart, 1:08:30 pm, Cancer Asc, with Amish indicator on Asc.