Michael Caine – a prolific Pisces

Actor Michael Caine is still going strong despite being 82 with his latest movie Paolo Sorrentino’s Youth about to appear.

Born 14 March 1933 10.10am, he grew up poor in London, his mother a cleaner and his father a Billingsgate fish porter. He’s had a long and illustrious career and a 43 year marriage to Guyanian former model Shakira.

He has Sun and Venus and North Node in Pisces in his 10th so suited to a film career; with Mercury in Aries also in the 10th. What anchors him will be his Jupiter in the 4th in Virgo opposition his Sun/Venus midpoint – a happy home life gives him a platform from which to operate.

Though he’ll have been and still is constantly on the move. He has Uranus in Aries opposition his entertaining 5th house Libra Moon square Pluto in his 2nd. So a life in permanent revolution but it seems to suit him. Quite controlling.

He has a strong actors’ 15th Harmonic.

His wife Shakira, 23 Feb 1947, is another Sun, and maybe Moon, in Pisces; with Venus in Capricorn and Jupiter in Scorpio so she’ll appreciate the good life.

One thought on “Michael Caine – a prolific Pisces

  1. I have always loved actor Michael Caine and his performances project a certain kind of strength. Although I do recall watching him an interview and he struck me as very remote.

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