Alan Rickman – a power-packed Mercury

Much beloved actor Alan Rickman has died. From Die Hard through Robin Hood to the Harry Potter films, his growly voice left an indelible impression. He had a sterling theatre career as well as in the movies, notably in Les Liaisons Dangereuses, as well as Shakespeare, Ibsen and other classics.

Born 21 February 1946 in London, he was a Sun Venus Mercury in Pisces. But it is his Mercury which was astonishingly aspected – on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Pluto and Neptune, square Uranus, trine Mars Saturn in Cancer.

A Yod Mercury can be scattered, overly analytical and being a Yod would make him feel out of step with his environment. But he obviously wove that over-active mental energy into a career which blossomed from the moment he went to drama college.

He was born the same day as Anthony Daniels, who has portrayed C-3PO in all the Star Wars movies.

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