News that Mel Gibson has been resurrected from the sin bin to join the cast of the Starz tv John Wick prequel has not gone down well with fans who are threatening a boycott. He’s had a chequered past of scandals, accused of antisemitism, domestic violence and sexism but now reckons he’s paid his dues – and a section of the entertainment business clearly agree.
Born 3 January 1956 4.45pm Peekskill, New York, he has a Capricorn Sun in his Descendant. But more pointedly he has Mars conjunct Saturn in last decan Scorpio – opposition Algol – and square Pluto Jupiter as well as trine Uranus. Definitely a heavyweight personality, forceful, uber determined, a rumbling volcano of dark anger – a legacy from his conspiracy theorist, Holocaust-denying and Vatican-hating Roman Catholic fundamentalist father.
Gibson’s controversial “The Passion of the Christ” which he co-wrote, produced and directed was slated for its extreme and excessive violence. David Edelstein, Slate’s film critic, dubbed the film “a two-hour-and-six-minute snuff movie — The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre — that thinks it’s an act of faith”. And that’s the bloody face of Algol. The poster even has a brutalised head as publicity.
The approaching November Lunar Eclipse will rattle up his Mars Saturn so there may be more blow back to his casting – and that repeats in 2022. He looks reasonably upbeat despite that with tr Jupiter moving to cross his Midheaven from April 2022 for a year plus which is usually successful at a career level. Though he’s also got an undermining tr Neptune conjunct his Midheaven, maybe next year though the timing will depend on his birth time being accurate. What is for sure is that he’s in for a calamitous 2023/24 with his Mars and then Pluto and Saturn being rattled by tr Uranus hard aspects which may well cause another eruption. Plus a couple of other downers so it won’t go swimmingly ahead.
Since we are overdosing on Algol this week – Christine Lagarde, formerly IMF head and now in charge at the European Central Bank was born two days earlier and has much the same chart. She’s risen to the top in a male-dominated and very tough world so her chart has stood her in good stead. But it’ll be interesting to see how she negotiates the Lunar Eclipse and what follows.
Thank you, Marjorie.
Must be a great tragedy for all involved
Perhaps in the future,look at Sweden’s chart.
The gangshooting every day here.Insane.
Can’t see an end of this.