Mark Rutte & Netherlands – dilemmas galore

Mark Rutte, the Netherlands PM, is being criticised for not shutting down Black Friday sales. Shoppers were crowding in though numbers were significantly down on previous years. He’s in the usual political double-bind of too much or too little and not being able to please everyone. The Covid spike in early November appears to be going down though slowly.

  Born 14 February 1967 7.30 pm The Hague, he’s a hard-working though not always decisive Sun Aquarius square Neptune; with a five planet batch in Mutable signs of Mercury, Venus, Saturn in Pisces opposition Pluto Uranus in Virgo. Mutable planets tend to be highly-strung and prone to anxiety though also overly adaptable, getting swept around by prevailing circumstances. His secretive and intense 8th house Aries Moon is square Jupiter and trine Neptune as well as opposition Mars in Scorpio so he will blow soft and tough.

  He looks pumped-up and overly-confident at the moment with his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Pluto; and will be bullish and go-ahead from late February 2021 for two years with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter. But he also has the slow erosion of tr Neptune conjunct his Venus now, and opposition his Pluto and then Uranus in 2021 and on to conjunct his Saturn by mid decade. So there will be disappointments galore.

  His latest Term which started on 26 October 2017 does have a lucky Sun Jupiter conjunction, but it starts to look less stable from late February 2021 for two years with tr Pluto squaring the Uranus; with great uncertainty in 2022 if it’s still running.

 The Netherlands 26 July 1581 JC chart will be rattled mightily by the tr Uranus square tr Saturn in 2021 hitting on the Leo Sun; and in the following year the financial Venus and Uranus. It’ll be a rocky ride, shared by almost every other country, running into a serious setback in 2022 from Solar Arc Mars square the Saturn.  

  The Bank of Netherlands, 25 March 1814, will be under mounting pressure and stress from late February 2021 with tr Pluto trine the Mars; and sagging throughout the year with tr Neptune conjunct the Pluto; with panics about failures in 2022 from Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Neptune; running into two years of cutbacks and shortages in 2023/24 from tr Pluto conjunct the Saturn. So an extended period of recovery from the economic hit.

11 thoughts on “Mark Rutte & Netherlands – dilemmas galore

  1. There are elections coming up in March and he has been PM for 10 years now. There are murmerings that NL needs a different kind of leader but with no obvious centrist candidate who might succeed him, we could indeed see a major upheaval with the country veering to the right or the left. It will be interesting to see.

    • @SuHu, or to the right and to the left. This is possible, as well. Makes it more difficult to form a coalition, I’d think. Dutch politics is similar to Finnish in that we have several midsize political parties which don’t form fixed coalitions, unlike in Sweden. I’d expect to see some similarities on charts, but given Dutch chart hasn’t got a set TOB, the one thing I see is Mutable Moon – Gemini for The Netherlands, Virgo for Finland. Also, Finland has Gemini Ascendant.

    • Well, there is a huge scandal here which has come to light this week with the Belastingdienst (tax department) as thousands of parents – mostly with dual citizenship – have been denied (and accused of fraud) in trying to claim. Huge sums have been reclaimed by the department retrospectively (tens of thousands of guildens) inappropriately….It has been implemented by the Minister of Finance in the last Rutte government and has been labelled an ‘unprecedented injustice’ for years where the fundamental principles of the rule of law have been violated in the application of childcare benefits…these were the harsh observations made in the final report by the parliamentary committee…. the Minister of Finance in the last Rutte government (who is now Minister of Foreign Affairs in the present regime, has been singled out, but of course the premier has known what has been going on.

      Rutte’s chart – with a hugely volatile emphasis on the 8th – seems to embody the principles where ‘other people’s money’ which currently loom so large in his personal chart are being played out publicly…..he has been Prime Minister for 10 years but there are other candidates for the March elections…..Wopke Hoekstra is popular, also a woman, Sigrid Kaay, could be in the frame…..but the 8th emphasis currently seems to justify Rutt’e birth time accurately enough.

      • Hi Maggy, there are always ‘huge scandals’ in the Netherlands,almost every year of the many years I have lived here. Ministers come and go. But what always strikes me is that apart from the media’s shocked response these ‘affairs’ seem to have little or no effect on the Dutch psyche or voting patterns. I’ll be interested to see if the present hard lockdown over Christmas does have an effect come March! And when I look at that chart for the Netherlands I am pretty sure the moon should be in Cancer not Gemini; hearth and home, kith and kin are what’s most important to people here. It was the first thing I noticed when I came to work in The Hague back in1982.

        • Suhu, hi…I know what you mean. Europeans (esp the ‘open’ Dutch) are far more subtle…. where are you from? I am a Kiwi (New Zealand) but too big mouthed for this land! they are far more subtle, the whole system is, but it does work…..where you’re from always matters as it defines your stance towards others – its unconscious and unchangeable, but you will know what I mean! Everyone knows the gossip but it is not overt as in UK and all the ghastly Boris stuff – its a different mentality, that’s all….

          • Hi Maggy, I’m from the UK, South Wales originally but grew up in London. Have lived longer in NL now than in UK. You are right the mentality is different, people can be very direct but don’t take things personally or get easily offended so you always know where you stand and I like that. People are sorry to see the UK go but also understand it. NL has lost its main ally in the EU and, like everywhere else, is struggling with the effects of change. All the best, Susan.

  2. The NL birth chart has Sun Venus MC 23-28 Libra, which is interesting as the big, heavy Jup/Sat/Pluto transit in Mark Rutte’s chart is opposite his MC, squaring the national chart’s planets. His natal Pluto has many oppositions (Merc, Ven, Sat) and is conjunct Uranus…transit Uranus is conjunct his natal Sun now in the 9th, and the TRANSIT node squares all the mutable planets (5) across the asc/desc. His solar arc Sun (23) is approaching conjunction to his natal Moon in the 8th, so great upheaval…even more powerful is the progressed Sun/Moon (natal) both landing on his natal Moon…shortly. His mother died some months ago, perhaps the chart timing is a bit out….?

    Whew! much 8th house stuff…hard to see in a premier’s chart if it is the country’s finances, his own possessions or a very personal crisis…..I hope I didn’t mix up those things, it is very strange to get double whammys piling up, its obviously quite a year….. who’d be a politician!

  3. Something to be noted about The Netherlands unique issues is that it’s a 17 million inhabitant country that’s, however, the 7th largest exporter in The World. Exports make up over 80 per cent of their GDP, compared to just under 50 per cent of Germany and above 30 per cent of The UK. Not to mention meager 10 per cent of The US. Being such a strong exporter is also a reason they’ve had a disproportional say in EU, and also why they were thought to be among “big losers” of Brexit. I always felt that Brexit influence was overblown, given the type of goods The Netherlands exports. People in Britain need food and fuel even after Brexit, so they are just going to pay a higher price for them. Also, The Netherland’s favorable business environment, high level of education and logistic advantages meant many companies were transferring their post-Brexit European operations from The UK to The Netherlands instead of, for instance, Ireland.

    Covid-19, however, is bound to hit economy of The Netherlands hard. While countries such as The US, with strong internal service industry saw a very steep decline of economic activity on Q2 and then a sharp uptick on Q3 when the “First Wave” was over, Dutch will probably continue experiencing impact of the second wave well into 2021, as Industry order books empty.

    So, it’s not surprising Mark Rutte tries to boost domestic consumption, especially since large parts of Dutch society have considerable acculated wealth that could be injected to economy. It doesn’t mean he is right. He has long been a favourite of Libertarian bending types in Northern Europe who’ve advocated for smaller state involvement in everything. Given his erratic handling of covid-19 crisis, many have become awfully quiet now. I personally have a Finnish friend in The Netherlands who has been very vocal on our overblown public sector. Recently, however, she went on tirade on how unsuitable the Dutch system, with your GP being point of reference for all healthcare is. Apparently, they had major issues in getting covid-19 testing running,

  4. The EU chart is also set to go through some difficult circumstances with the transiting Saturn/Uranus square set to hit its fixed placements, along with tr. Neptune in Pisces also undermining it. Generally I tend to think that Europe will be entering a sharp economic contraction beginning next year, going through 2023. The bonds that bind the EMU will continue to be eroded through this period.

  5. Brexit is certainly one headache for the Netherlands but more decisive really is what happens in Germany over the next two years. Who is to be Merkel’s successor? Apparently the CDU intend to pick a new leader from among the 3 candidates mid-January 2021.

  6. Hi Marjorie, Sorry to mention it, but Brexit was said to be difficult for the Netherlands, it’s going to be difficult for the UK for sure. Even a headless chicken would be better than Big Baby Boris at the moment!

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