Mario Draghi has been sworn in as Italy’s 30th prime minister since 1946 to head the 67th government as the country struggles to emerge from the pandemic. He is tasked with rescuing the economy from the worst recession since the second world war. He won the backing of almost every large political party and will lead a mixed government of technocrats and politicians. The main priority will be to work out how to spend over €200bn (£175bn; $240bn) of EU recovery funds to rebuild from the pandemic. He is being welcomed as a miracle worker and saviour though it’s not clear how long his “Super Mario” nickname will hold given the considerable challenges facing Italy until mid decade. See previous posts: Draghi – 7 February 2021; and Italy January 27 2021.
His Administration chart is set for today at approximately 12 noon (anyone with an accurate oath-taking time do please say).
The stellium of planets in Aquarius are 9th and 10th house which suits a technocratic government, charming, good PR, strong opinions, intellectual and keen to communicate – or reach out internationally, being 9th house. Most of the Aquarius planets are either square a 12th house Mars or Uranus – which also suggests a fairly explosive term, with a refusal to compromise, which may be internal argy-bargy between the warring parties. There’s a lacklustre, indecisive Moon Neptune square the Nodes which will foster illusions, delusions and won’t always produce practical results. Plus a stuck by circumstances-beyond-control Pluto in the financial 8th – and that can also point to dirty dealings behinds the scenes.
Quite a mixed bag.
Yes, this must be exactly right. We can trust Corriere Della Sera on this!
Because I found another way to get this information. It might be helpful in the future if there is no help from normal news media.
The swearing in was live on Youtube.
See; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTUtzWANcyA
Recording began at 10.20 am GMT and ended 11.46 am GMT. So local time is 11.20 am – 12.46 pm.
Mario Draghi begins his oath of office 37 minutes in. That would be 11.57 am.
Marjorie, according to the Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera which has a timeline on its pages for today’s events, Draghi’s swearing in took place slightly before noon at 11.57 a.m.
Thanks. Not much difference.
The question my Italian friends are asking right now is will this really loose coalition (even by Italian standard) hold long enough to make Silvio Berlusconi President of Republic? The next election is due in early 2022, and would be the crowning moment of Berlusconi’s career. But he needs 2/3 of Electoral College, and I doubt this will happen, even without looking at his chart for early next year.