The Truss cabinet may be diverse ethnically but it follows Boris’s mantra of rewarding supporters and banishing divergent thinkers which hardly bodes well.
Therese Coffey, Deputy PM and Health Secretary, overweight and a smoker, RC and anti-abortion and anti-same-sex marriage. She’s a Sun Scorpio with Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune square Mars in Pisces (shades of Dom Cummings) – stubborn and scattergun at the same time, running into a dead-halt in a year plus with Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Sun. Relations with Truss OK until 2024 when uncertainty and disappointment loom.
Kwasi Kwarteng, Chancellor, a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune, will be marginally down in 2023. A volatile relationship with Truss which will rock n’ roll this year and next, which is standard for PMs and Chancellors, never an easy partnership.
James Cleverly, Foreign Secretary, a sensible Virgo Sun trine Saturn in Taurus, is undermined in 2023. The most troubled relationship with Truss of all the Cabinet – through 2023 into 2024.
Suella Braverman, Home Secretary, an Aries Sun opposition Pluto, with a bombastic Mars in Leo square Uranus and Venus. Not a good reputation for competence or sound judgement. Uncertain later this year; disappointment between herself and Truss in 2023 with jolts and jangles.
Ben Wallace, stays as Defence Secretary, a Taurus trine Pluto, stays on a lucky roll till late 2023. Scratchy moments with Truss from early 2023, worse in 2024.
Kemi Badenoch, International Trade, a Capricorn Sun with Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in Virgo. Losing traction from May 2023 onwards into 2024. Relationship with Truss oddly hostile though may all be buried between politic smiles. 2024 is a trouble spot between them.
Jacob Reese Mogg, Business Secretary, Sun Mercury in Gemini opposition Mars with Jupiter Pluto Uranus in late Virgo. Steam rolling ahead till early this December and although bullishly confident through 2023/24 is beginning to lose his mojo with disappointments and disasters looming from mid 2023 onwards. His relationship with Truss has fraught undertones with both jockeying for position and power. Will wobble in 2023, more obviously in 2024.
Truss’s relationship with Opposition Leader Keir Starmer is possibly softened by her Venus in Virgo being conjunct his Sun Pluto. If he survives the course as Labour leader it may run into a few hiccups after mid 2023.
Where she will have steely opponents are in Mick Lynch, the Rail Union leader, and Frances O’Grady, the TUC leader, The relationship chart with Mick Lynch suggests deteriorating relations this year and next and next with a hostile, argumentative tr Pluto square Saturn and Mercury with undermining Neptune brewing up confusion and scandal through till 2025.
Frances O’Grady, head of the Trades Union Congress, has already been voicing concern about the effect of Truss’s economic policies. She’s a stalwart Sun, Mars in Scorpio square Uranus and her relationship chart with Truss is fraught at the best of times with a composite Sun, Pluto, Uranus conjunction and Mars opposition Jupiter square Neptune – all of which is being upended one way and another through the next two years.
Based on what I’m seeing (rather than timed to events); I’m thinking she might be Aqua ascendant. That would put her Sun-Saturn-Mercury in hardworking but dull 6th which reflects her focus. It would put her mutable t-square across 2nd-8th-11th house – Pisces on 2nd house cusp would fit her everchanging values and she also doesn’t seem particularly materialistic. The cardinal t-square would have Aries-Libra across 3rd-9th which fits with her academic and bookwriting intellectualism.
We might get some timing for her chart next year. Saturn reaches 7 Pisces so it may hit her Moon if she’s born early in the day or it may happen in 2024. I will try to rectify using her life events later. Saturn was last in Pisces from mid-1994 – 1996 when she would have been at university and establishing independence from her parents; I’m not sure that will be useful. Pluto through Sag may be.
I note the Moon/Mars conjunction between Truss and Coffey,. Although that could shift if we knew Truss’ birth time it would still be in aspect.
I do wonder how this is all going to work out.
Truss administration chart looks more organised and practical than Johnson’s shambolic government . However, I keep going back to the mutable T Square in Truss personal chart, particularly with the Moon in Pisces and Neptune in Sagittarius. It makes me suspect that while Johnson was a lazy, devious, chancer he was also very much a known and fairly predictable proposition, a fact which I think voters may have instinctively understood. While Truss looks to be a more competent executive I think she is actually much harder to fathom. Moreover I have a suspicion that deep down she may may actually be inclined to be “away with the faeries” at times as that Pisces Moon square Neptune suggests.I think that may be a source of problems down the road.
That mutable t-square has to be playing out somewhere. From what I’m reading, she seems overly positive about borrowing/avoiding taxcuts as a way to get us out of the problem without any recognition that something else has to give to balance it off. That seems a bit Sag/Pisces/neptunian – all the optimism and plenty of denial.
On a side-note, Marjorie, Ben Wallace is apparently on course to become NATO Secretary-General next year, when that post becomes vacant.
Does his chart mesh well with NATO’s?
Interesting that Truss’s key ally is Therese Coffey, who is born a week before Dominic Cummings. Boris key ally – to begin with.
Key difference Scorpio Sun vs Sag Sun and moon but still the Mars in Pisces square Sag planets for both.
And Coffey’s Mars plays into Truss’ mutable t-square just as Cummings did with Boris! Actually Coffey has a mutable square there with Saturn in Gemini.
It just continues …