Lisa Marie Presley has died of a cardiac arrest aged 54, after a high-drama lifetime of revolving marriages and relationships, drug and latterly opioid abuse, and most recently the suicide of one of her sons in 2020.
She inherited Elvis’s multi-millions as a child and lost most of it, married Michael Jackson and briefly Nicholas Cage, and was involved in the Church of Scientology through her mother Priscilla. She made a clean break from the church in 2014, though she had been distancing herself from the organization for years. “They were taking my soul, my money, my everything,” she said of her eventual decision to leave.
She was born 1 February 1968 5.01pm Memphis, Tennessee and had a 7th house Aquarius Sun sextile a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries. But what dominated her chart was an 8th house Moon Mars in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo – driven by turbulent unconscious forces she didn’t understand and couldn’t control, messing up her financial judgement as well as her emotional life. That stormy opposition was trine/sextile Neptune in her 4th hinting at the sacrifices demanded by her family connections that she could never escape and never manage successfully.
Elvis – 8 January 1935 4.35 am Tupelo, MS, – had a powerful and influential chart, focused onto a rock n’ roll, unconventional Uranus in his performing 5th. His Uranus was conjunct her Midheaven – so his talent and showbusiness image arguably skewed her direction in life though she did record various singles and one successful album.
Her relationship with her mother Priscilla was tense with Priscilla’s 8th house Pluto opposition Lisa Marie’s Sun. They had a complicated and competitive relationship chart.
On Lisa Marie’s chart at the moment, tr Pluto was square her Midheaven and approaching the square to her Progressed Mars – which hinted at a massive change in her life.
Being the product of fame, gzillions and a dynasty isn’t easy.
ADD ON: Astrology Frank Clifford has pointed out on Facebook the extraordinary line up on Elvis’s chart with his only child dying. His Solar Arc Venus is exactly conjunct his Uranus in his 5th house of children; and his Solar Arc Uranus has moved to be exactly conjunct his Pluto in his 8th house, which amongst other things rules death and rebirth. And his Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct his Ascendant also exactly. Posthumous influences are often spot on and raise the question of exactly what the birth chart reflect.
Both Elvis and his daughter have 9 Life Path numbers. I may be mistaken, but isn’t 9 the hardest path to live because it calls for ego sacrifice?
JAS: Agree. Even when she was young, she had a jaded, world-weary vibe/aura. Strange considering her great wealth and privilege. And yes, you’d think her Leo ascendant would have helped to buoy her spirits. A gloomy life for someone who was born with so much.
Geoffrey Cornelius has a lot to say on the idea that astrological charts are a form of divination, particularly with respect to horary.
“Posthumous influences are often spot on and raise the question of exactly what the birth chart reflect. ”
A portal or window into the future? Much like a magic mirror or the Mirror of Galadriel.
Whoa, do I dare look at my deceased parents chart ?
And how does this echo in Still Alive chart of LMP’s mother.
She never really caught my eye, except when briefly considering how isolated and difficult her life must be. But now that she has passed away – still young and after such a troubled life – I feel sorry that she had to suffer so much. May God rest and restore her soul indeed
Here mother still alive…,
Priscilla Presley
Witch of Hell uugghh.Too,too bad to see.
She’ll find her Destiny in the end.
She was crazy American royalty as per her Leo ascendant. That’s why her passing is so meaningful.
She always had the look of incredible unhappiness, like nothing in her life brought joy. To me that is the opposite of the Leo Ascendant. She was good person. May she rest in peace.
I just read of a theory put forward by a biographer Sally Hoadel on Lisa Marie having inherited a gene mutation that was posthumously diagnosed on Elvis causing heart issues. Certainly possible, since Elvis, his mother Gladys and all Galdys’ brothers apparently died in their 40’s of cardiac arrest. It seems plausable, and I think about 8th house Mars (conjunct Moon) in Pisces might be an indicator of that.
I just read of a theory put forward by a biographer Sally Hoadel on Lisa Marie having inherited a gene mutation that was posthumously diagnosed on Elvis causing heart issues. Certainly possible, since Elvis, his mother Gladys and all Galdys’ brothers apparently died in their 40’s of cardiac arrest. It seems plausable, and I think about 8th house Mars (conjunct Moon) in Pisces might be an indicator of that
Apparently Elvis’s maternal grandparents were first cousins. It’s thought that his grandmother was misdiagnosed with TB when in fact she had a genetic defect that affects the liver and lungs and marriage to her first cousin would have exacerbated the genetic problems in their children and grandchildren.
Sad to learn of Lisa-Marie’s passing, far too young. R.I.P.
@Virgoflake, it’s also an interesting cultural question. Why/how was this so common in American South. I can trace every line in my family tree back at least 7 generations. Going down my family tree, I have an instance if one set of 3rd great grandparents being 1st cousins once removed. Otherwise, it seems that despite a very limited population – we’re talking about couple of hundreds of adults and 50 households in areas spanning 100s of square kilometers – the 1st cousin marriages were almost a taboo, and 2nd cousin marriages uncommon among general population. 1st cousin marriages I’ve seen in the area are all among a class that might have been akin to “landed gentry”, people with larger proprieties and a profession.
@Solaia, marriages between close relations, including first cousins and, it’s often joked, even between siblings, were and may still be quite common in parts of the south, particularly in the “hollers” of Appalachia, including West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee, areas known for poor schools and lack of education. These areas tend to be extremely poor and now with high unemployment, limited access to healthcare and few job opportunities.
In a biwheel, place Lisa’s Lunar Return to natal Sun, for December 25, 2022, in the inner wheel.
Place her natal chart in the outer wheel. We see her death from drug use,
Why exactly is Pluto in the 6th House square the MC/IC, a transit where the outcome could be death? (I actually have my MC at 28 Aries too….yikes!) I know Pluto signifies death and rebirth. Does this mean anytime transiting Pluto has a hard aspect to a natal planet that physical death is a possibility or is it specific to the MC/IC? I noticed that Lisa Marie also had these exact transits yesterday: Pluto trining her natal Uranus, Saturn sextiling her North Node and Uranus conjuncting Lilith and several other transits within 2 – 3 degrees.
Interesting. My mother was born thirty years earlier with Saturn in Aries. She is incredibly self-reliant and extremely frugal. I don’t know her house placements, though. She must be having a tough transit hitting a financial angle because one of her banks has seemingly “lost her account” and can’t find her money. Very strange.
Tough chart … Sun in Aqua, Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Aries – all in their detriment/fall. And throw in Venus in Capricorn as a poor placement too. Then the obvious Pisces Moon-Mars opposition Virgo Uranus-Pluto.
Four planets in the 7th-8th along with 5th house Venus and Sag on its cusp would have compelled her to find relationships as well as having SN Libra pulling her to them.
With Saturn in the 9th, she must have felt tormented and abandoned by the universe or god. No wonder she looked to Scientology.
God rest her soul.
She was forced into Scientology by her mother after Elvis died. She didn’t choose to be in it.
She looked horrible at the Golden Globes Award. Her speak was slurred during an interview and she had to hold onto a rep/friend when speaking.
May she rest in peace.
@Km, I think that was Austin Butler, who justly wan Golden Globe for his portrayal of her father in Baz Luhrman film, at least at one point. I think Austin was incredibly sweet there overall, and should probably look at his astrology, he is talented and seems nice, and might really go to having a Tom Hanks style career as a talented actor with an unusual reputation of being also a standup person.
Thank you