Singer, songwriter Lily Allen has married actor David Harbour, best known for Stranger Things in Las Vegas, in a wedding officiated by an Elvis impersonator. Both have had complicated lives with Lily Allen on her second marriage with two children from a previous one, blighted for several years by an unstable stalker, with pregnancy mishaps and post-natal depression as well as a diagnosis of bi-polar. He had an alcohol addiction and is bi-polar as well.
Born 2 May 1985 in London, she’s a Sun Taurus opposition Pluto in Scorpio with her Sun square Jupiter in Aquarius – so she will tend to head for controlling relationships and be fairly possessive and stubborn herself. Her Venus in Aries squares Neptune which will be helpful creatively and musically but less so for commitment in relationships. Her Libra Moon may also square Neptune.
He was born 10 April 1975 in New York and is a go-ahead Sun Aries with Mercury, Jupiter and Moon also in Aries with a confident Pluto opposition Jupiter (Moon) Mercury square Saturn in Cancer. A focal point Saturn will have given him frustrations in his early adult life but will gradually mellow into a more productive phase through his middle and later years. He’ll be a good organiser and executive. His Mars in stubborn Aquarius is in a volatile trine to Uranus and square an indulgent Venus in Taurus.
Her Venus, Mercury in Aries and Libra Moon chime with his Aries planets; and his Venus is a good fit with her Sun although they are not conjunct. But his Uranus is conjunct her emphasised Pluto which will cause some disruptions and he’ll threaten her need for control.
Their relationship chart has a close, affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction; and there is an inspirational composite Grand Trine of Neptune trine North Node trine Mars, formed into a Kite by Mars opposition Pluto – that is super-powerful and if well-directed could create an effective duo capable of moving mountains. But the risk is that the volcanic energy turns inward and causes problems. Mars Pluto is power-struggling and dominating, so one or other will fight for the upper hand.
She looks happy with her Solar Arc Venus conjunct her Sun this year but the honeymoon months will be edgy with an uncertain tr Neptune opposition the composite Saturn till late February next year. And she will be jolted and jangled with tr Uranus conjunct and tr Saturn square her Sun from spring 2021 too spring 2022.
The wedding chart has major pluses from a successful and lucky Sun trine Jupiter trine Uranus; but there’s also a less helpful, aggravated Mars square Saturn Pluto – so the marriage ahead won’t be without its tough patches.
I hope her children will be OK. She has had a hard time with 5th house issues. Perhaps something better is promised in the composite chart? I wish them well.
So, David Barbour is my husband’s astro twin. Husband is not bipolar, but otherwise, this pretty much sums him up. His Moon/Jupiter is extremely tight. He is, BTW, also a huge Elvis fan, and the only way I escaped being wed by an Elvis impersonator is that his godfather is a minister.
Also, one of the very few “casual” astro conversations I ever had was with a woman who was born a week apart from David and my husband when I’d just started dating husband. She was a co-worker, and she made me aware of that Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto T-Square. She was very neutral about it, but said it needs an outlet, and she’d found it. I did obsess about it quite a lot, and have since named it “Fall of Saigon T-square”. The fall happened a couple of weeks later, but I just always associate this with CIA airlifting people in Saigon. There’s that urgency, urgent need to organize for a pivotal event. Natives with this formation never forget it.