Larry King, dubbed by Ted Turner, as “the most famous interviewer in the world” has died aged 87 after an extraordinarily successful career and an equally unforgettable though less happy private life. During a 50 year career he carried out 50,000 TV interviews with the great, the good and the famous of his day. He did little to no research, preferring to approach his guests as a viewer might and was criticised for his soft approach though, like David Frost, he often was effective at drawing out secrets.
He had suffered multiple medical problems in recent years – diabetes, heart attacks, early-stage lung cancer, and a stroke.
He was born 19 November 1933 at 10.38am Brooklyn, NY and had a chequered start to his career with a serious gambling problem, mounting debts, even a grand larceny charge against him for allegedly stealing money from an industrialist Louis E. Wolfson. It was dropped because the statute of limitations had expired, but he continued to face problems over bad checks and debts, eventually filing for bankruptcy. In his early forties having hit rock bottom he slowly rebuilt his career.
His marital life was a conveyor belt of constant change, producing various children and by the time he died he was on to number eight wife who was divorcing him.
A Sun Mercury in Scorpio trine an intense Pluto in his 7th house of relationships gave him determination and a persuasive streak. Though he’d also end up in power struggles in his close relationships, which added to his Pluto being in a constantly-churning square to Uranus wouldn’t make for marital serenity or longevity. He also had Neptune in his 8th – good for creating a super-star aura – bad for commitment. His Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator was square Neptune which would double up on his emotional slipperiness when it came to dedication. His colourful Sagittarius Moon in his hidden 12th was conjunct Mars, giving him anger issues with women as well; with his Moon trine Uranus and inconjunct Pluto. Not an easy domestic life or relationship with his mother who had to bring up two children after his father died when he was nine.
His leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic was heavily aspected; as was his ‘obsessive dream’ and enduring 11H.
Unlucky in love/gambling and stratospherically fortunate in career terms. What a strange life.
Thanks Marjorie. You paint a spot-on portrait with astrology.