Kylie Minogue – Gemini Virgo mutability and a tough Saturn



Australian singer, songwriter, dancer, actress Kylie Minogue has split from her 20 year younger actor fiancé purportedly because of concerns over his fidelity. She’s had a chequered love life up till now.

Born 28 May 1968 11.16am Melbourne, AU (astrotheme) she has her Gemini Sun conjunct Venus on one side and Mars Moon on the other with Mercury making it five Gemini planets, so certainly a good multi-tasker, well designed astrologically as a pop singer and restless. Her Moon Mars are square Pluto, which is in turn conjunct Uranus, so she’ll have wildly contradictory needs – wanting freedom and possession at the same time. In addition she has a difficult Yod of Pluto Uranus sextile Neptune inconjunct Saturn in self-reliant Aries (conjunct an Aries North Node), which will have seen her struggling with feelings of frustration and low self-esteem through her life. That’s very much a stand-on-your-own-two-feet placing, fostering independence rather than dependence.

Tr Neptune is square her Moon Mars through this year and next which will make her emotionally disappointed and confused.

Assuming her birth time is sound her Progressed Moon will move out of her 8th in about six months’ time which will be less intense and anguished; and she does have tr Uranus trine her Jupiter in 2018 which will buck her up. Plus a couple of strongly upbeat transits to Jupiter midpoints through till late 2019. But she also has tr Pluto opposition her Saturn in 2018/19 which will be discouraging and a real tough slog. So a real mix of highs and lows.

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