Headline-grabbing Kim Mulkey, a successful college basketball coach and Olympic gold medallist, is in a brawl with two US newspapers over their comments about her controversial approach and her team. Known for her exuberant choice of clothes worn during games, she was hardly going to be an understated personality with her Taurus Sun exactly conjunct Algol and exactly square Uranus. Her Uranus is also in a high-vitality, uncompromising and volatile trine to Mars in upfront Aries, sextile Venus.
According to the Washington Post she is ‘known to hold grudges and clash with players, including about their appearances and displays of their sexuality’. Described as “one of college basketball’s most colourful personalities, she is viewed by some as an almost cartoonishly ornery supervillain.” She has not spoken to her father for 37 years, after his infidelity and eventual divorce from her mother. She wrote about it in her 2007 autobiography, “Won’t Back Down.” She walked alone down the aisle at her wedding, and returned notes from her father unread as he pleaded for reconciliation.
Born 17 May 1962 in Louisiana, she has a ‘leadership’ North Node in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius square Neptune (and probably Moon) in Scorpio – emotionally intense, though often misreading the signals from others and her own feelings, can be misled by delusions, acutely lonely at an inner level, though capable of being supportive. Plus a super-confident and over-pushy Jupiter opposition Pluto. A curious mix of a bulldozing warrior and an idealist/dreamer.
This year will rattle her up with tr Uranus heading to conjunct her Sun and square her Uranus in that over-heated July meeting of Uranus Algol and Mars – and tr Uranus continues on and off into 2024 trying to jolt her onto a new path.
Coaches can’t be retiring mice and she certainly lives her chart out to the full.
Notice “basketball’ at 27Sagittarius…..isn’t that degree “the centre of the Universe?”
She sure acts like she’s the centre of attention.
Here is Kim Mulvey’s rectified chart…..use magnifier for enlargement.
Domiciled Mercury and Mars and also Jupiter.
I loved that Mercury conjunct Venus in Gemini. Sounds fun, breezy, light, airy, beautiful, and ethereal.
Apart from Jupiter, forgot the classically domiciled Saturn in Aquarius.