Sound the trumpets for the end of the celebrity influencer cult (cross fingers) with the news that Kim Kardashian, one of the principal and early offenders in this zone is heading for a divorce from Kanye West.
He’s had well-publicised problems with his bi-polar disorder and she pulled back from the spotlight after a scary robbery in Paris in 2016. The marriage has clearly been in trouble for a while and with so much money at stake – $4 billion jointly it is thought – it will be a major disengagement exercise.
In many ways it’s a shame since his Sun Jupiter in Gemini falls on her Descendant which is ideal and fits her Libra Sun; with his passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus in her 5th. His Pluto in her 10th would make him inclined to control her direction but she’s got a Sun Pluto conjunction so would have been OK with that up to a point. Both have Pisces Moons.
There’s nothing much showing on the relationship chart apart – perhaps – from tr Neptune conjunct the composite Moon. But without his birth time that isn’t certain. 2022 looks more ominous since tr Saturn in Aquarius will then conjunct the tricky composite T square of Mars opposition Sun Mercury square Uranus; with a jolting tr Uranus joining in and extending in the years beyond that. So it may take some time.
He’s on his mid-life crisis Uranus opposition at the moment with tr Uranus also disrupting his Saturn in Leo as well through this year so he’ll be up and down.
Her Sun/Moon midpoint which usually shows up with separations, took its worst pounding several years back so she may psychologically have made the split already.
She’s in a less successful low-profile phase with tr Saturn moving through her First Quadrant – from the robbery in 2016 through till mid decade. Which doesn’t mean she won’t be making a confident and probably successful push for a new project come 2022/23 with tr Pluto trine her 10th house Jupiter.
Their wedding chart, 24 May 2014 Florence, Italy, had all the hints of a tumultuous union with an Aries Moon Uranus opposition Mars square Pluto opposition Jupiter. It predicted a pattern of rolling crises in the years following – of which this is one, with the explosive Solar Arc Mars in exact opposition to the Uranus.
Kanye is a cancer rising apparently, which in my opinion (as fan of his music) could be true. He certainlt had many cancer 1st house, aries mc with taurus stellium there moments. I think this would also explain his stong relationship with mother since she was a cancer sun, gemini moon etc
Seem to recall reading that the TV series “Keeping Up with The Kardashians” is coming to an end too. I once watched it for about twenty minutes, out of fascination, after stumbling across it as I channel hopped. I guess it appeals to people with co-dependency issues who like to get ultra-invested in the drama of others.
I’m sad for them
I have a soft spot for her
Despite the social media
all kadashians all the time.
That, I do not love.
If Kanye is struggling with
mental health issues that would’ve been challenging
for both of them
Wasn’t Kim studying to be a lawyer?
Always thought Kanye was too much to handle for her refined Libra-Pisces-Virgo chart. I suspect she thought she could rescue him.