America’s Royal family, the Kennedys, are catching the headlines with Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert F lauding Prince Harry and Meghan; while JFK’s grandson Jack Schlossberg is squiring the Wales on their Boston trip. Plus ca change.
There is general bafflement about the RFK’s Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award for ‘moral courage’ being awarded to the Sussexes by – of all people – Alec Baldwin, lately embroiled in an on-set shooting debacle. Zelensky will quite rightly be honoured. But he stands alongside several industry captains and the young erstwhile Royals whose ‘speaking truth to power’ has been substantially queried in terms of veritas.
A Kennedy biographer described the award as ‘somewhere between sublimely ridiculous and blatantly ludicrous. It’s absurd.’
Kerry Kennedy, 8 September 1959 12.55pm Boston, Massachusetts, previously married to Andrew Cuomo, is a lawyer and human rights activist, fronting several RFK charitable foundations. She has a Virgo Sun close to her midheaven with a dogmatic and persuasive (manipulative) Pluto Venus Mercury in Virgo also in her much travelled 9th. An ambitious Mars in Libra in her career 10th will make her a go-getter. It is in a short-tempered square to Mars and also sextiles a money-oriented Moon Jupiter in Scorpio on her Ascendant. Saturn trine Pluto, Venus, Mercury will give her endurance as well as a hard-edged, chilly temperament when it comes to interpersonal relationships.
Quite why she made her selection is mystifying even going by the astrology. Admittedly Harry’s Virgo Sun falls in her 10th as does Meghan’s Moon Jupiter Saturn. But the relationship charts with the Sussexes and indeed with Alec Baldwin are all riven with irritation and distrust.
Kerry Kennedy’s Sun conjunct the Midheaven and her Mars in the 10th as well as a Moon Jupiter conjunction, point to a strong connection with her mother Ethel Kennedy, who was left with eleven children when RFK was assassinated in 1968. She had a gothic life – both her parents were alcoholics and were killed as was a brother in separate plane crashes. Not only was her husband RFK shockingly killed but one son died of a drug overdose, another’s reckless driving left a girl paralyzed for life, and yet another son died in a skiing accident.
Ethel Kennedy, 11 April 1928 3.30am Chicago, has a 2nd house Sun Jupiter in Aries trine a 10th house Saturn trine Neptune – a well-organised do-er with Saturn in her 10th, fired by inspiration and faith in her own abilities from a Fire Grand Trine and attention-seeking with Pluto in the 5th. When RFK was killed the tr Uranus Pluto in late Virgo was square her Saturn and moving to square her Moon in the aftermath.
Though the considerable losses in her life are less obvious than in her daughter’s . Maybe all that Fire and faith kept the horror at bay.
Kerry on the other hand has Mars square Saturn which can occur in charts where a parent dies early and in her case siblings as well.
Not sure what this all adds up to – and the Kennedys are such a vast family, they are even worse than the Windsors in scale so not possible to encapsulate. But they keep popping up.
Seems Sunshine Sachs might be behind the Award as it was said to have been organised after William announced the Earth Shot details in July I think. Did Megs demand they find anything to get them in the press the week William and maybe Catherine are in the USA and SS came up with The Ribbon of Hope Award, who are clients or linked with SS. Where the accusations about structured ray cism came from is not known, but could be from or fueled by the Kennedy’s support for Ireland and dislike of the Monarchy. It could also be that they want publicity for their little known Award but after the revelations of how little money goes to where its needed and much goes to the organisers perhaps they are regretting that now. Will Harry betray his family again and accept the Award? Or has Megs as spent a small fortune on her frock maybe even tiara and is determined to be seen. Rumours are also saying they bought the Award but if so is this the angle they wanted the Award to be based on. Will they also try to attend Earth Shot as it was claimed Megs intended to crash his UN event which was cancelled due to the passing of the Queen or upstage William and Catherines visit to the USA somehow. Or will accepting the Award and the fall out sate them for now.
Thanks Marjorie. So many layers…
Here’s Robert Kennedy, speaking in apartheid South Africa in June, 1966.
“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
Have Harry and Meghan really approached doing any of this in a meaningful way?
There was, at the time they got together, great public affection for them here in the UK. The wedding was a lovely, sunlit occasion with cheering crowds. They could, and perhaps still can, do a great deal of good. Trying to destroy their families seems to be an ongoing mutual project – and doesn’t seem to have waned since the arrival of their children either. All so sad. And very weird too – they receive money from the RF which they clearly need. They appear to enjoy their titles too, and want titles for the children. Princess Anne, for instance, declined the use of titles for her own children – so there’s a ready-made example of what’s possible.
None of it makes sense. The wealthy and privileged grow ever more ‘Marie Antoinette’ by the day! Pluto was in Aquarius for the French Revolution, so perhaps our current situation will all change again in the years ahead.
As this whole episode was completely unexpected and somewhat baffling, I wondered if the true aim behind it was using H & M to “get back” at the Royal Family and whether this was motivated by issues around (Northern?) Ireland and the Kennedy family heritage. Biden’s (and his mother’s) angst against the UK is well-publicised but I’m unsure where the Kennedy’s stood on this as a family. Just a thought.
Hi. You just can’t make this stuff up. Now this foundation will be “markled” as people are so outraged that these two grifters are receiving this award. People have been posting this foundation’s tax reports and it’s not stellar. Go figure. And they are shining a light upon Kerry’s criminal record.
Harry dressed as a Nazi and used a racial slur against people of Pakistani descent. MM has spent thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to erase all signs of her biracial heritage. She joined a Caucasian sorority, listed herself as Caucasian on her CV and allegedly used to refer to herself as Maltese or Italian. Harry co-founded Heads Together in 2017 so he knew how to get help for mental illness. Or one or both of them could have also telephoned Meghan’s mother who is a licensed clinical social worker. Also, Meghan could have told her OB/GYn team whom she saw regularly during her pregnancy.
During the engagement interview, both of them said that Meghan was welcomed and Harry said that the RF “was the family that she never had.”
Really starting to think these two clowns have serious handlers (backers) who will never cease trying to destroy the RF.
This couple had the world as their oyster and could have done so much good, day in and day out. They could have spotlighted so many areas of concern and could have raised so much money. What a pity.
I honestly thought it was nuts.
There’s an interesting article by Liz Greene about the Kennedys called “The Oracle and the family curse”. It’s on astrodienst. Many of her staff have claimed she is a nightmare to work with and can’t understand why she’s a humanitarian lawyer…they probably need some guidance from an astrologer..the chart seems to speak loud and clear.