Kenzo Takada – nature on the catwalk

Kenzo Takada, the Japanese-French fashion designer who founded a global brand of perfumes, skincare products, and clothes, has died of a covid-related illness aged 81. His use of flamboyant, bright, often clashing colours and flower prints, were flaunted with theatrical delivery in his shows.

  He was born 27 February 1939 in Japan but came to France in his twenties and remained there throughout his long and successful career.

  He was a Sun, Jupiter, Mercury in creative Pisces with a Gemini Moon. His Mercury Jupiter were opposition Neptune square and adventurous Mars in Sagittarius – he was well-designed for a life of publicity and attention and not short of courage when it came to making his mark.  He had an Earth Grand Trine which is good for business and connected him to the material, earthy real. “Nature is very important to me,” he said. “Part of me is an ecologist.”  His creative Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune was also trine Venus in Capricorn with his Venus square Saturn which would add to his talent for design. His Venus was in an intense and passionate opposition to Pluto.

  His creative, get-it-together 5th harmonic had a Half Grand Sextile so oozing with ability. His tinged-with-genius 13H was also well aspected; as was his global superstar 22H; and leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H.

5 thoughts on “Kenzo Takada – nature on the catwalk

  1. Thanks very much, Marjorie, for posting this. Such an artist and such an intriguing character. I had only recently given away a very mad skirt I had that he designed – now alas far too small! His playfulness seems to come through in his creations, and is wonderful when combined with that steady, earthy side. Curiously, there are many connections between his chart and my own – perhaps that’s why I enjoyed his work so much. The mad skirt always made me feel wonderful.

  2. Hello Marjorie:

    I learn a lot from reading the website but I like to learn more.

    You speak of harmonics.

    I remember you talked about a few books and authors a long time ago (6 years ago?) where harmonics were discussed in length.

    Would you care posting the name of books or names of authors that have inspired you on this topic of harmonics.

    Thank you very much.


  3. This is so sad! One of the obituaries I read mentioned he was incredibly well liked in usually litigious Fashion World. And that he was also a prankster. Probably a combination of strong Jupiter in Pisces and Gemini Moon. Also, as a fragrance lover, I have to say that he probably had the best conceived perfume lines of all modern designer labels (I would omit Chanel and Dior) out there in the 1990’s. Personally wore the signature Kenzo, L’Ete, Flower (that came out in 1990) and Kashaya, and my biggest regret scent wise is not to have purchased Jungles, both Elephant and Tigre were gorgeous. I think this attention might partially come from Grand Trine in Earth, but he probably had strong 2nd house, as well.

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