Keir Starmer received the Royal invitation to govern at 12.19 pm this morning after a landslide Labour victory though on a low turnout with only support from a third of the voters. The UK chart with tr Pluto trine the Uranus exactly now was clearly in the mood for a change.
The Starmer Term chart has a New Moon and Venus in Cancer in the 10th for a charm-offensive and family-oriented administration. There will be confidence (and luck) from Pluto trine Jupiter in the 9th, especially with foreign affairs and education. What is more ominous is Mars and Uranus in Taurus in the 8th on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Neptune on final degree Pisces trine Venus, hinting at a) financial/economic disruptions with international implications or causes; 2) violent disruptions/natural or man made disasters. Neptune hovering on the cusp of the 7th suggests lack of commitment to partnerships and agreements. Saturn and maybe Neptune in the 6th house of health will focus attention on the problems of the health service.
(Oddly enough Blair came to power after a landslide when Neptune was on the final degree of Capricorn.)
Pluto opposition Mercury hints at hostile and bitter debates with intransigent opponents. Jeremy Corbyn is in as an independent MP as is Reform Nigel Farage whose nationalist right party took 14 percent of the vote. Under proportional representation Reform would have won 93 seats. So far left and far right have gained ground. Pro-Palestinian candidates also made inroads into Labour vote. The SNP collapsed.
Additional numbers to ponder: Labour secured just over 700,000 more votes than Mr Corbyn in 2019, one percentage point more, but managed to pick up more than 200 additional seats. Starmer’s vote share is below even the 35.2 per cent which Blair achieved in the 2005 election, when his majority fell to 66 seats. Nigel Farage’s Reform party secured 4.1 million votes but only four seats. The Greens won four seats with 1.9 million votes. By contrast the Liberal Democrats won 71 seats despite with only 3.5 million votes. Combined Reform and the Conservatives gained 37.9 per cent of the vote, but collectively have just 17 per cent of seats. Left-wing parties gained 44.1 per cent of the vote but took up 67 per cent of seats.
Not only has the UK chart tr Pluto trine the Uranus for a definite change, exact at the moment and returning on and off till late 2025, it also has an upbeat tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Jupiter for a surge of confidence at the same time. As one commentator remarked: “For the first time in more than a decade, the UK has a stable, centre-left government led by an understated but patently serious premier. After the chaos of recent years, it may take some time for everyone to adjust.” Not quite the wholehearted high that came for six months after Blair was elected (which soon faded) but there will be uplift.
Not that everything ahead will be down to Starmer’s competence since black swan events are always lurking and on the UK chart with the Solar Arc Uranus drawing closer to a conjunction with the troubled 8th house Mars – same degree within weeks and on the exact aspect in nine months – it will need a steady hand on the tiller to cope with the fallout, financial and otherwise. And by 2026 tr Uranus in Gemini will be poised to square the UK Pluto for another almighty upheaval of a different variety.
Starmer’s own chart does have tr Jupiter conjunct his Sun Pluto in Virgo which are the driving planets of a Kite exactly now for this win. But ahead is less cheerful with a devastating and confused Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune within a few months and a confidence slump from his SA Sun conjunct his Neptune probably into 2025. What will be much worse is his SA Mars conjunct his Sun and then Pluto in 2026/27 hinting at a dead halt. 2026/27 is also when tr Pluto is in a discouraging (and then some) conjunction to his Saturn on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars sextile Pluto Sun – so he will not have a long run of progressive reform.
This is just for starters. More no doubt tomorrow and tomorrow ……..
Less than a month and there’s chaos.
Frozen granny’s for Christmas, two tier policing and now, an horrific murder of three children. Today’s televised address to the nation focused on “far-right agitators (some arrested in London outside Downing Street were pensioners), nothing about knife crime and machete wielding thugs in Southend. I am not supportive of violence to make one’s point but the UK is at boiling point.
It’s going to be a rollercoaster ride.
Could the term chart show the potential for civil unrest, strikes and protest at home with Mercury (11th house) opposition Pluto (4th) and the incendiary Mars Uranus conjunction in Taurus which is ruled by Venus in Cancer (the public)? It will be interesting to see how he deals with any possible dissent and protest.
Starmer’s natal Mars in Cancer sits on the term chart’s MC / Moon. Which could suggest a fractious interaction with the public (Cancer MC / Moon). On a similar note, he has a tight natal Mars quincunx Saturn; Saturn picks up the Mercury Pluto opposition in the term chart. According to polling people seemed to have voted for Labour in spite of him. YouGov polling on his leadership running up to the election showed that more people have a neutral / negative opinion about him than positive.
Labour have Reform to thank for many of their seats. We ended up with the ‘baby of the house’ winning by 39 votes, toppling the long standing Conservative MP who looked totally shell-shocked by the result. There’s been a fair amount of ‘buyer’s remorse’ by disaffected Conservative voters who voted for Reform in really significant numbers and ended up with a Labour MP… I suppose Sunak did try to warn them as the polling did indicate that Reform would do well and split the vote on the right. I didn’t really believe the polls but clearly they were correct.
I really hope that buyer’s remorse is real and lasting! Even as a centre left leaner, I don’t want Reform to thrive at the expense of a sensible, one nation Conservative Party.
Totally agree with you and it’s getting worse.
My astrological tuppence’orth…
Jupiter in the ninth should bode well for foreign affairs and higher education. So perhaps something like Erasmus may be back on for British and EU students. As an aside, can somebody expand on the difference between Jupiter and the Arabic Part of Fortune?
Saturn in the sixth suggests to me that the NHS will be problematic, a struggle.
The Nodes being so close (widely conjunct?) to the Asc-Des line suggests to me that there is an element of destiny here, both in the government and its relationship with its partners (and open enemies?).
Chiron in the seventh should hopefully also mean healing with relationships with the partners.
The high proportion of women in the government is highlighted not just by the Venus in the 10th, but by Mars (masculine energy) in the hidden eighth.
Pluto in the fourth, in Aquarius, could mean that small boats will remain a problem throughout the lifetime of this government.
Sorry Marjorie but the comments on your page are no good for my blood pressure! Why all the vitriol? Especially against Starmer who even Rishi described as a decent man? He grew up without the advantages money gives you in this country! Get over it! Opinion is not fact and we should be able to discuss different opinions as adults not toddlers with a massive tantrum because our side lost. I came to this site because I think astrology works, but I can see now that the same human frailty persists – look for the aspect/ sign that confirms your personal bias. Thank you for your wonderful posts, but I’m now signing off.
My apologies I should sit on top of the intemperate more rigorously. I tend to trip over backward not to be just an echo chamber – not that I have strong political beliefs – I mainly dislike them all.
Also there is a lesson to be learned from Joe Biden and indeed Nicola Sturgeon – that comments which veer away from the mainstream consensus can sometimes be right.
Anyway belatedly WARNING – this is an astrology site not a rant and rave destination for UK or US or anywhere else politics.
The binning and blocking has started.
Thank you thank you thank you! I do listen to different opinions and that’s the point, listen and think it over. It’s the vitriol that I just can’t stand, it’s unhelpful and dangerous.
I know what you mean – it’s that visceral hit of bile, venom and incontinent rage that sets your teeth on edge – like toddlers throwing a tantrum when they can’t get what they want, and ten times worse when translated into a supposedly adult version.
Thank you Marjorie. The vitriol needs to come down from both sides.
Regarding Stramer’s rise, he has done what any ambitious politician would do to gain power. Successful politicians are flexible with principles.
I think for the sake of our own mental health it’s important that we don’t invest emotionally on politicians.
I don’t understand really understand the emphasis on Starmer’s humble background? He’s clearly moved on. As an adult he has moved the Labour Party to the right more than it ever been. He has broken all his pledges he made on becoming leader; effectively conning members who voted for him on a centre/soft left platform. He conducted a factional war on the left of the party – only restoring the whip to Diane Abbott after it was leaked to the press that she was not going to be allowed to stand as Labour MP. Numerous reports say the investigation into her case had been concluded months ago but she was left hanging for months only to be humiliated by Starmer at the last possible moment for maximum impact. The backlash against not allowing the first female black MP to stand was huge – the optics were horrendous for Labour so, of course, Starmer had to perform another u-turn. And what about his rise to power as leader? He demanded that Labour assumed the second referendum position prior to the 2019 election which lost Labour the election but gave him a clear route to the leadership. This is a person who craves power and his chart indicates issues around power and control are important to the individual.
Can’t edit the above. After surviving Starmer’s manoeuvres to end her career in disgrace, ironically, Diane Abbott has become mother of the house.
I’d imagine issues of power and control are prominent in any leader’s chart, especially successful ones. And you can find flip flopping across the board. Nick Clegg and the Coalition cost the Libdem dearly for ten years with the electorate, Boris and his Churchill complex, Truss and Kwarteng, the Blair/ Brown internal war etc etc etc. ad nauseam. I’m not sure I’d want a leader who couldn’t lead, and I suspect that was Sunak’s problem – his party just wouldn’t stop plotting.
Sticking with Starmer, due to his insistence on Labour adopting a second referendum position in 2019 the UK ended up with a hard Brexit and a Conservative landslide all to feed his personal ambition to be leader. If that’s leadership no wonder people are fed up.
I’m not sure his stance on a second referendum created the Boris landslide, I think it was just Boris. He cut an unexceptional figure in the public perception right up to a year or two ago.
Also, there were other ( related) issues in 2019 – levelling up in the north that didn’t really happen as promised, HS2 that should have started in the north and got cancelled thus dividing north and the south that never really wanted it. I suspect we agree that Brexit was a disaster, let alone the hard Brexit we ended up with, but the issues go back much further than Starmer and 2019 . I do think the North was taken for granted by everyone politically and that politics generally is too centred on the South East.
There were many reasons why tories won in 2019.
1. The most important factor was that people were fed up with Brexit stalemate. Tories ‘Get brexit done’ mantra resonated with a public weary of the lack of resolution over the UK leaving the EU. The Tories’ message was much more focused than Labour’s.
In many places, the Conservative vote did not go up but tory candidate came out on top because traditional Labour voters appeared to have stayed at home or voted for the Brexit party
2. Corbyn favoured brexit but went with Starmer’s stance on second referendum, which was highly unpopular with already fed up populace.
3. Progress of UKIP was checked with last minute withdrawal of their candidates in several tory seats.
Boris was just the messenger.
Agreed. And let’s not forget that the whole Brexit thing was created by Cameron as a way to silence the right wing of his own party. He failed. This was the real reason we are in the situation we have now. Boris / Starmer/Rishi etc we’re all just reacting to that poor decision.
Hmmmm but what about the Corbyn effect? He was generally disliked, and if the right wing voters reaction to Starmer is anything to go by, their reaction to Corbyn would have been explosive.
Tough ride, hope him and his cronies figure out what a woman is, because we are sure going to tell them…again.
The 1927 transit rhythmogram shows increased activity in
– December, when Uranus will square the Moon and Neptune and conjunct Venus; that will last until May 2025
– May to August 2026, when Neptune will oppose the MC
– spring to summer, then in winter of 2027: Saturn conjunct Sun, Uranus opposition Saturn and the ascendant, Neptune trine MC, then opposite MC, and some sextiles of Pluto to ascendant and Saturn.
UK 1927 chart has SA Mercury (ruler of the 7th and co-ruler 9th) on Mars (ruler of the 4th).
SA nodes are on the MC–IC axis.
SA Sun trine Venus, ruler of the 5th, 6th, and 10th house.
“Additional numbers to ponder: Labour secured just over 700,000 more votes than Mr Corbyn in 2019, one percentage point more, but managed to pick up more than 200 additional seats. Starmer’s vote share is below even the 35.2 per cent which Blair achieved in the 2005 election, when his majority fell to 66 seats. Nigel Farage’s Reform party secured 4.1 million votes but only four seats. The Greens won four seats with 1.9 million votes. By contrast the Liberal Democrats won 71 seats despite with only 3.5 million votes. Combined Reform and the Conservatives gained 37.9 per cent of the vote, but collectively have just 17 per cent of seats. Left-wing parties gained 44.1 per cent of the vote but took up 67 per cent of seats.’
No fan of Reform or Cons but that is so undemocratic. We must do something about this.
I understood England to be a constitutional monarchy, not a democracy.
It is a Parliamentary Democracy. Our Monarchy is a Constitutional Monarchy, not an Absolute Monarchy. A Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy are separate but related things.
There are Parliaments in other countries that have Presidents, but they do not act like US Presidents, rather they carry out a role similar to that of our King.
Thank you!
Thanks for putting this so succinctly. Very nice.
I think Starmer is in for a very bumpy ride. Just like the Tories in the last election he has a big majority and a lot of MPs with differing views to keep an eye on. He also has a very unenthusiastic electorate. Turnout was probably the lowest since 2001 at about 60% and Labour won 63% of the seats with only 34% of the popular vote. It’s the most skewed election result in history. Take into account that the Tories were hugely unpopular and you could say the vote was all about getting rid of them, rather than voting for Labour. Especially as Labour had quite a light manifesto. No wonder this election has been called the loveless landslide by Sky News. There is no euphoria and very little enthusiasm. Reform by the way got 15% of the vote and 0.8% of the seats. I am not a fan, but is that fair? As the Guardian quite rightly points out, the U.K. electoral system is creaking. Just a thought from me, but perhaps Starmer should do us all a favour and reform it. Maybe Pluto in Aquarius with its emphasis on groups will give him a helping hand.
I keep hearing complaints about the UK electoral system, and probably for a good reason. But proportional representation has its fair share of problems as well.
Has anyone read what kind of model is the fairest and most stable for Western democratic societies?
Maybe Greece, who avoids coalition governments – if they’re “bad”? – by awarding extra seats to the party winning the major share of the vote.
I think the question is, do you want a representation of the diversity of opinions across the voting public or do you want a stable government?
All governments are coalitions of interests, but do you want an inter-party coalition (what proportional representation gets you) or do you want an intra-party coalition (so, for instance, Democrats in the US are a coalition of women’s rights, workers rights, BAME rights, etc, while Republicans used to be a coalition of business interests, farmer interests, etc)?
It also ties in with whether you have a presidential or a parliamentary form of government. A directly elected president would not be affected by the instability of a PR legislature, while a parliamentary system of government would be.
So many choices and considerations…
The only thing I will say is his roots are not really working class more lower middle class the house he lived in as a child is in a lane where they sell for a million pounds and the local town is very affluent upper middle class. My friend played with him as a child. So he is a bit re writing history! He went to Reigate Grammar
He grew up in a council house and passed the 11plus to go to a local grammar school. Later, when this became an independent fee paying school he was granted a scholarship because he was an existing pupil.
He grew ip in Oxted, Surrey which is as far as you can get from council housing….
Oxted, as with Reigate, and Epsom – all in Surrey – have a mix of wealthy areas and poorer areas. Yes, there are large houses and ‘leafy’ enclaves, but there’s also a fair amount of council housing which still exists.
Hello. Starmer’s mother was a nurse and his father was a toolmaker. Are those considered upper middle class salaries in the UK? Serious question. In America, many nurses earn a good income but it’s based upon having to work many hours and overtime. I don’t know any nurses with million dollar homes like in his parent’s neighbourhood. Toolmaking salaries vary according to state and the size of the company here in the US. I believe it also depends upon unions. I also don’t know of any toolmakers who have million dollar houses but I am sure there are exceptions to the rule (also for nurses).
His father had a toolmaking factory. Which of course made him an employer. Some nurses earn quite good salaries. Though obviously not all.
Maybe the house sells for a million pounds now, but probably the neighborhood has gentrified greatly since his family lived there, as is the case for many neighborhoods both in the UK and US. It was probably a pretty modest community when he grew up.
the railway arrived in oxted in 1884 to transport mainly City -as in the City which is London’s Wall St-workers to the city…it gave rise to the expression the stockbroker belt…so yes it gentrified in 1884
Thank you Nicole for such a reasoned response.
Thank you, Nicole. Gentrification is real. At the risk of sounding like one of those Monty Python Yorkshiremen, my husband grew up in a house with no toilet, a tin bath, no carpets and shared a bed with his brother which was bought by his father with the help of a loan from the Odd Fellows for £600. A few years ago, he showed me this house when we visited the village where he grew up. It had been transformed into a desirable country house/cottage with all mod cons and was then worth around £600,000. These properties were originally very basic, agricultural workers cottages. How times change.
Anyway, I am willing to give the new PM a chance. I certainly wish him all the best, he’s going to need it.
The unfairness of our electoral system is probably one reason why so many did not bother to vote. If we had proportional representation ,as we should, the balance of power in the House of Commons would be quite different. Virgo has a tendency to be rather precious. Angela Rayner is Aries. Earth (Virgo) and Fire (Aries) are not a good match,earth gets scorched by fire. I predict she will be a thorn in his side with fiery clashes to come . With such a large percentage of the population having voted against Labour I think Starmer is in for a bumpy ride .
You may be right, but I think the over riding vote was not so much anti Starmer as tactical anti Tory. Take a look at the BBC website piece on Totnes where the area had a meeting and got together, decided on a candidate and voted to get the Tory out regardless of whether their individual preference was Labour, Libdem or Green. That seems like a coordinated effort that was happening in many areas in a less strategic way. My rural Southern seat, for example, voted in a Labour MP for the first time in its long, long history. No boundary changes here. I was truly astonished.
Oh my goodness! Astrology or no astrology. Lots of differing views and interpretations here. Let us not forget here in the UK, the working man and later women (remember Emily Pankhurst and the suffragette movement) had to fight for our right to vote. Now each individual has that right to make a choice. No matter what the astrological climate. Although I’m not a Conservative I felt sorry for Rishi Sunak, openly admitting to the failings of his party. I’m not a Keir Starmer fan however I do hope he manages to govern this country positively giving everyone the chance to thrive. By the way I voted for the Greens a young party not ready to govern but they now have a voice.
As a human rights lawyer, I think Starmer has the integrity so lacking in previous PMs and as evidenced in his speech at number 10 outlining the achievements of Sunak. I think Sunak did his best but he wasn’t politically savvy. For the first time in years, I actually have hope
Totally agree… it’s always will be hard to balance all the different demanding groups and sections of the population but his DPP work beforehand and his dedication to human rights is very significant. He is also the first PM in 61 years to enter the premiership already a Sir / Knight of the realm – demonstrates this. He is not a glory-seeking politician and interesting that pathetic attempts are already being made to slur him from people like Allison Bailey, who he apparently looked at the wrong way 22 years ago because she was inappropriately in love with her work mentor, his ex.
I know people that know and have worked with Starmer and have had the same awful treatment by him as Alison Bailey. He’s really not a nice guy. He doesn’t tell the truth, is proud of being ruthless, and has no charm at all.
Yes to this!
Integrity is palpable and is the absolute foundation of policy (in my opinion).
SJP Tone it down. People have differing opinions and sometimes facts to back them up. It is as well – within limits – to keep an open mind or an open ear to alternative viewpoints.
And how to interpret that 10th house situation.
Moon (the people, the masses) in its own sign conjunct Sun (the ruler) – so maybe people in harmony with the leader. But then Sun conjunct Moon–Venus (mundane ruler of money) midpoint. That looks good.
Traditional astrologists might perhaps talk about combustion or ‘under the rays’ situation.
Moon conjunct MC in the chart of Bill Gates, I once read, had the meaning of Bill is a household (Moon) name (MC). And that interpretation made so much sense. I wonder if it can apply here.
Thank you. I do have transiting Pluto sitting on my North Node at moment. Water suppressing fire! Or boiling water, which more than likely suits my four planets in Leo with a Mercury/Mars conjunction in the 3rd and Sun/Pluto on the IC. Ironically it was a Labour politician who once thought I would be good at politics. I reckon if Keir Starmer had another Sun/Pluto with a Mercury/Mars in his Cabinet. He would have sacked me quite quickly. We certainly would clash on opinions. Also on Law and Order.As I have a Capricorn Moon quintile my Saturn! A boxing ring would be more apt!
Helen had a nice write-up down below, though downbeat, to put it mildly.
What I noticed is that Mercury on the cusp of 11th opposite Pluto, which I interpret as toxic (Pluto) discussions, communication (Mercury), and maybe bickering on the political scene (11th house). Mercury is also ruler of young people, and Pluto is those who hold the power, especially behind the scenes. So a conflict there as well, perhaps.
That Saturn in the 6th meant for me depressing, deprived, downbeat (Saturn) daily routine, life, and existence (6th house). Daily life (6th house) gets into a lot of stops, roadblocks, and frustrations (Saturn).
We put an x next to the candidate, which states which party he belongs if the candidate is an independent.
A record 264 women MPs!
Venus in the 10th house?
This is the chart of the government, which came into being at 12:19AM today. I think you’d want to look at the chart of the end of polling a few hours before to see the causes of the most diverse Parliament ever.
I wondered also about BML in Libra 0 degrees, trine Pluto in Aquarius.
The Cancer planets for the new government do seem to offer themes around women, property, and hopefully making progress with improving our polluted rivers and seas problems. UK was once a sea-faring nation, so issues around fishing, the Navy, and even hydro-electric power may be relevant as well. UK has a Cancer Moon, we just had a New Moon in Cancer – and it can be a very dynamic sign.
Thinking of women in particular – the Representation of the People Act, 1928, is the one that finally gave all adult women the vote – whether or not they or their husbands had property. 2nd July 1928 has Sun 9 Cancer, Mercury 6 Cancer, Venus 9 Cancer, and Pluto 16 Cancer. Connecting nicely with this new government’s Cancer stellium. They squared Uranus 7 Aries back then, for a shake up, with Aries on the UK descendant.
The square from Cancer to the new government’s BML and S Node in Venus-ruled Libra is interesting too – ‘feminine’ but also legal and justice themes. Those are highlighted by the October Solar Eclipse. The 1928 Nodes, 9 Gemini, are conjunct Keir Starmer’s government Jupiter, 9 Gemini – maybe large, or uplifting, connections with all the formerly disenfranchised people represented by the Nodes? Voter apathy and lack of trust is something Keir Starmer is keen to address.
The ‘Flapper Election’, 1929, had Jupiter at 26 Taurus – where Uranus, Mars, and Algol are about to gather this month. Turnout was 76 percent! And a hung parliament resulted.
And the aneretic degree of Neptune in Pisces which has been the major significator of global self toxification through Forever chemicals, Plastics and Hormones.
We all have to take responsibility for what we put in the water via our diet, our personal grooming makeup and household products. Given the internet we have access to all the information we need about the chemicals we use on a daily basis, on our bodies and in our houses. We cant wait for government to stop using them, but we do need them to immediately ban the production and sale of Forever Chemicals and broker an International agreement to that effect.
Michael Sheens Documentary needs to be seen by them all, rather than buried.
I will never ever understand companies that manufacter and distribute these poisons, they and their descendants are as vulnerable to them as we all are, there is no escape.
Next week I will start writing to them about it. I hope others do too.
In the end, its up to all of us.
The positive side of Pluto in Aquarius is people power as opposed to mob rule.
I don’t understand a great deal about the astrology of events, but adding in the 4 main ‘female’ asteroids; Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Pallas there is Mars opposite Pallas, which deals with civilised and strategic approaches to warfare. Ceres opposing the Sun and Juno opposite Saturn all within one degree. Also a wider conjunction of Vesta to Mercury and the Moon is conjunct the MC. This all feels like it’s saying something about more prevalent female involvement in Government, I am just not sure what.
Indeed. Venus in the 10th house and Starmer is a Virgo. The Labour Party in the past was overly masculine in part I suspect because the early unions came from industrial manufacturing industries where men were dominant. I noticed that there were a lot of women working for it at this election doing canvassing, leafleting and telling. There are now a lot more female MPs and plenty of Cabinet members. I think Labour will be keen to direct government policy to supporting women particularly in the family. I think they will also be looking to elevate their status in the Muslim community particularly for a variety of reasons.
The danger for Labour is that Starmer as a Sun Pluto conjunct in Virgo will look to run the country a bit like he has run the Labour Party where he has been successful in routing the opposition from Momentum. I fear that could mean lots of rules and regulations leading to excessive micro management and nannying of the population. I think that is where Labour will wear out its welcome eventually.
Thank you, Marjorie, for this detailed reading. Congratulations to the Brits for finally changing the direction of their politics. Maybe it is my American optimism, but I feel like a new era is upon England, in a good way. Of course, nothing is a rose garden but I wish all the success to the Starmer government.
Thanks Bette!
Thank you Bette! And it was so nice to see both Sunak and Starmer being so gracious and generous about each other in their speeches.
I second Bette’s remarks, also as an American. I wish all things positive to the UK, the home of my heart and education, and the new government.
UK could do worse…knowingly/willingly electing Drompf for permanent dictator.
Thank you, Bette.
Here here. I’m with Bette. Woke up this morning and the news in the UK really cheered me up. Way to go! Things have been pretty grim here in the ole US of A for the past while and getting worse by the day. (Also, I lived for a time in London, and grew up in Canada, so feel a strong kinship to those across the pond).
You do realise that a large percentage of the population here did not vote Labour ??? We have a very unfair electoral system which does not reflect the wishes of the population
The referendum for proportional representation was put to the electorate because it was the least likely type of PR to be accepted by the electorate. It wasn’t the preferred choice of Nick Clegg. David Cameron agreed to the referendum, but he would never have put an acceptable PR; not when a first-past-the-post suited him so well. And I doubt that Keir Starmer is any different, though Lsbour preached a different tune, during their years in the wilderness.
Apologies, this take is so ignorant. Every adult in Britain who’s been following Keir talks know n state how a consummate liar he is.
Jeremy Corbyn, Dianne Abbott, Zarah Sultana are merely three egs of politicians not being chronic liars…there are many more. Keir is a league of his own for lying and evide ces are recorded online.
And a huge swathe of the electorate demonstrably do not agree with you. You seem to be in a rage with anyone who appears to disagree with your position, including Marjorie, on her own website!
Please stop pushing your views as being universal when they are clearly not.
I am so pleased we have got rid of the corrupt, incompetent self servatives. I know this doesn’t have an astrological view, however Keir Starmer if you read his biography comes from a working class background is a decent human being and deserves respect for his achievements so far.
There always seems to be much Tory smearing on here. Such unbalanced coverage on here that makes one cringe at times. I don’t follow politics and didn’t vote, but we do need something that appears balanced. There no coverage here of the Sunak defeat? Why is there not a chart for the outgoing prime minister? That would help give a semblance of some sort of balance of jounralism here, would it not? I understand here, like the last time, Nigel Farage is simply there as a Red Herring to split the vote and skew the election. Keir Starmer involving the United Kingdom in the Israeli genocide and this proxy war with Russia would make anyone not want to vote Labour. So the observation seems correct to my thinking that Labour lost a lot of votes due to their support for these questionable wars that are causing problems worldwide with the world economy and draining our economy of finances. Removing Sunak and that rudderless governance is needed. A new brush sweeps clean, maybe not better but maybe different?
I honestly have no idea what you are on about. There has been endless coverage of Rishi Sunak, whom I actually quite liked.
I actually like him too, but there are also things he annoys me with.
My view, as an outsider, is that Sunak seemed to be one of the few people who were actually competent in the outgoing Tory government, but he couldn’t overcome the institutional rot, mismanagement and corruption the Tories (like the US Republicans) had created over many years.
When I think about it sometimes, I have actually no idea why he chose to pursue this career choice at all. He does not seem to me as a person who would be interested in being prime minister. Yet he was. Maybe it was a bit of glory-seeking, but then even that would be hard to imagine in a quantity more than a certain level.
I was also always fascinated by these tiny interesting titbits about him, such as being a Heart 90s (or was it 00s ?) fan, of Britney Spears I think, Coca-Cola (especially Mexican), and of that Jilly Cooper novel…
He may not have expected to be PM so soon. In 2020 he was Chief Secretary to the Treasury but was catapulted (Uranus conjunct his MC) into being Chancellor when Sajid Javid resigned on a point of honour. From then on his career looked to me a bit like a bolting horse which he just about managed to control and ended up PM.
I liked him and appreciated his quiet, getting on with the job demeanour after Mr. Johnson. I think history will be much kinder to him than the electorate have just been. The evidence will show that he was making positive changes within the civil service, unfortunately such changes take time to activate and produce results.
I was thinking I quite like him too, far far far more than Boris.
Local Space Mars line in the Starmer Government chart passes through Moscow.
Better keep an eye on that.
Starmer lies so so much, a man with not much principles. Are there specifics in a birth chart that could indicate such extreme negative traits, Marjorie? Thank you.
Examples please?
Apologies is this a serious question you ask? The web is filled with his lyings. He’s gone back on his political promises so much, saying one thing then denying or going 180 deg on the same..it’s all there online..
He’s a politician. They all lie and flip flop. He doesn’t seem to me any worse than any of the rest of them.
Apologies, this take is so ignorant. Every adult in Britain who’s been following Keir talks know n state how a consummate liar he is.
Jeremy Corbyn, Dianne Abbott, Zarah Sultana are merely three egs of politicians not being chronic liars…there are many more. Keir is a league of his own for lying and evidences are recorded online.
Sorry but since when can you believe or take anything serious that is published on “the web” nowadays?!
including this forum or any news source ?
On that basis then there is no point reading anything at all.
Starmer’s Premiership’s Chart has the Sun/Moon midpoint square Lilith in Libra/South Node. Not a good placement, with some past problems with women/voters rearing again. The Mars/Uranus conjunction in the 8th in Taurus is other people’s money, he would be looking to take from individuals to shore up his Government’s finances, yet will have unexpected obstacles in his way. As transiting Pluto in Aquarius in his 4th house, is in opposition to Mercury in his 11th. It may well be more taxes on individual homes which will make people blow. Also Scorpio in on the 2nd house cusp – most definitely Politics with other people’s money. We are going to have a lot of our money taken away to pay for Starmer’s/Reeves’ projects. His premiership will also have Mars/Saturn midpoint in Aries 7th house squaring his Venus, his popularity is going to be tested, along with an unhappy partnership?. There maybe a lot of anger/opposition to his politics. The people will be unhappy, echoing the Pluto in UK’s Chart 4th. To further compound his problems the Saturn/Uranus midpoint in Aries is square his Venus, perhaps Starmer will encounter a lot of unpopularity in his tenure? He is going to become bogged down with Saturn in the 6th sextile Mars ruler of Aries/partnerships, as this indicates that Saturn- ruler of the UK’s Sun in 10th, will thwart many of his plans and sap the energy. Saturn in Pisces will really be a hard slog (earth/water – mud) along Mars in Taurus (earth/fire) will mean endless talks which will blow the dust around. The NHS looks like becoming a bone of contention. Possibly to do with not being changed as people would like it to be. Aries is on the Descendant trine transiting Pluto in Aquarius in the 4th, not sure he is going to have an easy ride at all. What is interesting is that Jupiter is in the 9th, which is the house it rules, yet in Gemini. He will want to make Laws, yet the third house is empty – void of any planets -in his Premiership Chart, with its ruling planet Mercury in 11th – the house of groups opposition Pluto. I am not sure that Starmer will do as well as he thinks with politics abroad either. As an empty 3rd house indicates no helpful planets. It also can mean that Starmer will become to home focus, forgetting other needs. Uranus/Mars is going to thwart quite a bit of Starmer’s plans. As there will be group protesting or taking him to court about certain issues. Starmer also has the uphill battle of attempting to be a conqueror; as the Premiership Sun is opposite the the UK’s 1066 Chart’s Sun. Ironically Starmer may well end up having a battle with Britain. Our Capricorn Sun’s in both the 1066 and 1801 Charts midpoint, is circa 13 degrees in Capricorn – which is opposite his Premiership Chart’s Sun. Argol called this election right. The Omens are against him, in my view. It may have Libra on the Ascendant indicating his socialist views of balancing society, yet Aries on the Descendant, as other ideas, other’s will have headstrong views!
Helen – you posted twice on these pages that there would be a Hung Parliament? What happened to it?
Quite simply at that time I thought Argol would represent a nasty shock. Actually it looks like five years of nasty shocks now! A dispersed opposition can sometimes be worse than one opposition.
Dyslexic – a verified dyslexic.
Helen, speaking as someone who has pluto on the IC in my personal chart, this placement of Pluto in the 4th can also mean the unearthing and relentless tenacity to get to the root of difficult problems and sort them out. It gives a toughness based on difficult beginnings – perhaps also a reflection of the working class background of so many of Starmer’s new Cabinet?
As always, I am reminded that astrological interpretations of politics are usually horribly biased towards the observer’s political views (mine included), and it can take a great deal of effort and experience to overcome this.
However – there are lots of desperate right-wingers on here who are looking for problems and wishing the new government ill, no matter how minor the influence or aspect.
I think Marjorie has done a good job of drawing out the major threads, but there will always be surprises in store. Meanwhile, how about some positive wishes and intentions for the future of our poor exhausted country?
I have Pluto/Sun on my IC and have learned to live with it. It is a very strong energy. Yes he will work tenaciously for what he believes in. I read the planetary make up of his Premiership Chart and interpreted as I saw it. I did not state I was correct, I just put down how I saw his Premiership Chart. How can any Astrologer be biased? If they just read the planets and midpoints involved? I wrote down the planetary interaction with the houses and their rulership’s and put it in layman’s terms, which any Astrologer would do, if they were undertaking a chart reading, – relate and explain.
It wasn’t a personal accusation, just an assertion that I think it is impossible to be free of political bias when reading a chart – myself included! It’s about choosing and interpreting the planets and aspects according to how you see the world –
Look at the planets involved and the houses they are in. It is not just the planets. It is the whole of the chart that must be taken into consideration. Also the elements of the houses that the planets occupy. The twelves houses are equal in their opposites. Like the Yang and the Yin. They are there to balance each other, or this is what I was taught by an Esoteric Astrology. That is to say that a Libra Ascendent is challenged by Aries Descendant and so forth. Taurus is the second house, our personal wealth, whereas Scorpio is on the opposite side of the chart, other’s people’s money. This is how I interpreted it. You state that you interpret. This is what we all do. Astrologers differ. As any astrologer will know, we are ruled by our charts and our character. I have Sun/Pluto, Mercury.Mars, Venus.Uranus and Neptune/Saturn conjunctions, with five quintiles in my chart. I have done physic work in the past and use both in my interpretations, we all work differently. I tend to work more with mid-points as they fascinate me. We all see things differently, as we can only use our own minds, I am not sure why you think this is a problem.
2 and a bit months later, I think your analysis is on the money. I’ve never felt more hopeless about the government. As an older woman, it’s all gloom and doom for my generation of waspi women.
Thanks Marjorie. The Starmer government chart’s South Node is conjunct BML at 10 degrees of Libra. I find this interesting in terms of the law around women’s rights. I aslo see that this conjunction will be hit by this Autumn’s eclipse at 20 Libra.
10 Libra!
I’m not sure if it’s valid astrology to use the SA Nodes but Starmer’s SA North Node lands pretty much on that – currently at 9Libra.
I hadn’t taken in that he’s natally a Leo NN. Perhaps that explains some of his reticent to shout about his policies and leadership. The SN Aquarius wants to remain part of the crowd. Yet he has Saturn conjunct it. Saturn in Aquarius always feels the outsider to the group and I’m sure with his late start in politics he still feels that – perhaps therefore choosing to cover up this inner feeling of weakness by being in control.
Yes, spot on. I have that Leo NN and I’m quite terrified of being centre stage and even have nightmares about it, so much easier to run with the crowd, but the down side to that is feeling like a bit of a coward and not living one’s authenticity and full potential.
I have NN Leo. My Aquarius SN works in a different way. I can’t stand crowds. I also don’t like the limelight. I like my own space. Actually I think it is where our Uranus is placed. I suspect you have Uranus in Cancer, like me, which makes our Uranus more drawn in, as crabs will close off and be more susceptible to feelings, than say a Uranus in a fire sign?
Uranus in Leo 29 conjunct NN but in the 12th. I also don’t like crowds and am inclined to solitude and freelance with Aquarius in the 6th.
Composite mid point chart made from the Starmer government and the U.K. 1801 national chart has a rather nasty Pluto at 16 Aquarius and Chiron at 13 Aquarius square Mars at 15 Taurus. A composite midpoint chart for Keir Starmer and the U.K. 1801 chart has Pluto at 6 Sagittarius opposite Mars at 9 Gemini.
All the points made by Marjorie about the discrepancy between the actual rather modest Labour share of the popular vote and the large number of seats won is very pertinent. The Conservative Party one of the bedrocks of British democracy (whether one likes it or not) had a worse result than even the infamous 1906 electoral collapse. The Tory vote was halved from just under 14 million in 2019 to just under 7 million last night. Even more important the combined Conservative and Labour share of the total vote was less than 60%, something that last happened in 1918.
One thing the Parliament will not be lacking is small opposition parties formed of people like Farage and Reform, the Greens, the 4 anti Palestine war Muslim independents, 4 Greens and Jeremy Corbyn who has returned like Banqou’s ghost to haunt Starmer. Pluto in Aquarius is often thought to be about mass movements but I think it also represents groups in all their forms so things may be bumpier for Labour politically than the headline results suggest as they will be facing multiple opponent eager to eat into their rather soft victory.
I agree with you, as his Premiership Chart’s midpoints are no friends of the day time job!
But they have a huge majority for getting any legislation through so are not dependent on any minor groups. Also I think some of these groups and individuals will quickly fall fowl of the strict behaviours required in the chamber, as well as the actual tasks of being a MP in relation to constituents. The daily tedium is not whet time have in mind and shouty-shouty bullying behaviour will not be tolerated by the speaker.
Government is about more than just capturing the machinery of the legislative assembly and using it to impose your will on the rest of the population. You need at least a tacit buy in from the people being governed. This will be a particular test for Labour who only got a little over a third of the popular vote. With a huge Parliamentary majority there will be the temptation to address all political problems by passing more legislation, rules, regulations etc. This will particularly be the case as Starmer can only provide so many government jobs to his new MPs so he will need to find ways to keep the rest occupied. Big majorities can too easily lead to governments railroading through bad laws. In addition if there is insufficient opposition to the government within the House of Commons then it will just lead to it being expressed by extra Parliamentary protests etc.
As a Sun/Pluto Virgo Starmer’s strength will be administration and attention to detail but like all gifts it can also be the cause of his undoing as well. He would be advised to curb the impulse to interfere in too many areas of peoples lives and behaviours.
Precisely so Hugh. You need even more than tacit buy-‘in when even Peston said ‘80% of the population did not vote for you’….The ‘left wing’ Peston.
I have Sun/Pluto on my IC. The lesson I have learned (now in my 70’s) is that Pluto will challenge the Sun. For me it was internal and personal. For Starmer – now PM – that energy will challenge his authority. His Astrology is meant to be. The word pernicious comes to mind; it is very apt for a Sun/Pluto. Pernicious is going to be Starmer’s lesson. As Sun/Pluto encompasses the largest and smallest planets in our “Solar” system. I believe we are here to put right past wrongs with this conjunction. Pluto literally rains on our parades. It will undermine him, create the enemies and – like Persephone in the underworld – will rebuild him. Starmer will not be the man who entered Parliament, this country will teach him.
It does feel like a bit of a Pluto in Aquarius election night though. Almost all the troublemakers of the past five years getting their comeuppance and being booted. Six independents elected. Reform splintering the right wing vote. My guess is Pluto in Aquarius will see more factions when individuals/groups don’t agree with the main party and aren’t willing to toe the line.
yes, I think that’s very astute Gnarly Dude.
Definitely… and also the daily job of being a MP is very different to being an outside agitator – the HOC has very strict protocols which some of these characters will quickly feel the brunt of if they misbehaved – it’s very different to shouting at MAGA-wannabe rallies.
I gave up watching the Election coverage – it all seemed so Neptune in Pisces.
Strange analyses and weird interpretations of events. Lots of blame and martyrdom from the losing Tory candidates.
That included the BBC crowning all this as an amazing win for Starmer and how he rebuilt the party in only four years. No context that the 2019 Farage-led Brexit Party didn’t run against the Conservatives which secured Boris’ massive majority. Lo and behold, last night Reform Party take votes in 171 seats that led to someone else winning.
This time I have felt rather underwhelmed by it, GD. In fact last night we decided to turn it off and watched a couple of episodes of ‘The Walking Dead’ instead.
But now I’m wondering who will be the next Tory leader so will be looking at a few charts.
I don’t dislike Starmer and though I thought Sunak had a propensity for unwise decisions as PM, probably not helped by those on the right of the party, I quite liked him too.
Are you sure those were episodes of The Walking Dead and not interviews with Starmer?!!?
Seriously though, I tend to agree with you. I think Starmer is a good man and he will be a decent administrator. I just don’t think he’s got what we need to get the country back on its feet. He seems to be trying to replicate the Tony Blair era – but I’m doubtful it will work. Likewise Sunak, while I am not of his political persuasion, I think is a decent man as far as his value system will allow.
Well, as I was typing ‘The Walking Dead’, the spectres of Liz Truss and the Minister for the 18th Century, Rees-Mogg suddenly sprung to mind, something worthy of a horror-themed TV series in itself.
As to Starmer, like you say he’s not a bad egg but I think of the last remaining thing in Pandora’s jar which was delusive hope, tempting to grasp to in these desperate and divisive times.
I do not see it this way. The analysis and interpretations were revealing, it was the way the votes and seats landed compared to previous elections and also the exit poll that was weird. I spent all night watching it, all channels stated the same issues; vote share was awful for Labour, turn out was lower than usual, the exit predicted seats for Reform was too high and the LD prediction too low.
Both Labour and the Lib Dems carried out the most targeted campaign where they only focused seats where they came second before, which of course shows how awful our vote counting system is. The BBC and elsewhere regularly pointed out this was a election lost by the Tories not won by Labour, and that is what the ‘strange’ thing is compared to other elections, it looks like a landslide and ‘objectively’ is, but in reality it isn’t as Reform were second behind them in many places. It’s also weird in that in Scotland and N Ireland the same thing happened, SNP wiped out and Sinn Fein in overall power for the first time ever. In fact without Scotland Labour taking everything, Labour would have struggled to win at all. Its also very rare for one party to win with a massive majority as the Tories did then the party that did worst to beat them, also with a big majority the next election.
There is no connection to this being a Neptunian election, unless the part of fortune in a country chart is significant, but that is beyond my knowledge.
I gave up watching at 11:30pm – only two seats had been counted by then; so they had a lot of time to fill before that. The stuff you mention about voter share, low turnout, exit poll inaccuracies would have come later.
Some of the articles I read this morning provided better analysis.
To be clear, I wasn’t saying it was a Neptunian election – only that that was how I found the coverage, analyses and explanations.
Dude, you gave up before midnight ;D The analysis was there, when they has something to work with, nothing Neptunian going on and unfair to expect sharp analysis with only an exit poll. Are you new to Election watching?!
And now I see Neptune is conjunct the Descendant, so they did end up being a Neptunian government after all that 🙂
Excellent analysis Maria. It is very depressing to think they we are being governed by any Party which has many seats and just 34% share of the vote. I am more worried about our Democracy. It is a precious thing to have. The last two Elections feels like flipping a coin, as we have gone from one side to the other. My fear is political parties like power whichever side they are on! Yet it is the voter who loses out.
Yes, FPTP needs to go for a start, and personally i would enforce voting, but I realise it’s not popular to ‘nanny’ people like that. With turn out in many places barely above 50% it’s hard to feel anyone has a mandate.
Many comments online and in some papers are stating this Election does not have the mood of euphoria. Most are of the opinion, the people voted to just kick the Conservatives out. Curtis wrote an article in The Times explaining the stats very clearly. Agree this country needs an overhaul on how we vote. As it is our Democracy, which is losing out. Pluto is still in the 4th in the UK’s 1801 chart, until the next Election. Although Starmer will undergo his own transformation in power, as well. Pluto transits his Saturn, which in my experience taught my a harsh lesson. Then his South Node. The 3rd house is everyday communication, younger years – siblings or Cabinet? By that time I think the people may vote for a party that states PR as their mandate. Maybe the planets are aligned to teach Starmer a lesson as well as the country? Pluto breaks down, in order to rebuild. Last time Pluto was in Aquarius was circa 240 years ago. The beginning of change for the masses- moon in Europe and America. There was real fear in the English Parliament at that time, with the French Revolution etc. I think we will begin to change our attitude on how Parliament is run after this Labour Government; and Pluto maybe poised just to do that – change home politics?
I thought Reform was going to cover all the seats. So I was surprised when you said it was 171. And in case anybody missed it, Reform now has 5 seats.
5 seats on a bigger vote share than the LibDems, coming second in 98 seats, in what have traditionally been Labour voting constituencies. The Red Wall is not going away and, love them or loathe them, Reform – and Farage in particular – is going to continue to be a thorn in the sides of both Tories and Labour for the forseeable.
Well that is what the opposition is for.
There is something about Keir that is very off-putting. One part of it reflects in his eyes, where his look has something of Imelda Staunton glare, though, weirdly, with her it isn’t as bad looking. Another is the stiff enigmaticness. He also seems strict, a bit tyrannical and scary.
I presume tomorrow you will mention Moggxit and the sword-bearer Mordaunt.
Regarding Rishi, there are so many unanswered questions, especially how his upbringing and his parents’ parenting made him be, at least seemingly, so distant from the worries and daily lives of ordinary people.
Starmer’s eyes always look scared and worried to me. He can’t relax. And with a Libra moon, he is always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Rishi is a mix of Aries / Taurus with Saturn in Virgo. His first instinct is to think of him self. That’s not a criticism, it’s what Aries/Taurus types do. They have to learn to think of others, not just going with what they know. If he doesn’t have anything in houses 9-12 – society will be a bit of a mystery to him.
Hopefully we can retreat back to politics as government, and not as Gogglebox-esque entertainment.
Libra Moon writes….
Good explanations, Gnarly! Thank you.
I can’t believe that one party ruled for 14 years which is 3.5 presidential terms in the U.S.
Although America’s political system isn’t perfect at least we have checks and balances because we elect HORs every other year and senators every six years.
How long have Nancy, Diane, and Mitch been in power?
Diane is dead.
Pelosi left her leadership position after the Democrats lost control of the House in 2022.
McConnell is leaving his leadership position at the end of this year.
I was literally talking about single party control and nor individuals.
Whether someone is alive or not is not the point. But I think you got the point.
Perhaps it would be helpful to point out to Roderick and others from overseas that general elections have to take place every 5 years in the UK – or earlier if the Prime Minister wants an election. The Conservatives have formed the government for the past 14 years because they have been re-elected!
Thank you for the additional information, but one party ruling for almost a decade and a half would happen here.
Roderick, It isn’t the party that isn’t allowed to serve more than two terms, it is the president. And I am not sure if he is allowed provided it is not consecutive.
And in case you didn’t know it FDR won 4 elections . He died in office and then Truman took over. And it is for that reason, that the rules were changed to only being allowed 2 terms.
In any case we have had five tory prime ministers in the past 14 years. In the previous Labour government they ruled for 13 years. Blair for 10 years and Brown for 3.
And before that The Tories were in power for 18 years with Margaret Thatcher doing the lion’s share followed by John Major. And Thatcher was noted for calling for general elections at the drop of a hat, without waiting fir five years to pass.
I hope that system evades the clutches of Trump and his Heritage Foundation scriptwriters, so it survives their plans to monarchise it.
Well Republicans will have control of the SCOTUS for the next 30 years unless Biden or some other Democrat is elected in November and adds seats to the SCOTUS so it won’t matter which party controls the White House or Congress.
Keep in mind that in those fourteen years, we also had four (unevenly spaced) elections (2010, 2015, 2017, 2019).
And each side can pride itself on what it considers its virtues. You may be proud of “checks and balances” and a separation of powers doctrine (which ironically originated in Montesquieu’s observation of the then British constitution). From my point of view, that system is a disaster, with government barely able to function as a coherent whole. Each arm of the government is doing its best to stab and hack at the other arms.
The current UK constitution is more about a fusion of powers, with all arms of government working together, once people have elected MPs and signified their confidence in a party leader. You may be horrified by it. And it was called an “elective dictatorship” by a senior British judge in the 1970s. But it is functional. It delivers. And if a minister, even the Prime Minister, does not perform or deliver, they can be ousted by Parliament or by their own party, as Boris Johnson and Liz Truss found out.
Again, you may find this horrifying. I, and I think most Brits, find the American system of paralyzed governance horrifying. It goes both ways.
Well, the Democratic Party held the White House from 1933 to 1953. Twenty years but only 2 Presidents.
I thought his speech outside Downing Street was very Virgoan, Service to others ,practical hard working etc Personally I wish him and the UK well we desperately need it. I feel he has an old British echo about him. Perhaps the old Queen is whispering in his ear. Keep calm and carry on.
Exactly this. His speech made me remember the Queen too.
I’m not a Labour party supporter but it feels like such a relief to have adults in charge again.
I thought that way about Theresa May. Boy was I wrong!
Yes I think the Virgo energy of Starmer is perhaps exactly what the country needs right now, after all that hubris and corruption.
Sun conjunct Pluto though – he doesn’t miss a thing.
I am not confident on which timings to use for event charts, I see the time for Starmer accepting the right to govern is being used, but what of the time that the 326th seat was gained which is the actual moment Labour won?
I was watching a variety of channels, but Sky geared their broadcast to a countdown to that threshold and announcement which was at 4:54 am. Their tally was up to date compared to other channels who were lagging behind and not focusing on that landmark moment. It seems like an accurate time, interested to see what this chart would show or if it matters?
It does not matter when the pivotal seat was won since Sunak was still prime minister until he resigned and Starmer was then anointed. The chart is for his administration ahead.
Thank you Marjorie, I need to find a good book on this subject.
I read this column quite regularly and
find that it is quite gloomy. No shade on you at all, though I know it read as if it is! Is there ever a time when the astrology is just ‘good’? Or is it the case that we’re all toggling between favorable and unfavorable? Is it a case of it’s not what happens to us so much as how we handle what happens to us?
I find it quite confusing
Can astrology predict how we will behave? Or just the flavor of the times
that we are in?
Donald Trump’s chart was pretty much all good running into the 2016 election. On the whole people do wobble.
Well Republicans will have control of the SCOTUS for the next 30 years unless Biden or some other Democrat is elected in November and adds seats to the SCOTUS so it won’t matter which party controls the White House or Congress.
I don’t know how my reply ended up down here when it was intended for JB.
Apologies, Marjorie.
The Mars retrograde at the end of the year likely to test those Cancer /Leo planets. Eclipses soon to move into the 6th/12th houses so health service likely coming into focus for some changes.
I do think the British voting process is flawed. I live in Scotland and when it comes to (Scottish) elections, I have the chance to vote for a party/candidate I want and not against a candidate/ party in the British election.