Actress Katie Holmes’ love life is a matter of consuming interest to the tabloids, more because of her long defunct marriage to Tom Cruise, than much to do with her career.
Having lately parted from a long and private relationship with actor/musician Jamie Foxx, she’s now out and about in public with a New York chef Emilio Vitolo Jr. It’s only been six weeks since they got together – much to his mother’s dismay since he had a live-in fiancée at that point, now gone the way of all things.
All I can say is that Holmes must like a challenge since her relationship chart with Emilio, has a composite Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Mars conjunction and they don’t get more intense, possessive, dominating and power-struggling than that. Plus a head-in-the-clouds, over-hopeful Neptune opposition Jupiter. They are clearly still in the starry-eyed phase though tr Saturn squaring the Pluto, Saturn and then Mars may knock some of the shine off before New Year.
Emoilio, 19 August 1987, is a flamboyant and entertaining Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury in Leo which fall in her 1st so he will give her image a boost; his Jupiter in Aries is also trine her Sagittarius Sun which will give her a warm glow of confidence. But his Uranus is also conjunct her Sun for a tendency to go his own way; his Pluto squares her Jupiter for upmanship-fights ahead; and his Neptune is conjunct her entertaining 5th house Mars which suggests ego-clashes for attention.
She does have her Progressed Moon moving through her 7th house now which will put her on the lookout for a committed relationship but she will be pushed and pulled, not knowing what she really wants. Her emotional life will be due a major shake up come mid 2021 onwards with tr Uranus opposition her Venus in Scorpio. And I’d hazard a guess that the great love of her life is several years away.
Hi Marjorie,
Just curious as to what makes you guess that the major love of her life is several years away? I am wondering if there is a marker that you see in the chart, ie , something to do with aspects between Venus and Saturn…? What general indicators would suggest that or is that just a “sense” you have?
thank you kindly,
Thank you Marjorie.
Could you have a look at Andy Burnhams chart . Thanks