There are increasing fears that India has slid into autocracy with PM Narendra Modi’s increasingly despotic and Hindu nationalist policies stifling dissent by labelling any anti-government comments as seditious, leading to incarceration for terrorism without trial. Amnesty International has been forced to leave after its bank accounts were frozen and staff harassed and intimidated after reporting on rising human rights violations suffered by Muslims and other minorities. Police brutality goes unchecked; little is done to counteract the appalling rape epidemic against lower caste women and children.
Writer Pankaj Mishra said after Modi’s landslide second victory in 2019 that he had seduced India with envy and hate, exploiting inequality, division and grievance. The reputation that India had in post-colonial independence days as a secular democracy valuing personal liberty is being tarnished if not destroyed.
Modi has made some advances since he was elected in 2014 with expanded rural electrification and banking, cooking-gas and toilet-building schemes. But he has not brought the rapid growth, national security and enhanced global status he promised with a disastrous attempt at currency reform in 2016 and his inept handling of the pandemic. He has picked fights with China and Pakistan and lost; and imposed an effective coup on mainly Muslim Kashmir which is being talked of as the sub-continent’s Palestine.
India is heading for a significant change of direction and upheaval from mid 2021 onwards as tr Uranus moves to square the entrenched Pluto Saturn and the Aquarius Midheaven in the India chart and the following two years tr Uranus will square the India Venus and Sun. Tr Saturn will also be making its downbeat presence felt in 2021/22 which may be the economic hit from the pandemic and the global recession having an impact.
Will the pressure for change bring more libertarian policies? Modern India was born out of the repressive, tough-minded and unsentimental Saturn Pluto conjunction in Leo, so will not find the process of change easy. The India Mercury conjunct Pluto Saturn has some similarities to the Mercury opposition Pluto in the USA chart, so both countries will have a tendency to attract demagogues who use inflamed and toxic rhetoric.
When Modi was first elected in 2014, with a track record from his days as Governor of Gujarat for inflaming hatred, the tr Uranus in Aries square tr Pluto in Capricorn was moving towards the hard aspect to the Solar Arc Mercury, Saturn, Pluto conjunction, so wakening up that particular dragon from its underground layer. Tr Pluto is still this year and in 2021/22/23 pulled on the Solar Arc Pluto, Saturn and Venus. So it may wait till tr Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023/24 for the winds of change to really make themselves felt.
Through the latter stages of this decade and into the early 2030s India will be undergoing a massive transformation, a death and collapse of the old and birth of the new as tr Pluto starts wading in opposition to its Fixed Leo planets and then conjunct its Midheaven. 2022 will start with domestic unrest as the tr Pluto opposes the Cancer Moon but it will take a critical build up of pressure to make much of a difference.
By 2026 tr Uranus will be out of the India 12th house into a lighter, brighter, hopefully more libertarian phase, as it moves across the Ascendant and into the India 1st house for six years thereafter.
Pluto in Capricorn (with Saturn added) and Neptune in Pisces have much to answer for.
Thanks Marjorie. It’s interesting to look at this partition chart for modern India, which seems to reflect that moment of independence, and all the pain and upheaval accompanying it. The Pluto-Saturn conjunction and Sun-Venus expanded by Jupiter in Scorpio and the Mars-Uranus make for an intriguing picture. Yet India is so complex and so ancient, it probably defies every attempt to fully understand it. Current attempts to railroad it into some sort of homogenous shape are, I hope, doomed to failure. Officially, there are 22 languages in India, but many more if you count dialects and so on.
Christianity in India have an ancient history too, predating colonialism. It dates back (probably) to 52CE, in the southern state of Kerala. What’s curious about this date is that Pluto was in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Capricorn and Aquarius, and Uranus in Scorpio. Saturn moved between Aquarius and Pisces that year. Looks like some resonance with current astrological patterns?
The Malabari Jews of Kerala also have ancient roots, and were once a thriving community. I think most of them relocated to Israel after 1947.
Yet another toxic elderly Gemini male sowing the seeds of hatred and division. I swear there’s a pandemic of them.
Oops, sorry – looking at his natal PM chart rather than his natal.
His birth year isn’t known with certainty which is why I avoid any of the suggested dates
You may refer this link
“Tr Saturn will also be making its downbeat presence felt in 2021/22 which may be the economic hit from the pandemic and the global recession having an impact.”
The economic hit might also be due to Modi’s Government, which is definitely not doing anything to curb the corruption and inefficiency that’s rampant in Indian Business Life. And, has unfortunately for India, left to International Companies being reluctant at investing to the country and the best talent immigrating rather than staying at home. Obviously, this creates a vicious circle, one that has existed in Tech in particular as long as I can remember, but which some Governments have however been more interested in breaking than other. But always there, unnecessarily dragging the country behind compared even to an other authoritarian rising power such as China. Very telling, of course, of that Pluto/Saturn in Leo you mentioned, conjunct IC.
@Solaia – Corruption and brain drain has been in place for a long time. Relationship with Pakistan and China has not been good for a long time either well before Modi. As Modi is pro-Hindu, being tough on India makes Pakistani politicians look good to their countrymen.
If Modi is thrown out of power, it will be the Congress Party(or should I say, the Gandhi family) in power. They have been in power for about 60 years of post independence India. The Gandhi family is very corrupt, and they have done nothing throughout the history about corruption. They are the cause of the high levels of corruption, brain drain, business unfriendly environment etc. When India’s economy was battered and debt was high, IMF forced India to reform. The reform was done by a non-Gandhi family Prime Minister. I have no doubt, a PM from Gandhi family would have done only the minimum required even under pressure – which would have done nothing for the economy.
Modi has tried to change things – but a lot of negative publicity is deliberate by people who are loosing out because of the changes.
Modi government is corrupt, but definitely not more (probably less) than Congress governments of the past(and future).
His flaming of hatred against the minorities is definitely a big issue and unacceptably bad, This makes all the good work he has done meaningless.
If there is to be a proper change, neither of the current parties will be able to provide it.
Just to add, in 2014 Modi was elected because the country felt – anyone but Manmohan Singh(the PM from Congress party, who was the PM just in name, with Sonia of the Gandhi clan had full control).
In this context of impending turbulence for India, could you consider looking at the charts and outlook for Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi at some stage? Certainly the former has been through the mill in recent years. And is there a chart for the creation of the Congress Party?
I sincerely hope , for India’s sake, that neither Rahul or Priyanka’s chart is strong enough to be Prime Ministers. If they do gain power, then it is not a change for good. It is a change from one type of bad to another type of bad.