Judge Judy, the stratospherically successful reality courtroom tv series, which has run for 25 seasons and surpassed Oprah in ratings, is being replaced with a new Judy Justice series from November 1st. Judith Sheindin, who presides on the arbitrations, is a former prosecutor and family court judge, renowned as being tough.
She is a clear cut Sun Mars Venus in Libra in a confident and opportunistic square to Jupiter; with Neptune Mercury in Libra trine Uranus Saturn sextile Pluto. Lots of Libra for the scales of justice; and an accentuated Pluto for influence, a liking for control and penetrating comments.
Her original show launched on 16 September 1996 with a successful, money-generating Jupiter in Capricorn; a hard-edged and not always compassionate Mars Saturn Pluto. This new show starting on November 1st looks less vibrant with Saturn in Aquarius on the point of a T Square; though the approach may be softer with Venus highlighted.
Her own chart is buoyant exactly now with tr Pluto opposition her Jupiter; but she is generally in an uphill climb ahead until late 2023 with tr Pluto square her Sun and a Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Sun.
Petri Hawkins-Byrd who played her stalwart bailiff on the show for 25 years was not asked to audition for the new show which left him, he said ‘confused and dismayed.’
Born 29 November 1957 in New York he is a Sun Saturn in Sagittarius with his confident and enthusiastic Jupiter in Libra conjunct Judy’s Venus, Mars, Sun – so it was a good and successful combination. His Venus opposes her Jupiter for a superficially friendly interface; but there would have been an undertow of darker feelings with his Mars North Node in Scorpio square Judy’s emphasised Pluto.
The relationship chart points to a relationship where control was an element with a composite Sun Mercury square Pluto – possessive and dominating. With again a veneer of icing sugar from a Jupiter Venus aspect along with edgier aspects.
Thank you Marjorie for writing about this. I would’ve committed much sooner. However, I’m just now seeing this post.
I’m excited about Judge Judy’s new web series; I’ve already got my “watch party” for November 1st planned.
Yeah I’ll miss Byrd. But I’m not quite convinced long-term that this guy is out of the picture. Producer role? Side show? We’ll see.
I don’t think the makers quite realise how much he was liked, yet.
They were right to revamp the show. I guess for some reason him going, was a part of that. But his contribution can’t be taken away.
Bring on Judy Justice.
I appreciate business is business but to me she has come across a little cold in the way she has dealt with her side kick bailiff of 25 years. Apparently he priced himself out of consideration but at the very least after 25 years I would have thought she could have spoken with him before making a concrete decision. Maybe she actually wanted a complete change … all things being equal. Petri Hawkins-Byrd was born 2 November 29, 1957 in Brooklyn, New York. How does the future look for him post Judge Judy?