Joyeuse fetes et bonne annee

Happy festivities all round. Hope the break is enjoyable and that 2023 will bring optimism, enthusiasm and resilience.

  Predictions for the year to follow.

  I am grateful to those who pitch in with astro-thoughts, illuminating background contexts and questions since it helps to form a clearer picture.

All the best


43 thoughts on “Joyeuse fetes et bonne annee

  1. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, Marjorie

    Do hope you are all settled in after your recent move!

    Thank you for your generous and informative writings

    Wishing you all the best in 2023!

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Marjorie! I’m in awe of your prolific output and the breadth of your content! Thanks for being an inspiration for me and all the best in 2023!

  3. Many thanks Marjorie for your prolific output! And I wish you and a very happy Christmas and New Year! Also to the commenters here, since I have learnt so much about astrology from the comments. I just lurk here, have nothing much to contribute to the discussions, but I always check out the new articles, and the comments. It’s part of my almost daily routine, and long may it continue! Thank you once again!

  4. Best wishes to you, Marjorie.. and to all those who comment.. or lurk!! 🙂
    This website is a touchstone in so many ways… information, knowledge and community.
    A sane port in an insane world!!
    Such a gift Marjorie… thank-you for continuing to post.
    You will be settling in and celebrating in your new home!!….
    Blessings to you and yours.

    • Thank you so much, Marjorie, for your valuable insight, remarkable historical perspective and grasp of current events and culture, in addition to your astrological analysis. Your prodigious output and breadth of knowledge of so many subjects never cease to amaze and impress me

      Thanks also to the many commenters who bring their own knowledge, expertise and perspective both of astrology and specific subject matter. I have learnt so much from so many of you and have expanded my knowledge of the world while discovering eclectic subjects and people new to me.

      Best wishes to all for a joyous holiday season — and may we and the world have a better, more peaceful and happier New Year!

  5. Merry Christmas and thank you for making this site a go to for a refreshing take on the events of the day, and to the rest of the community commenters that add extra dimensions to the discussion from all over the world.

  6. Thank you for all your hard work and brilliant astrological interpretations. Happy Christmas Marjorie, and to everyone else who is on here.

  7. Thank you Marjorie for all your wonderful daily articles, you must never sleep with the amount of output you produce!
    Hoping you continue to guide us though the next year. I also have learned so much from you.
    May Peace and Love be with everyone for ever!

  8. Fijne feestdagen en een goed en gezond 2023! Happy holidays and many thanks Marjorie for all the insightful articles. Thank you too to the community of contributors who bring so much of their knowledge and personal experience to these pages. I am happy that I may be part of it. It all helps to add perspective.

  9. Thank you, Marjorie, for your insights and for sharing so much of them with all of us. Thanks also to many of you who have provided your own thoughts, experiences, and insights as well. I don’t post often, but I really enjoy reading and learning from all of you. A Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate, and a Happy Holidays to one and all!

    Best regards,
    starless galaxie

  10. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Marjorie, and thank you for so many amazing articles and talking points. I’ve learned so much. And much peace and joy to everyone on here too. Jane in the UK, not the other one!

  11. Marjorie, best wishes for Christmas and and new year. Thank you for your remarkable output through the year keeping a close eye on what helps us to understand the news and personalities better.


  12. Thanks, Marjorie, for all your work on this site. I really enjoy learning from it, especially in your use of midpoints. I don’t know how you keep up the pace, you must never sleep!

    A very Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.

  13. And Merry Christmas to you too Marjorie. Many thanks for having compiled another year’s worth of articles – well in excess of 500 – impressive. Such a range and breadth of articles and while I don’t always comment I often learn something new on topics which otherwise wouldn’t interest me. Thank-you again!

  14. Wishing you a merry Christmas and thank you for your sharing astrological knowledge, Marjorie and of course to all those who comment – I learn so much! ‘22 has been a bit of a shocker of a year for many, so I hope ‘23 brings us brighter days ahead.

  15. Thank you Marjorie for all your posts & helpful insights.
    Wishing you, your close ones & everyone all good & warm wishes for this festive time & beyond.

  16. Dear Marjorie,

    I always enjoy reading your insightful blog, thank you!
    Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful, happy holiday season and entry into 2023 (for all of us)

  17. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a much more peaceful and calmer (hopefully) 2023, Marjorie.

    Thank you for your astrological insights and fostering the community of followers that we can bounce ideas and reflections off.

  18. I never miss your insightful articles. Thank you for the light you shine on an array of topics. I have learned much over the years. The very best of the season to you and your loved ones.
    Deb ( Ontario, Canada)

  19. Happy Holidays, Marjorie! Thanks for sharing with us all your invaluable astrological insights and for moderating this site with a light but firm hand when needed! A peaceful holiday season and happy New Year to all.

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